发表于 2006-5-17 13:19:20
Rhiju and I had fun looking at the lowest energy structures returned for T283 thus far. They are very similar in the first two thirds of the protein, but for the last third we see several distinct solutions. Based on our experience with the test problems over the past three months, we expect that with more sampling one of the solutions will clearly win out, and this should be (we hope!) the correct structure.
Thus far we have about 100,000 structures returned; we hope to have 10x more sampling before submitting predictions.
We made another step forward today in reducing the rosetta memory footprint. For a 175 amino acid residue protein, the standard ab relax protocol we are using for CASP took 222MB of virtual memory three weeks ago, and is now down to 108MB! Now a computer with only 256MB of memory should be able to comfortable process rosetta@home jobs even for larger proteins. The major memory hog now is the boinc graphics which can add on another 100MB or more--any experts out there who might be able to help with this? In any event, you should be able to run rosetta@home on low memory machines as long as you turn the graphics off.
A side benefit to some of the memory use reductions is that it should be relatively easy to reduce the sizes of some of the input files we send out with each work unit. Would a 30% reduction make a significant difference to dialup users?
Seven targets have been released thus far in CASP7. The list, which is updated daily, is at
http://predictioncenter.gc.ucdav ... er.org;page=casp7/.
175个氨基酸组成的蛋白质,三周前的老程序需要222M内存,现在的程序只需要108M! |