发表于 2009-9-11 13:51:26
Sep 10, 2009
The validator and scheduler servers are currently slowly processing a large work unit. We have reprioritized the WU after finding that it is causing server problem. However, it will take a while for the existing jobs to clean out. Meanwhile, server lags are expected.
Sep 11, 2009
Based on the current rate of data crunching, the server lag problem should be alleviated through this weekend.
Sep 16, 2009
Our filesystem became bogged down late last night. Thanks to Keith, our systems administrator, the project is back online.
Oct,14, 2009
The minirosetta application has been updated to version 1.98. For details and to report bugs, go to this thread.
Nov,05, 2009
The minirosetta application has been updated to version 2.00. For details and to report bugs, go to this thread.
Dec,05, 2009
The minirosetta application has been updated to version 2.02. For details and to report bugs, go to this thread.
[ 本帖最后由 Tynox 于 2009-12-11 18:17 编辑 ] |