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Magnetism@home 是一个利用网络连接计算机来探索平衡点、亚稳态和瞬态磁化模式(最初并最主要是研究纳米尺度下的磁性元件以及它们的排列,不过之后其他的系统可能也会被考虑)的研究项目。你可以通过电脑下载并运行一个免费程序加入到该项目中。
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To understand scientific side of things:
- Please see this preprint (latest and the most complete in this series of works) and references therein.
- In this project we evaluate numerically the total (exchange + magnetostatic) energy of these magnetization distributions (using finite elements and a special "thin film" variant of fast multipole method) with the aim to minimize this energy numerically to build maps of ground and metastable states in magnetic nano-elements of various shapes.
- 源代码在 这里.
- Currently the program demonstrated sufficient precision for building the map of ground states. Improving its precision for resolving the metastable states is in progress.