楼主 |
发表于 2007-8-6 10:59:17
03.08.2007 15:40 BST
We thought you might be interested in what the new runs etc were about so we got one of the scientists to fill you in:
Since 2004, and in particular in a long study in 2005, we used results from LHC@home to evaluate different parameters for the LHC machine. The final design choices for the machine have been based in part on the outcome of these studies. Of particular importance was the selection of the beam crossing scheme, which determines how the two proton beans collide within the LHC detectors. The results of these studies have been presented at the European Particle Accelerator Conference in Edinburgh[Paper]. The optimal machine parameters that have been derived from these studies will determine the performance of the LHC when it becomes fully operationally.
During the installation of the LHC, all machine elements, including 1232 superconducting dipoles, each 15m long and weighing 34 tonnes, have been tested and their properties are recorded in a data base. The last dipole was lowered into the LHC's underground tunnel on April 26th of this year. The exact knowledge of the properties of these magnets allows us to proceed with a new and more accurate simulation and optimization of the commissioning and operational scenarios. In particular, the impact of the properties of the final focusing (triplet) magnets, which minimize the beam sizes for the most efficient collision, is expected to be important.
Following the outstanding success of the previous simulation campaign, we have decided to set up a new study programme to provide the necessary insight into the LHC beam dynamics for the scientists working on this challenging task. Due to a recently announced delay in the LHC commissioning schedule, the LHC should start up and be commissioned in the spring of 2008. This still leaves CERN with a very tight schedule, and the start-up is a process that requires detailed knowledge of the anticipated machine characteristics and careful operation, for which detailed procedures have been established. The results from our the new simulation campaign will play an essential role in this process, and we are grateful to all the volunteers for their help.
Werner Herr, Accelerators and Beams Department, CERN
Well hope you found that interesting we will try and get more words from 'The Horse's Mouth'
Later Days,
Neasan & Alex. |