发表于 2006-3-29 09:34:26
March 28, 2006
With Rom Walton's help, we've made good progress debugging rosetta. For starters, Rom has fixed the annoying "leave in memory" bug by updating the BOINC API to use TerminateProcess instead of exit to shut down the application. TerminateProcess halts any executing threads and then cleans up after the application instead of relying on the application to clean up after itself. Additional information for debugging has also been added to help track down remaining bugs like the "1% bug." For example, there are now fractional percent complete values (.01,.02, etc.) that will help us determine where jobs are getting stuck. Windows users can also help us track down bugs further by downloading the program database file (http://boinc.bakerlab.org/rosetta/download/rosetta_X.XX_windows_intelx86.pdb where X.XX is the latest version number) and placing it in the "BOINC/projects/boinc.bakerlab.org_rosetta" directory (the same directory where the rosetta executable resides). Currently, this file is not automatically packaged with the executable to reduce bandwidth usage. The program database file provides additional debug information that gets written to stderr. We are optimistic that with Rom's help and feedback from participants, we will soon be able to track down and fix the remaining issues with rosetta and continue to reduce the error rate for the project.
Rom Walton通过升级BOINC接口修复了“被抢占时移出内存”臭虫,方法是在关闭计算程序时由exit改用TerminateProcess,这样就是由BOINC在计算进程退出后进行清理工作,而不是计算程序自己来进行清理。针对其它如“计算程序僵在1%进度”臭虫,我们增加了新的调试信息。Windows用户可能通过下载计算程序的数据库文件来帮助我们搜寻这些臭虫。数据库文件的下载网址是:http://boinc.bakerlab.org/rosetta/download/rosetta_X.XX_windows_intelx86.pdb,其中X.XX是最新的版本号。下载后请放置在BOINC/projects/boinc.bakerlab.org_rosetta文件夹。目前出于网络带宽的限制,我们并没有将这个数据库文件打包在计算程序中。该数据库文件提供了附加的调试信息。我们相信有了Rom的帮助和用户们的反馈,我们很快就能找到并修正rosetta中残留的问题并进一步减少项目的错误率。 |