楼主 |
发表于 2005-3-17 22:06:22
16.3.2005 16:25 UTC
We would like to offer LHC@home T-shirts as rewards to the following 16 users for their major contributions to the project since our start last year up to the present time. The awards recognize crunching contributions, help to other users and help with debugging during development. Winners are listed in alphabetical order as many have contributed in more than one of these areas.
Would these 16 users please send email to [email protected] with their details for postal shipping?
Alex, Comatose, John Keck, John McLeod VII, josgre62, ksba, Mad Crunch Collection, Michael Berger, MikeW, Paul D. Buck, PCZ, PoorBoy, Renato, ric, Thierry Van Driessche, Zanz
Congratulations, and thanks to all the other users too!
2005年3月16日 16:25 UTC
我们想给从去年我们开始起到现在对项目作出主要贡献的以下16位LHC@home用户提供T恤作为报酬。发奖的标准有计算贡献,对其他用户的帮助,和在程序开发期间对程序调试的帮助。获奖者按字母顺序排列。这16个用户请把他们的详细信息发电子邮件到[email protected]以便我们邮寄奖品。
Alex, Comatose, John Keck, John McLeod VII, josgre62, ksba, Mad Crunch Collection, Michael Berger, MikeW, Paul D. Buck, PCZ, PoorBoy, Renato, ric, Thierry Van Driessche, Zanz
恭喜你们,同时感谢其它所有用户! |