楼主: ONLY

近一周来折腾Gentoo Linux的一点点成果~~~

 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-26 22:15:55 | 显示全部楼层
Keyco 发表于 2012-9-26 22:10


对跑分机的任何折腾,都请在web管理页面“Stop Client”先,等到提示程序关闭(Done)后,再点击“Bakup data”按钮备份数据~~~


(数据备份的时候,或会出现错误提示,那么就再次点击“Bakup data”按钮,直到出现正确提示)~~~

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-9-26 22:17:29 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-9-26 22:19:00 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-26 22:23:06 | 显示全部楼层
但是我通常在LINUX下REBOOT的时候,会有BACKING UP FOLDING DATA出现呢?感觉这个完全无作用。 ...
Keyco 发表于 2012-9-26 22:17



但是偶以前曾经发现过,在系统自动备份的时候出现错误(tar: failue to write files to disk之类)~~~



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-26 22:23:46 | 显示全部楼层
Keyco 发表于 2012-9-26 22:19


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-26 22:58:30 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 ONLY 于 2012-9-26 23:07 编辑
Keyco 发表于 2012-9-26 22:19


Edit:已经看到,是超微的 X9QRi-F+ ,集成网卡为INTEL i350,和华硕那款主板同样的网卡芯片~~~

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-9-26 23:17:58 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Keyco 于 2012-9-26 23:19 编辑

回复 246# ONLY

  1. Working with standard loops on this execution.
  2. [12:05:03] - Previous termination of core was improper.
  3. [12:05:03] - Going to use standard loops.
  4. [12:05:03] - Files status OK
  5. [12:05:06] - Expanded 30307556 -> 33158020 (decompressed 109.4 percent)
  6. [12:05:06] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=30307556 data_size=33158020, decompressed_data_size=33158020 diff=0
  7. [12:05:06] - Digital signature verified
  8. [12:05:06]
  9. [12:05:06] Project: 8101 (Run 20, Clone 0, Gen 30)
  10. [12:05:06]
  11. [12:05:06] Entering M.D.
  12. [12:05:12] Using Gromacs checkpoints
  13. [12:05:13] Mapping NT from 64 to 64
  14. [12:05:36] Resuming from checkpoint
  15. [12:05:49] Verified work/wudata_02.log
  16. [12:05:49] Verified work/wudata_02.trr
  17. [12:05:49] Verified work/wudata_02.xtc
  18. [12:05:49] Verified work/wudata_02.edr
  19. [12:05:50] Completed 168700 out of 250000 steps  (67%)
  20. [12:10:47] Completed 170000 out of 250000 steps  (68%)
  21. [12:19:50] Completed 172500 out of 250000 steps  (69%)
  22. [12:28:57] Completed 175000 out of 250000 steps  (70%)
  23. [12:38:03] Completed 177500 out of 250000 steps  (71%)
  24. [12:47:07] Completed 180000 out of 250000 steps  (72%)
  25. [12:56:12] Completed 182500 out of 250000 steps  (73%)
  26. [13:05:15] Completed 185000 out of 250000 steps  (74%)
  27. [13:14:21] Completed 187500 out of 250000 steps  (75%)
  28. [13:23:26] Completed 190000 out of 250000 steps  (76%)
  29. [13:32:30] Completed 192500 out of 250000 steps  (77%)
  30. [13:41:36] Completed 195000 out of 250000 steps  (78%)
  31. [13:43:12] ***** Got a SIGTERM signal (15)
  32. [13:43:12] Killing all core threads

  33. Folding@Home Client Shutdown.

  34. --- Opening Log file [September 26 13:45:22 UTC]

  35. # Linux SMP Console Edition ###################################################
  36. ###############################################################################

  37.                        Folding@Home Client Version 6.34

  38.                           http://folding.stanford.edu

  39. ###############################################################################
  40. ###############################################################################

  41. Launch directory: /usr/local/fah
  42. Executable: ./fah6
  43. Arguments: -bigadv -verbosity 9 -smp 64

  44. [13:45:22] - Ask before connecting: No
  45. [13:45:22] - Proxy: localhost:8080
  46. [13:45:22] - User name: Keyco (Team 3213)
  47. [13:45:22] - User ID: 7D0EBBDD65D2B51C
  48. [13:45:22] - Machine ID: 1
  49. [13:45:22]
  50. [13:45:22] Loaded queue successfully.
  51. [13:45:22]
  52. [13:45:22] + Processing work unit
  53. [13:45:22] Core required: FahCore_a5.exe
  54. [13:45:22] - Autosending finished units... [September 26 13:45:22 UTC]
  55. [13:45:22] Trying to send all finished work units
  56. [13:45:22] + No unsent completed units remaining.
  57. [13:45:22] - Autosend completed
  58. [13:45:22] Core found.
  59. [13:45:22] Working on queue slot 02 [September 26 13:45:22 UTC]
  60. [13:45:22] + Working ...
  61. [13:45:22] - Calling './FahCore_a5.exe -dir work/ -nice 19 -suffix 02 -np 64 -checkpoint 15 -verbose -lifeline 2509 -version 634'

  62. [13:45:22]
  63. [13:45:22] *------------------------------*
  64. [13:45:22] Folding@Home Gromacs SMP Core
  65. [13:45:22] Version 2.27 (Thu Feb 10 09:46:40 PST 2011)
  66. [13:45:22]
  67. [13:45:22] Preparing to commence simulation
  68. [13:45:22] - Looking at optimizations...
  69. [13:45:22] - Files status OK
  70. [13:45:26] - Expanded 30307556 -> 33158020 (decompressed 109.4 percent)
  71. [13:45:26] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=30307556 data_size=33158020, decompressed_data_size=33158020 diff=0
  72. [13:45:26] - Digital signature verified
  73. [13:45:26]
  74. [13:45:26] Project: 8101 (Run 20, Clone 0, Gen 30)
  75. [13:45:26]
  76. [13:45:26] Assembly optimizations on if available.
  77. [13:45:26] Entering M.D.
  78. [13:45:32] Using Gromacs checkpoints
  79. [13:45:35] Mapping NT from 64 to 64
  80. [13:46:44] Resuming from checkpoint
  81. [13:46:46] Verified work/wudata_02.log
  82. [13:46:53] Verified work/wudata_02.trr
  83. [13:46:58] Verified work/wudata_02.xtc
  84. [13:46:58] Verified work/wudata_02.edr
  85. [13:46:58] Completed 195410 out of 250000 steps  (78%)
  86. [13:52:03] ***** Got a SIGTERM signal (15)
  87. [13:52:03] Killing all core threads

  88. Folding@Home Client Shutdown.

  89. --- Opening Log file [September 26 13:54:43 UTC]

  90. # Linux SMP Console Edition ###################################################
  91. ###############################################################################

  92.                        Folding@Home Client Version 6.34

  93.                           http://folding.stanford.edu

  94. ###############################################################################
  95. ###############################################################################

  96. Launch directory: /usr/local/fah
  97. Executable: ./fah6
  98. Arguments: -bigadv -verbosity 9 -smp 64

  99. [13:54:43] - Ask before connecting: No
  100. [13:54:43] - Proxy: localhost:8080
  101. [13:54:43] - User name: Keyco (Team 3213)
  102. [13:54:43] - User ID: 7D0EBBDD65D2B51C
  103. [13:54:43] - Machine ID: 1
  104. [13:54:43]
  105. [13:54:44] Loaded queue successfully.
  106. [13:54:44]
  107. [13:54:44] + Processing work unit
  108. [13:54:44] Core required: FahCore_a5.exe
  109. [13:54:44] - Autosending finished units... [September 26 13:54:44 UTC]
  110. [13:54:44] Trying to send all finished work units
  111. [13:54:44] + No unsent completed units remaining.
  112. [13:54:44] - Autosend completed
  113. [13:54:44] Core found.
  114. [13:54:44] Working on queue slot 02 [September 26 13:54:44 UTC]
  115. [13:54:44] + Working ...
  116. [13:54:44] - Calling './FahCore_a5.exe -dir work/ -nice 19 -suffix 02 -np 64 -checkpoint 15 -verbose -lifeline 683 -version 634'

  117. [13:54:44]
  118. [13:54:44] *------------------------------*
  119. [13:54:44] Folding@Home Gromacs SMP Core
  120. [13:54:44] Version 2.27 (Thu Feb 10 09:46:40 PST 2011)
  121. [13:54:44]
  122. [13:54:44] Preparing to commence simulation
  123. [13:54:44] - Looking at optimizations...
  124. [13:54:44] - Files status OK
  125. [13:54:47] - Expanded 30307556 -> 33158020 (decompressed 109.4 percent)
  126. [13:54:47] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=30307556 data_size=33158020, decompressed_data_size=33158020 diff=0
  127. [13:54:47] - Digital signature verified
  128. [13:54:47]
  129. [13:54:47] Project: 8101 (Run 20, Clone 0, Gen 30)
  130. [13:54:47]
  131. [13:54:47] Assembly optimizations on if available.
  132. [13:54:47] Entering M.D.
  133. [13:54:53] Using Gromacs checkpoints
  134. [13:54:56] Mapping NT from 64 to 64
  135. [13:55:01] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8C0D7F68E0, varsize=20
  136. [13:55:01] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  137. [13:55:01] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8BC9FF78E0, varsize=20
  138. [13:55:01] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  139. [13:55:02] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8C03FFB8E0, varsize=20
  140. [13:55:02] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  141. [13:55:02] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8C017F68E0, varsize=20
  142. [13:55:02] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  143. [13:55:03] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8C37FFB8E0, varsize=20
  144. [13:55:03] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  145. [13:55:03] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8BF3FFB8E0, varsize=20
  146. [13:55:03] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  147. [13:55:04] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8C350228E0, varsize=20
  148. [13:55:04] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  149. [13:55:04] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8BCBFFB8E0, varsize=20
  150. [13:55:04] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  151. [13:55:05] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8C1CFF58E0, varsize=20
  152. [13:55:05] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  153. [13:55:05] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8BD2FF98E0, varsize=20
  154. [13:55:05] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  155. [13:55:06] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8BC7FF38E0, varsize=20
  156. [13:55:06] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  157. [13:55:06] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8C01FF78E0, varsize=20
  158. [13:55:06] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  159. [13:55:07] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8C1DFF78E0, varsize=20
  160. [13:55:07] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  161. [13:55:07] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8BF1FF78E0, varsize=20
  162. [13:55:07] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  163. [13:55:08] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8BEBFFB8E0, varsize=20
  164. [13:55:08] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  165. [13:55:08] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8C367F88E0, varsize=20
  166. [13:55:08] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  167. [13:55:09] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8C358238E0, varsize=20
  168. [13:55:09] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  169. [13:55:09] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8BE9FF78E0, varsize=20
  170. [13:55:09] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  171. [13:55:10] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8C1D7F68E0, varsize=20
  172. [13:55:10] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  173. [13:55:10] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8C027F88E0, varsize=20
  174. [13:55:10] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  175. [13:55:11] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8C0FFFB8E0, varsize=20
  176. [13:55:11] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  177. [13:55:11] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8C36FF98E0, varsize=20
  178. [13:55:11] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  179. [13:55:12] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8BF2FF98E0, varsize=20
  180. [13:55:12] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  181. [13:55:12] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8C3D0228E0, varsize=20
  182. [13:55:12] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  183. [13:55:13] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8C1EFF98E0, varsize=20
  184. [13:55:13] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  185. [13:55:13] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8C02FF98E0, varsize=20
  186. [13:55:13] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  187. [13:55:14] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8C1F7FA8E0, varsize=20
  188. [13:55:14] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  189. [13:55:14] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8C0F7FA8E0, varsize=20
  190. [13:55:14] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  191. [13:55:15] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8BD0FF58E0, varsize=20
  192. [13:55:15] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  193. [13:55:15] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8C0EFF98E0, varsize=20
  194. [13:55:15] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  195. [13:55:16] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8BF0FF58E0, varsize=20
  196. [13:55:16] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  197. [13:55:16] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8C348218E0, varsize=20
  198. [13:55:16] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  199. [13:55:16] Resuming from checkpoint
  200. [13:55:17] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8BC97F68E0, varsize=20
  201. [13:55:17] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  202. [13:55:18] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8BCAFF98E0, varsize=20
  203. [13:55:18] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  204. [13:55:18] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8BF17F68E0, varsize=20
  205. [13:55:18] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  206. [13:55:19] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8C0DFF78E0, varsize=20
  207. [13:55:19] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  208. [13:55:19] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8C0CFF58E0, varsize=20
  209. [13:55:19] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  210. [13:55:20] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8BCB7FA8E0, varsize=20
  211. [13:55:20] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  212. [13:55:20] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8BD37FA8E0, varsize=20
  213. [13:55:20] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  214. [13:55:21] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8BEB7FA8E0, varsize=20
  215. [13:55:21] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  216. [13:55:21] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8C00FF58E0, varsize=20
  217. [13:55:21] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  218. [13:55:22] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8C3E8258E0, varsize=20
  219. [13:55:22] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  220. [13:55:22] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8BC87F48E0, varsize=20
  221. [13:55:22] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  222. [13:55:23] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8C3D8238E0, varsize=20
  223. [13:55:23] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  224. [13:55:23] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8BE8FF58E0, varsize=20
  225. [13:55:23] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  226. [13:55:24] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8BD1FF78E0, varsize=20
  227. [13:55:24] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  228. [13:55:24] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8BD17F68E0, varsize=20
  229. [13:55:24] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  230. [13:55:25] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8BEA7F88E0, varsize=20
  231. [13:55:25] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  232. [13:55:25] mdrun returned 3
  233. [13:55:25] Gromacs detected an invalid checkpoint.  Restarting...fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=00007F8C40023D30, varsize=20
  234. [13:55:25] fcCheckPointResume: failure in call to fcSaveRestoreState() to restore cpt hash.
  235. [13:55:25] Can't open checkpoint file
  236. [13:55:25] Can't open checkpoint file
  237. [13:55:25] Can't open checkpoint file
  238. [13:55:25] Can't open checkpoint file
  239. [13:55:25] Can't open checkpoint file
  240. [13:55:25] Can't open checkpoint file
  241. [13:55:25] Can't open checkpoint file
  242. [13:55:25] Can't open checkpoint file
  243. [13:55:25] Can't open checkpoint file
  244. [13:55:25] Can't open checkpoint file
  245. [13:55:25] Can't open checkpoint file
  246. [13:55:25] Can't open checkpoint file
  247. [13:55:25] Can't open checkpoint file
  248. [13:55:25] Can't open checkpoint file
  249. [13:55:25] Can't open checkpoint file
  250. [13:58:57] ***** Got a SIGTERM signal (15)
  251. [13:58:57] Killing all core threads

  252. Folding@Home Client Shutdown.

  253. --- Opening Log file [September 26 13:59:48 UTC]

  254. # Linux SMP Console Edition ###################################################
  255. ###############################################################################

  256.                        Folding@Home Client Version 6.34

  257.                           http://folding.stanford.edu

  258. ###############################################################################
  259. ###############################################################################

  260. Launch directory: /usr/local/fah
  261. Executable: ./fah6
  262. Arguments: -bigadv -verbosity 9 -smp 64

  263. [13:59:48] - Ask before connecting: No
  264. [13:59:48] - Proxy: localhost:8080
  265. [13:59:48] - User name: Keyco (Team 3213)
  266. [13:59:48] - User ID: 7D0EBBDD65D2B51C
  267. [13:59:48] - Machine ID: 1
  268. [13:59:48]
  269. [13:59:48] Loaded queue successfully.
  270. [13:59:48]
  271. [13:59:48] + Processing work unit
  272. [13:59:48] Core required: FahCore_a5.exe
  273. [13:59:48] Core found.
  274. [13:59:48] - Autosending finished units... [September 26 13:59:48 UTC]
  275. [13:59:48] Trying to send all finished work units
  276. [13:59:48] + No unsent completed units remaining.
  277. [13:59:48] - Autosend completed
  278. [13:59:48] Working on queue slot 02 [September 26 13:59:48 UTC]
  279. [13:59:48] + Working ...
  280. [13:59:48] - Calling './FahCore_a5.exe -dir work/ -nice 19 -suffix 02 -np 64 -checkpoint 15 -verbose -lifeline 869 -version 634'

  281. [13:59:48]
  282. [13:59:48] *------------------------------*
  283. [13:59:48] Folding@Home Gromacs SMP Core
  284. [13:59:48] Version 2.27 (Thu Feb 10 09:46:40 PST 2011)
  285. [13:59:48]
  286. [13:59:48] Preparing to commence simulation
  287. [13:59:48] - Ensuring status. Please wait.
  288. [13:59:58] - Looking at optimizations...
  289. [13:59:58] - Working with standard loops on this execution.
  290. [13:59:58] - Previous termination of core was improper.
  291. [13:59:58] - Files status OK
  292. [14:00:00] - Expanded 30307556 -> 33158020 (decompressed 109.4 percent)
  293. [14:00:00] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=30307556 data_size=33158020, decompressed_data_size=33158020 diff=0
  294. [14:00:00] - Digital signature verified
  295. [14:00:00]
  296. [14:00:00] Project: 8101 (Run 20, Clone 0, Gen 30)
  297. [14:00:00]
  298. [14:00:00] Entering M.D.
  299. [14:00:06] Using Gromacs checkpoints
  300. [14:00:08] Mapping NT from 64 to 64
  301. [14:00:54] Resuming from checkpoint
  302. [14:00:55] Verified work/wudata_02.log
  303. [14:00:56] Verified work/wudata_02.trr
  304. [14:00:56] Verified work/wudata_02.xtc
  305. [14:00:56] Verified work/wudata_02.edr
  306. [14:00:56] Completed 195410 out of 250000 steps  (78%)
  307. [14:09:23] Completed 197500 out of 250000 steps  (79%)
  308. [14:13:22] ***** Got a SIGTERM signal (15)
  309. [14:13:22] Killing all core threads

  310. Folding@Home Client Shutdown.

  311. --- Opening Log file [September 26 14:15:31 UTC]

  312. # Linux SMP Console Edition ###################################################
  313. ###############################################################################

  314.                        Folding@Home Client Version 6.34

  315.                           http://folding.stanford.edu

  316. ###############################################################################
  317. ###############################################################################

  318. Launch directory: /usr/local/fah
  319. Executable: ./fah6
  320. Arguments: -bigadv -verbosity 9 -smp 64

  321. [14:15:31] - Ask before connecting: No
  322. [14:15:31] - Proxy: localhost:8080
  323. [14:15:31] - User name: Keyco (Team 3213)
  324. [14:15:31] - User ID: 7D0EBBDD65D2B51C
  325. [14:15:31] - Machine ID: 1
  326. [14:15:31]
  327. [14:15:31] Loaded queue successfully.
  328. [14:15:31]
  329. [14:15:31] + Processing work unit
  330. [14:15:31] Core required: FahCore_a5.exe
  331. [14:15:31] - Autosending finished units... [14:15:31]
  332. [14:15:31] Trying to send all finished work units
  333. [14:15:31] + No unsent completed units remaining.
  334. [14:15:31] - Autosend completed
  335. [14:15:31] Core found.
  336. [14:15:32] Working on queue slot 02 [September 26 14:15:32 UTC]
  337. [14:15:32] + Working ...
  338. [14:15:32] - Calling './FahCore_a5.exe -dir work/ -nice 19 -suffix 02 -np 64 -checkpoint 15 -verbose -lifeline 2458 -version 634'

  339. [14:15:32]
  340. [14:15:32] *------------------------------*
  341. [14:15:32] Folding@Home Gromacs SMP Core
  342. [14:15:32] Version 2.27 (Thu Feb 10 09:46:40 PST 2011)
  343. [14:15:32]
  344. [14:15:32] Preparing to commence simulation
  345. [14:15:32] - Looking at optimizations...
  346. [14:15:32] - Files status OK
  347. [14:15:35] - Expanded 30307556 -> 33158020 (decompressed 109.4 percent)
  348. [14:15:35] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=30307556 data_size=33158020, decompressed_data_size=33158020 diff=0
  349. [14:15:35] - Digital signature verified
  350. [14:15:35]
  351. [14:15:35] Project: 8101 (Run 20, Clone 0, Gen 30)
  352. [14:15:35]
  353. [14:15:35] Assembly optimizations on if available.
  354. [14:15:35] Entering M.D.
  355. [14:15:42] Using Gromacs checkpoints
  356. [14:15:44] Mapping NT from 64 to 64
  357. [14:16:49] Resuming from checkpoint
  358. [14:16:53] Verified work/wudata_02.log
  359. [14:17:00] Verified work/wudata_02.trr
  360. [14:17:05] Verified work/wudata_02.xtc
  361. [14:17:05] Verified work/wudata_02.edr
  362. [14:17:06] Completed 195410 out of 250000 steps  (78%)
  363. [14:25:23] Completed 197500 out of 250000 steps  (79%)
  364. [14:34:47] Completed 200000 out of 250000 steps  (80%)
  365. [14:44:11] Completed 202500 out of 250000 steps  (81%)
  366. [14:53:35] Completed 205000 out of 250000 steps  (82%)
  367. [15:03:00] Completed 207500 out of 250000 steps  (83%)
  368. [15:09:57] ***** Got a SIGTERM signal (15)
  369. [15:09:57] Killing all core threads

  370. Folding@Home Client Shutdown.

  371. --- Opening Log file [September 26 15:12:29 UTC]

  372. # Linux SMP Console Edition ###################################################
  373. ###############################################################################

  374.                        Folding@Home Client Version 6.34

  375.                           http://folding.stanford.edu

  376. ###############################################################################
  377. ###############################################################################

  378. Launch directory: /usr/local/fah
  379. Executable: ./fah6
  380. Arguments: -bigadv -verbosity 9 -smp 64

  381. [15:12:29] - Ask before connecting: No
  382. [15:12:29] - Proxy: localhost:8080
  383. [15:12:29] - User name: Keyco (Team 3213)
  384. [15:12:29] - User ID: 7D0EBBDD65D2B51C
  385. [15:12:29] - Machine ID: 1
  386. [15:12:29]
  387. [15:12:29] Loaded queue successfully.
  388. [15:12:29]
  389. [15:12:29] + Processing work unit
  390. [15:12:29] Core required: FahCore_a5.exe
  391. [15:12:29] - Autosending finished units... [September 26 15:12:29 UTC]
  392. [15:12:29] Trying to send all finished work units
  393. [15:12:29] + No unsent completed units remaining.
  394. [15:12:29] - Autosend completed
  395. [15:12:29] Core found.
  396. [15:12:29] Working on queue slot 02 [September 26 15:12:29 UTC]
  397. [15:12:29] + Working ...
  398. [15:12:29] - Calling './FahCore_a5.exe -dir work/ -nice 19 -suffix 02 -np 64 -checkpoint 15 -verbose -lifeline 681 -version 634'

  399. [15:12:30]
  400. [15:12:30] *------------------------------*
  401. [15:12:30] Folding@Home Gromacs SMP Core
  402. [15:12:30] Version 2.27 (Thu Feb 10 09:46:40 PST 2011)
  403. [15:12:30]
  404. [15:12:30] Preparing to commence simulation
  405. [15:12:30] - Looking at optimizations...
  406. [15:12:30] - Files status OK
  407. [15:12:33] - Expanded 30307556 -> 33158020 (decompressed 109.4 percent)
  408. [15:12:33] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=30307556 data_size=33158020, decompressed_data_size=33158020 diff=0
  409. [15:12:33] - Digital signature verified
  410. [15:12:33]
  411. [15:12:33] Project: 8101 (Run 20, Clone 0, Gen 30)
  412. [15:12:33]
  413. [15:12:33] Assembly optimizations on if available.
  414. [15:12:33] Entering M.D.
  415. [15:12:39] Using Gromacs checkpoints
  416. [15:12:41] Mapping NT from 64 to 64
  417. [15:13:16] Resuming from checkpoint
  418. [15:13:23] Verified work/wudata_02.log
  419. [15:13:24] Verified work/wudata_02.trr
  420. [15:13:24] Verified work/wudata_02.xtc
  421. [15:13:24] Verified work/wudata_02.edr
  422. [15:13:25] Completed 207045 out of 250000 steps  (82%)
  423. [15:15:16] Completed 207500 out of 250000 steps  (83%)
这个包平均9分02 (3.2.9下),换了3.5.4之后,请看78%~83%。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-9-26 23:20:44 | 显示全部楼层
回复 246# ONLY


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-27 00:06:45 | 显示全部楼层
回复  ONLY 这个包平均9分02 (3.2.9下),换了3.5.4之后,请看78%~83%。
之前有提到,3.5.4下C0不是100%, ...
Keyco 发表于 2012-9-26 23:17




使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-27 09:52:56 | 显示全部楼层
回复 247# Keyco


kernel.3.5.4.bfs.rar (2.92 MB, 下载次数: 1424)


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-27 09:54:46 | 显示全部楼层
回复 230# 金鹏



http://www.equn.com/forum/viewth ... p;page=17#pid473474

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-9-27 13:33:06 | 显示全部楼层


参与人数 1基本分 +10 收起 理由
ONLY + 10 摸摸~~~



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-27 15:25:35 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 ONLY 于 2012-9-27 16:01 编辑


kernel.3.5.4.rar (2.92 MB, 下载次数: 1672)

基于kernel 3.5.4以及GCC 4.7.1制作,加入INTEL网卡驱动,改良显示问题,试验性解决早前核心的C0无法100%问题~~~



Tools.rar (41.29 KB, 下载次数: 1499)

内含Langouste3以及The Kraken 0.17-pre15,拷贝到跑分机的fah目录,替换原有文件即可(请注意备份原有文件)~~~

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-9-27 15:30:14 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 金鹏 于 2012-9-27 15:33 编辑

回复 251# ONLY

  加载kernel.3.5.4.bfs.vesa 内核后不能显示,连光标都木有

能正常计算和网络,发现比 kernel_3.5.4_bfs 核心提高TPF达到5秒,我的乖,原来15:40现在15:35,再跑几个百分比上数据

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-27 16:03:17 | 显示全部楼层
回复  ONLY

  加载kernel.3.5.4.bfs.vesa 内核后不能显示,连光标都木有

能正常计算和网络,发现 ...
金鹏 发表于 2012-9-27 15:30




使用道具 举报

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