发表于 2010-6-29 21:49:07
本帖最后由 姫海棠 果 于 2010-6-29 21:53 编辑
2010 年 6 月 29 日
Myles Allen 获得 Appleton 奖
Myles Allen wins the Appleton Medal
“It’s a great honour to be awarded this medal, particularly given the very distinguished list of past recipients. TheClimateprediction.net project was specifically singled out in the citation, so I think we should see this as an award to the project as a whole. This is an opportunity to thank everyone involved, the software engineers who built it, the UK Research Councils, European Commission, Met Office and Microsoft Research who paid the bills, the scientists who set up the experiments and continue to pore over our results, and the board moderators who keep everything going. Most of all, of course, I have to thank our participants who continue to provide, entirely voluntarily, a unique resource to the climate research community. Thank you, everyone, and with some exciting new experiments coming on stream, this is a great time for the project.”
—Myles Allen.
The award website can be found here, and there is more information on this specific award here. |