发表于 2010-12-13 14:10:59
本帖最后由 feynord 于 2011-5-19 15:36 编辑
Oct 31, 2010
The minirosetta application has been updated to version 2.17. For details and to report bugs, go to this thread.
minirosetta程序更新至2.17. 详细情况和报错请点这里.
Nov 5, 2010
The project is temporarily down for maintenance. It should be back up in an hour or so. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Nov 5, 2010
We're back online, thanks!
Nov 9, 2010
Follow Rosetta@HOME on Twitter! @rosettaathome We will be posting R@H specific scientific updates and interesting research news there!
我们加了Twitter! @rosettaathome 我们会刊登R@H的研究进展和新闻!
Nov 23, 2010
Read about recent work using Rosetta to design flu virus inhibitors, HIV vaccines, and HIV destroying nucleases in David Baker's journal and the Design of protein-protein interfaces thread.
请阅读最近的David Baker日志,关于蛋白质-蛋白质界面研究的条目,了解设计流感病毒抑制剂,HIV疫苗,以及可杀灭HIV的核酸酶的研究进展.
Message 68287 - Posted 31 Oct 2010 6:08:01 UTC
There have been exciting developments in our work ...
feynord 发表于 2010-12-13 15:10 
Dec 9, 2010
Today's heros are Keith and Darwin, our systems administrators and hardware architects. Yesterday, our main filesystem crashed hard. There were warning lights flashing behind every disk on the SAN and it looked pretty grim. Thankfully, Keith and Darwin were able to pinpoint the problem to two redundant laser modules for the fiber opticoops (it was amazing and unlucky that both failed). The laser modules have since been replaced and the filesystem is back up. We'll be starting up the project again shortly. Thanks for your patience.
Dec 10, 2010
Our article on protein energy landscapes done using @BOINC on Rosetta@HOME is out!
Jan 7, 2011
Well, our luck ran out. The SAN controller that has been causing so much trouble in the last few months finally tipped over in a rather distructive fashion, corrupting the binary tree on which the filesystem is based. We're trying to rebuild the thing but the sheer number of files in the filesystem (> 10M files) makes this process very, very slow. We're bringing the project up from a recent backup (12/09/10) but the backup wasn't a perfect replica of the environment, so we're having to scramble to get all the parts working together again. We only need a few more weeks and then our new, next generation SAN will be ready to be put into place... I just thought the old one would last a few more week. I apologize for the hassle and appreciate your patience as we get things online again... KEL 01/07/11
Jan 13, 2011
As many of you are probably aware of already, we've been working hard to try to resurrect the project with the resources we have at hand. Today we replaced a very small temporary disk with a larger 3TB one that we received from the vendor a few days ago. With this disk in place we should soon be back up and running. We have yet to restore data from jobs before the disk failure so these older jobs will still be pending. However, all pending jobs will eventually be granted credit. The good news is that the data from the failed disk has been recovered and we are currently copying it to the new disk. Thank you all for your patience.
Jan 26, 2011
Outage Notice: We will be offline for a brief 1-2 hour period tomorrow, Thursday the 27th, starting at around 10am PST for maintenance.
Feb 23, 2011
Outage Notice: We are going to update our scheduler tomorrow, Thursday the 24th. The project will be offline intermittantly throughout the day.
May 4, 2011
Journal post from David Baker
The paper on the Rosetta method which allows determination of the structures of a large class of proteins using limited crystallography data has now been published in Nature magazine. Thanks to all of you for making this work possible!
请阅读最近的David Baker日志。我们在《自然》杂志上发表了一篇论文,介绍了利用Rosetta方法,在仅有有限的晶体结构的不利情况下,确定了一大类蛋白质的结构。感谢你们的帮助让这项研究变为可能! |