楼主: 碧城仙

[已完成翻译] 急寻志愿翻译者

发表于 2005-10-27 19:48:02 | 显示全部楼层


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-27 19:48:23 | 显示全部楼层
引用 fwjmath 在 2005-10-27 19:45 时的帖子:


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2005-11-11 10:58:37 | 显示全部楼层
发现官方网站工具软件页面:http://distributedcomputing.info/tools.html 添加了好几个软件的介绍,等会儿我也更新一下。

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2005-11-13 14:02:02 | 显示全部楼层
已对 http://www.equn.com/distributed/tools.html 页面完成更新,添加了四个辅助软件的介绍,并对原有的内容的部分失效链接做了修改。


参与人数 1基本分 +30 维基拼图 +15 收起 理由
BiscuiT + 30 + 15



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-7-26 16:37:54 | 显示全部楼层
近期准备对 http://www.equn.com/distributed/ 子站全面更新,总共 30 个页面。

是该更新更新了,自 2004年7月 建立该子站以来,只进行过两次较大的更新。

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-7-27 16:04:07 | 显示全部楼层
http://distributedcomputing.info/index.html 首页对应本站页面:http://www.equn.com/distributed/index.html


Learn more about distributed computing:

ThinkQuest has an excellent educational site which describes distributed computing, its history, and some of the current distributed computing projects in 2000. The site is available in English, Français, and Español.  
ThinkQuest 拥有一个非常优秀的教育网站,该网站对分布式计算的发展史和部分在2000年之前就已开始运作的分布式计算项目进行了详细的介绍。该站点除英语版外,还有法语版和西班牙语版。

Read a detailed article about distributed and grid computing by ExtremeTech. The article was written on April 4, 2002.
ExtremeTech 网站上有一篇文章对分布式计算和网格计算进行了详细论述,该文章写于2002年4月4日。

Read an article about distributed computing by Byte Magazine. The article was written in 1999.
Byte Magazine 上有一篇关于分布式计算的文章,该文章写于1999年。

Read a great, detailed overview of distributed computing by American Scientist. The article was written in 1998.
American Scientist 上有一篇全面而又详细地介绍分布式计算的概论,该文章写于1998年。


Forum: A discussion forum for distributed computing ideas and issues, specific projects, teams, etc.

Wiki: A user-editable set of translations of this site into other languages, and other user-created content.
Wiki 百科:一个供志愿者将本站内容翻译成其他语言版本的协作型知识库,当然,志愿者也可以自行创建一些与分布式计算有关的其他内容。

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions about this site and distributed computing projects.


It also does not cover grid computing: if you are looking for information about grid computing, Grid Café is a good place to start.

本网站也不包含网格计算,如果您正在寻找有关网格计算的信息,Grid Café 绝对是一个好去处。


参与人数 1基本分 +60 维基拼图 +30 收起 理由
BiscuiT + 60 + 30



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-7-27 18:10:51 | 显示全部楼层
补充 http://distributedcomputing.info/faq.html 页面的翻译。

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 常见问题解答

Index 索引

1. This site  关于这个网站

  1.1. How is this site updated?

  1.2. When is the site updated? How often is the site updated? Why isn't it updated daily/hourly/continuously?

  1.3. Why is the site so ugly/old-fashioned/boring-looking?

  1.4. Why aren't the projects organized alphabetically/by platform/by popularity/chronologically/by whatever way I want to see them listed?

2. Distributed computing projects  分布式计算项目

  2.1. Where are all of the for-pay projects? How can I find out which projects pay me to run them? Why aren't there more for-pay projects?

  2.2. Which projects are supported on my platform/operating system/CPU speed?
什么项目能支持我的计算机平台/操作系统/CPU 速度?

  2.3. Why don't you rate projects or recommend specific projects?

  2.4. Many of the URLs for recently completed and past projects don't work any more. Why don't you update them? Why do you keep them?
有许多最近结束的项目或者早已结束的项目,它们的 URL 地址已经失效很长时间了。为什么您不更新这些 URL 地址呢?为什么您仍然要保留它们?

3. Distributed computing theory  分布式计算理论

Questions  问题
1. This site  关于这个网站

1.1. How is this site updated?

This site is owned and edited solely by Kirk Pearson. It exists as a set of static HTML files, which I design and edit by hand using my favorite text-editing tool, vi. I and a group of volunteer reporters visit the projects listed on this site, as well as Usenet newsgroups, websites such as Slashdot and Google, other distributed computing projects pages and other resources, to look for news updates and new projects. I manually add these updates to the site and publish the updates when enough of them have accumulated.

这个网站归 Kirk Pearson 所有并由 Kirk Pearson 独自承担编辑修改工作。该网站以静态 HTML 文件的形式存在,其设计和编辑均是通过本人(Kirk Pearson)最喜爱的文本编辑器“vi”手动修改源代码实现的。我和一群志愿通讯员经常访问本站所有列出的项目站点,其他未列出的分布式计算项目站点或其他资源,例如 Usenet 新闻组、Slashdot 开放式内容集成网站、Google 搜索引擎,来寻找最新的项目信息或项目新闻。当这些信息积累到一定数目的时候,本人会将这些更新信息手动添加到这个站点中的。

1.2. When is the site updated? How often is the site updated? Why isn't it updated daily/hourly/continuously?

I update the site whenever I have time. Usually during week days. I don't have any way (yet) to update it automatically. I have a full-time job (which isn't this site (yet)), a wife who is busier than I am, three kids under 10 years of age (who are full-time jobs in themselves), and two dogs who think the rest of my time should be spent entertaining them instead of working at my computer, so I can't commit to updating this site on a regular schedule or frequency.


1.3. Why is the site so ugly/old-fashioned/boring-looking?

Hey, it was pretty cool in 2000 :-). I designed the look and layout of the site in 2000 when I first created it. I didn't have time to learn or use fancy layout tools then, and I still don't now. The information on the site is the most important part of it, and the information is what I spend my time on updating. I have plans to make it fancier and more customizable some day, but I don't have time to implement them any time soon.  

嘿,老兄,它在2000年的时候可是非比寻常的酷哦 :-) 。2000年首创这个网站的时候,我亲手为她设计了外观和布局。我没有时间去学习或者使用花哨的布局工具,直到现在,我仍然不会。分布式计算项目的信息是我们网站最为重要的一部分,所以我需要花费大量的时间去更新。我曾经想过把她改造成一个时尚现代更加人性化的网站,但是我实在抽不出什么时间来将这个愿望付诸实现。

1.4. Why aren't the projects organized alphabetically/by platform/by popularity/chronologically/by whatever way I want to see them listed?

Since I edit the site manually, reorganizing the projects takes a lot of time. When I designed the site, I organized the projects into categories (with the categories listed in no particular order) and listed each project in the order I discovered it (with the oldest project first). This layout gives a rough chronological/historical view of the projects in each category and allows you to see how ideas have developed from older projects to newer ones.

2. Distributed computing projects  分布式计算项目

2.1. Where are all of the for-pay projects? How can I find out which projects pay me to run them? Why aren't there more for-pay projects?

Look for projects with the rotating US dollar sign icon. As of November 22, 2004, the only for-pay project is Gomez Peer (which pays about US$5 per computer per month). ProcessTree Network is the only computing project which promised to pay contributors for their work, but it ended before it released a paying project. Some other projects have offered sweepstakes prizes, but we are still waiting for the first for-pay distributed computing project. As soon as I hear of one I will add it to this site. I don't know why there aren't more for-pay projects yet, but I assume that companies which want to run large projects a) don't trust the security or results from public distributed computing networks, b) can run the projects more cheaply in-house, or c) haven't found an economical/easy way to administer these projects for a large base of contributors.

请您寻找项目列表中带有美元符号的项目。截止到2004年11月22日,仅仅只有一个付费的分布式计算项目——Gomez Peer(给每台积极参与的计算机每月支付 5 美元)。ProcessTree Network 项目是唯一一个承诺给参与者支付报酬的项目,但是它在尚未给任何参与者兑现承诺之前就倒下了。有部分项目提供了奖品或者奖金,但是这解不了我们的渴,我们依然期待着首个真正付费的分布式计算项目能够早日诞生。只要我一听到消息,我会马上加到我们网站里来的。我不知道为什么至今为止都没有任何真正付费的项目诞生,但是我可以想象得到的是,任何希望运行大型项目的公司都具备以下两个特征:一是他们并不相信网络是安全的,而且也不会信任公众反馈回来的计算结果;二是他们的计算可以在内部以更低廉的代价解决;三是没有找到一种经济省事的手段来吸引大量的志愿者来维持计算项目。

2.2. Which projects are supported on my platform/operating system/CPU speed?
什么项目能支持我的计算机平台/操作系统/CPU 速度?

I only have enough time to track 4 major platforms for each project (Windows, Linux, MacOS(X), and Solaris). The project websites usually list their specific system requirements and limitations. I hope to provide more detailed information in the future. And why do I list Solaris and not HP/UX, AIX, Irix and other Unix flavors? Because of the company I work for and because I really like it.  

我仅仅只有足够的时间测试每个项目是否都能够在四个主流操作系统(Windows、Linux、MacOS(X) 和 Solaris)下运行。在项目介绍的列表中通常都会给出要求或者限制。我也希望能在不久的将来为你们提供更多更详细的信息。而为什么我要列出 Solaris 而没有列出诸如 HP/UX、AIX、Irix 和其他类 Unix 系统?因为我的工作和公司,因为我真的喜欢 Solaris。

2.3. Why don't you rate projects or recommend specific projects?

I want people to study all of the projects and to decide for themselves which projects are important to them and which projects they want to support. Also, distributed computing is still such a new field of science that all of these projects need our support. I am not funded or influenced by any organization or project, and I try to give unbiased, objective reviews of all projects.  


2.4. Many of the URLs for recently completed and past projects don't work any more. Why don't you update them? Why do you keep them?
有许多最近结束的项目或者早已结束的项目,它们的 URL 地址已经失效很长时间了。为什么您不更新这些 URL 地址呢?为什么您仍然要保留它们?

Once a project's website is no longer hosted, it can be very difficult to find out more about the project (where it was hosted, whether it moved to a different URL, etc.) without the project's URL. I keep the old URLs for historical and reference purposes. Also, sometimes a new project is begun, or updated information is posted about an old project, at an old project's URL. Finally, a URL can sometimes give extra information about a project, like the country or organization in which it was created.  

一旦某个项目网站关闭或更换过后,将很难再找到有关该项目(无论服务器是否仍然存在,还是网站换了一个新的 URL)的新的链接地址。我保留这些老的链接地址以供参考和定位。此外,有时候一个老的链接地址上可能会有一个新的项目开始了,或者这个老的项目更新了某些信息。最后,一个链接地址有时可以给出该项目的某些额外信息,比如说您可以通过网址得知她是哪个国家或者组织创建的。
3. Distributed computing theory  分布式计算理论


参与人数 1基本分 +100 维基拼图 +60 收起 理由
BiscuiT + 100 + 60



使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-12-31 14:09:23 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-5-24 11:27:44 | 显示全部楼层



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-24 14:13:45 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #250 ewsong 的帖子


使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-7-27 10:13:43 | 显示全部楼层
我们放假了 闲着也是闲着

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-7-2 10:52:12 | 显示全部楼层
碧城仙 您好,各位论坛管理员,志愿者们 大家好!


(2008-7-2 10:27新加)http://www.equn.com/forum/viewthread.php?tid=1233


只进行WIKI建设:  人多了会难以管理.

我们的翻译计划也可以用分布式的概念理解!所以需要合适的开发平台支持(BBS,WIKI etc.).








参考 WIKI新闻更新 :尤其要注意的是新闻动态页面值是用来介绍新闻事件的,而不是用来进行评论的地方。

http://www.equn.com/forum/viewth ... ;extra=&page=17
很多新志愿者加入等问题会变得难以管理, 楼上新志愿者的2帖便是例子!


EQUN分布式翻译 不会停止!)

[ 本帖最后由 duligavin 于 2008-7-2 11:05 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-7-2 23:41:29 | 显示全部楼层
BOSSA 怎么用?

使用道具 举报

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