发表于 2006-3-10 19:52:50
Since you all seem interested here is a little progress report and a look at the future of lhc@home.
We have received our new LHC@home servers. Two new dual 3.0 GHz machines. Unfortunately there is a problem with the disks. The disks ids are reordered during the installation process, so that after a reboot the system will try to boot the wrong disks. This can be fixed manually, but this is a problem for the automatic system at CERN. Whenever a security upgrade is needed or some hardware has failed and been replaced the system does a complete reinstall of the servers system disk. It would then require manual interaction to get it to run again. We are hoping to have this problem solved soon.
Sixtrack will continue to run with many small studies. Eric MacIntosh is looking into porting a new version of sixtrack to BOINC. This new version will have new physics modelling and beam collimation.
New Apps:
Garfield, a drift chamber simulation, has been ported to BOINC and tested. At the moment it is running on the 100 recycled farm servers we were given by the computer centre. We are now waiting for an official request for resources from ATLAS and other experiments. If we have enough request we will look into
porting garfield to windows and moving it to LHC@home.
Pythia and ATLFast have also been ported to boinc.
Pythia is an event generator used by all the experiments at CERN. The idea was to use it in LHC@home to create a database of good noise[1]. ATLFast is a fast and reduced version of the full ATLAS simulation software. This could be used to do preliminary event reconstruction on LHC@home once the LHC is running.
The Malariacontrol project has been spun-off from CERN. The servers have been relocated to the university of Geneva and to STI in Basel for the beta phase. To learn more about the project go to Africa@home. We are now looking for other projects to run within the africa at home project.
The future:
Sixtrack will continue to run for the time being and we hope to launch more applications. LHC@home will continue also after the LHC starts running, whether it will run sixtrack, one of the new apps or a mixture has not been decided yet.
We would like to have some summer students work on LHC@home related projects, so if you are a CS student and interested have a look at the student programme. On a more personal note I will leave Cern at the end of the month. I do not yet know who will take over the day to day server administration, but i expect Ben will look in on the message boards from time to time.
[1] good noise is important for the physicist. They have to pick out the one interesting interaction from a bunch of other events and maybe even outside sources like cosmic radiation. They therefore need to tune their simulations using generated noise.
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