以下是转自官方网站的使用说明(详见 )
Find-a-Drug readme file for Linux
This version was built under Red Hat Linux 8.0 and should run on any PC running Linux with version 2.2.10 of the kernel (or later) and libc version 2.1.1 (or later). This following versions of Linux (and later releases) are expected to be able to run THINK
Red Hat Linux 7.1
Slackware 8.0
Debian GNU Linux 2.2r3
SuSE version 7.2
Mandrake 8.0
Caldera Open Linux 2.4
The downloaded file will have a name of the form fadvnnnz.tgz where nnn is a number and z is a letter. This file is zipped tar file and should be extracted into an empty directory using the command substituting nnnz for the actual number and letter eg
解压安装请执行 tar -xzvf fadv123c.tgz
The file description pages provides information about the files.
To register type
注册请执行 ./fadsetup -nickname "name" -email "email"
where "name" is replaced by the name you wish to be known by on the find-a-drug website stats and "email" is your e-mail address (double quotes are only necessary if the name contains spaces). Assuming this completes without generating an error message you are now ready to proceed. If you encounter an error e-mail or visit our message board forums on the web-site. You may also find useful information on the web-site eg the faq pages.
If a parameter contains spaces then it is necessary to enclose it within double quotes
设置您的国家请执行 ./fadsetup -country "China"
You can list the other configuration options available using
查看其他高级设置选项命令请执行 ./fadsetup -help
欢迎加入中国小组,小组序号"2156",由于本人是WIN系统,不太清楚具体的命令,所以请通过 ./fadsetup -help 查看,据我猜测,可能是 ./fadsetup -team number "2156" 或者是 ./fadsetup -team "2156" ,有安装过的朋友,麻烦回帖指出,不胜感激!
You now need to start the Job Queue Server
打开服务端程序请执行 ./server -auto &
and the THINK computational application
打开主程序请执行 ./think &
You may wish to edit some files so that these start automatically when you boot the PC or when you login eg /etc/bashrc. Start think and server in the find-a-drug directory.
Known problems
The -connect option for fadsetup to specify connection interval requires a text string argument which should be enclosed in double quotes when it contains spaces eg -connect "Selecting all jobs". The option to specify the connection interval as a number of hours eg -connect 24 does not work.
Sharing the installation between Linux and Windows is not currently supported.
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-11 21:36:04编辑过]