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[项目新闻] [BOINC][数学类]PrimeGrid

发表于 2007-1-13 08:47:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 fwjmath 于 2010-4-13 17:05 编辑

2009-01-20 19:45 UTC
PrimeGrid's 2009 Challenge Series starts off with a fire cracker bang! Please come join us in the Chinese New Year, the Year of the Ox, for a 5 day (120 hour - 26th-31st Jan) Challenge on PrimeGrid's 321 Prime Search (LLR) application.
The Ox is the sign of prosperity through fortitude and hard work. It is unswervingly patient, tireless in its work, and capable of enduring any amount of hardship without complaint. Sounds a lot like prime searchers. :)
For more information, please see this forum thread.
PrimeGrid 在2009年的挑战系列将在计算力的爆发中开始!
请在牛年开始的时候加入我们,在321 Prime Search LLR子项目中参与持续6天的挑战。

2009-01-16 15:00 UTC
We are seeing multiple workunit failures and trouble reports because of Symantec (Norton) antivirus marking our screensaver as a probable virus. While there is nothing we can do about it, you can exclude BOINC data directory from antivirus path, and contact Symantec telling them about the false positive.
Please keep all discussions in this forum thread.

AP26 Search
2008-12-27 18:50 UTC
PrimeGrid has added a new prime search project, an Arithmetic Progression of 26 primes. An arithmetic progression of primes is a sequence of primes with a common difference between any two successive numbers in the sequence. For example 3, 7, 11 is an arithmetic progression of 3 primes with a common difference of 4.
To participate, go to your PrimeGrid preferences page and select AP26 (currently only available for 64 bit Linux).
PrimGrid 增加了一个新的质数搜索子项目:长度为 26 的质数等差数列。在一个等差数列,任意相邻两项的差都是相等的。例如 3, 7, 11 就是一个长度为 3 的质数等差数列,它的公差为 4。
希望参加的话,请到 PrimeGrid 参数选项中勾选 AP26。当前只支持 64 位 Linux 平台。

Primorial Prime Search
2008-12-26 07:00 UTC
PrimeGrid has added a new prime search project, the Primorial Prime Search. These primes are of the forms p#+1 and p#-1. It enters the Project Staging Area first as a manual sieving effort. Once sufficient depth has been reached, a primality testing effort will begin.
PrimGrid 增加了一个新的质数搜索子项目:质阶乘质数搜索。这个子项目要搜索的是形如 p#+1 与 p#-1 的质数。现在这个子项目正在手工筛选阶段。当筛选深度足够的时候,将会开始素性检查。
(注:质阶乘 p# = 2×3×5×……×p,其中 p 为质数,亦即从 1 到 p+1 之间所有质数的乘积)

2008-07-27 20:00 UTC PSP finds Mega Prime
The Prime Sierpinski Project has discovered their second mega prime: 258317*2^5450519+1. It is 1640776 digits long and will rank as the 12th largest known prime. The project has now found 17 primes total. There are only 12 primes left to solve the Prime Sierpinski Problem.
PSP 项目发现了它的第二个百万级质数:258317*2^5450519+1。它长度为 1640776 位十进制位,在目前已知质数中排名第十二。现在这个项目一共发现了 17 个质数,还剩下 12 个质数需要搜索。

2008-04-30 13:55 UTC Sieve WU lengths increased
In an attempt to lower the size of the database, we have increased the WU length to both the PSP Sieve and GCW Sieve projects. WU's are now 1.5X as long...so a 6 minute WU now takes 9 minutes. Credit has been adjusted accordingly.
为了尝试减少数据库的大小,我们将 PSPSieve 和 GCWSieve 子项目的包都调成了原来的 1.5 倍。

2008-04-26 17:00 UTC Workunit deadlines increased
The deadlines for subprojects that have very long workunits have been increased to 12 days. The subprojects affected are Woodall Prime Search, Cullen Prime Search, 321 Prime Search and Prime Sierpinski Project (all LLR).
所有有 LLR 运算的子项目的上报期限都调整到了 12 天。

2008-04-18 15:05 UTC Mega Prime for 321 Search
On 23 Mar 2008 7:57:28 UTC, PrimeGrid, in collaboration with 321 Search, found another Mega Prime: 3*2^4235414-1
The prime is 1,274,987 digits long and enters The Largest Known Primes Database ranked 14th overall. This is 321 Searches's first mega prime and 11th prime overall. It is the second largest found mega-digit prime using LLR.
The discovery was made by Dylan Bennett of Canada using an Intel C2D @ 1.66 GHz with 2GB RAM. This computer took almost 15 hours and 30 minutes to complete the primality test.
PrimeGrid 和 321Search 联袂发现了另一个百万位质数:3*2^4235414-1(共 1274987 位)。这个质数在目前的最大已知质数数据库里边排名第十四,也是 321 Search 的第一个百万位质数和第十一个发现的质数,而且还是第二个用 LLR 找到的百万位质数。
这个发现是由加拿大的 Dylan Bennett 的一台 Intel C2D@1.66G + 2G RAM 上做出的,素性检测花了 15.5 小时。

2008-04-10 17:40 UTC PSP finds Mega Prime
The Prime Sierpinski Project has discovered their first mega prime: 265711*2^4858008+1 (1462412 digits long). The project has now found 16 primes total. There are only 13 primes left to solve the Prime Sierpinski Problem.
PSP 子项目发现了它的第一个百万位质数:265711*2^4858008+1 (共 1462412 位)。现在这个子项目已经发现了 16 个质数了。再有 13 个的话就能解决谢尔品斯基质数问题了。

2008-03-02 15:00 UTC 64bit Linux sr2sieve
A 64bit Linux sr2sieve application has been released for the Prime Sierpinski Problem sieve. For more information, please see the forum post.
大家期待已久的子项目 Prime Sierpinski Problem sieve 的 64bit Linux sr2sieve 程序终于出来了!

2008-02-18 10:15 UTC 64bit Linux gcwsieve
I know some of you were eagerly awaiting this. Well, the time has come - we now started testing 64bit Linux gcwsieve application. For more information, see the forum thread.
大家期待已久的 64bit Linux gcwsieve 程序终于出来了!

2008-02-15 15:23 UTC End of the life cycle of primegen application
We are inserting the final batches of work for our oldest available application, primegen. While primegen has proved to be very useful in the early project stages for infrastructure testing, it has served it's purpose and it's time to make way for newer, more efficient applications. Once the final batches are completed the cleanup will be executed, finally removing old stuck workunits.
We suggest participants running primegen exclusively also select an additional subproject for future processing. Sieve subprojects are very similar to primegen in size, so it is probably a good choice. Once there are no more primegen work to send, we will update project for such participants to select sieve subprojects.
我们添加了 PrimeGen 这个 PrimeGrid 最“古老”的程序的最后一批工作包。在项目早期的测试中 PrimeGen 被实践证明了对于测试非常有用,但现在它已经结束了它的使命,要让位于更新更快的程序了。这批工作包完成之后,清理工作会马上开始,然后所有的老工作包的信息都会被清除出数据库。
我们建议只运行 PrimeGen 的用户选择另外一个子项目进行将来的计算。筛选类的子项目在工作包大小上与 PrimeGen 大小相似,所以它们应该是不错的选择。在 PrimeGen 的所有工作包结束之后,我们会更新项目,让原来只运行 PrimeGen 的用户选择筛选类的子项目。

2007-12-29 21:05 UTC Record breaking Woodall prime
On 21 Dec 2007, 10:09:30 UTC, PrimeGrid's Woodall Prime Search found the 33rd and largest known to date Woodall prime:
The prime is 1,129,757 digits long and enters The Largest Known Primes Database ranked 1st for Woodall primes and 13th overall. It's the first found mega-digit prime using LLR.
The discovery was made by Matthew J. Thompson of the United States using an Intel P4 @ 2.8 GHz with 512MB RAM. This computer took almost 15 hours and 11 minutes to complete the primality test.
在 2007 年 12 月 21 日 10:09:30 UTC,我们的 Woodall 质数搜索发现了第 33 个也是迄今为止最大的一个 Woodall 质数:3752948*2^3752948-1。
这个质数的十进制表示长度为 1129757 位,被收入了已知大质数数据库,大小在已找到的 Woodall 质数中排第一,在所有已找到的最大质数中排第 13。这是第一个用 LLR 发现的“百万位级”的质数。这个发现是在位于美国的 Matthew J. Thompson 的一台 Intel P4 2.8G, 512MB 的机器上得到的。这台机器用了 15 小时 11 分钟完成了素性测试。

2007-12-05 17:45 UTC New subproject available
We have released the LLR application for the 321 Search. 321 is attempting to find a mega prime in the form 3*2^n-1. The 4+ year old project currently holds the largest non-GIMPS/non-Seventeen or Bust prime.
As usual, you can choose to crunch work for this project by visiting your project preferences page. Supported platforms: 32bit Linux & Windows.
我们已经发布了用于 321 Search 项目的 LLR 程序。321 Search 项目旨在寻找形如 3*2^n-1 的大质数。这个四年多前开始的项目目前保持着最大的非 GIMPS 和非 SoB 质数的记录。与往常一样,您可以在项目参数设置页选择是否接受这个子项目的工作。目前支持平台:32bit Linux 与 Windows。

2007-10-30 9:45 UTC Automatic reporting to the Prime Pages available
From now on you can give permission to PrimeGrid to report the primes you find to the Prime Pages on your behalf. To do this, go to the project preferences page and enter your data.
从现在起您可以授权 PrimeGrid 当您发现质数的时候代表您向 Prime Pages 报告。如果您想这样做的话,请到项目偏好设置页面输入您的信息。

2007-10-14 12:15 UTC Linux LLR available!
Good news for Linux lovers - with the help from our user Der Meister we have released 32bit Linux LLR application for Twin Prime Search project. If it goes well, it will be released for Cullen/Woodall Prime Search, too. The 32bit application is also being sent to 64bit hosts.
Linux 爱好者的好消息:在用户 Der Meister 的帮助下我们发布了用于孪生质数搜索的 32bit Linux LLR 客户端。如果一切顺利的话,用于 Cullen/Woodall 质数搜索的程序也会出来。我们也将这个 32bit 的程序发送到 64bit 的机器上。

2007-10-13 14:15 UTC Prime Sierpinski Project sieve available
We have released Sieve application for Prime Sierpinski Project. It is trying to solve the Prime Sierpinski Problem. Windows 32bit and 64bit versions are supported. As usual, you can choose to crunch work for this project by visiting your project preferences page.
我们发布了一个 Prime Sierpinski Project 的筛选程序,这是用于解决谢尔宾斯基质数问题的(注:与SOB目标相近)。Windows 32bit 和 64bit 版本都有。按照惯例,您可以在项目参数设置页选择是否接受这个子项目的工作。

2007-09-30 16:15 UTC LLR Cullen percentage reporting bug fixed
Thanks to Bryan from Riesel Sieve, the Cullen workunit progress reporting bug has been fixed. The workunits running application version 5.08 should correctly display feedback during processing.
感谢 Riesel Sieve 的 Byran,Cullen 工作包的进度报告中的 Bug 已经被修复了。5.08 版的程序应该可以正确显示进度了。

2007-09-29 15:30 UTC 64bit sieving application available
A 64bit Windows version of GCW sieve application has been released. It improves speed twice comparing to 32bit version. The new application is automatically sent to hosts running 64bit version of BOINC that have sieving subproject enabled in the project preferences.
我们发布了一个针对 64bit Windows 的 General Cullen/Woodall 筛选程序。相对于 32bit 的程序,它的速度提高了2倍。新客户端会被自动发送到运行 64bit 版本的 BOINC 的接受该子项目任务的机器上。

2007-09-15 18:35 UTC Cullen/Woodall Sieve available
We have released a sieving app for Cullen/Woodall Prime Search. Sieving will help to greatly reduce the amount of probable primes, therefore speeding up the actual prime search. You can choose to run sieve application by visiting project preferences page; please have in mind that the application has just been released, so it may have bugs or issues (although we haven't noticed any).
Supported platforms: Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista.
我们推出了一个针对 Cullen/Woodall 质数搜索的筛选程序。预先筛选可以大大减小工作量,从而加快搜索的速度。您可以在参数设置页中进行设置从而启用这个程序。但是要注意的是因为这个程序刚刚推出,所以可能会有 bug(尽管我们还没有观察到)。支持平台:Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista

2007-09-03 15:00 UTC Record Woodall prime number found... again!
On 20 Aug 2007, 2:40:57 UTC, PrimeGrid's servers returned a positive result in the Woodall Prime Search. It was the double check validating that a Woodall prime was found on 13 Aug 2007, 1:42:08 UTC.
This is the 32nd and largest known to date Woodall prime. It is 712818 digits long and enters The Largest Known Primes Database (http://primes.utm.edu/primes/) ranked 1st for Woodall primes and 25th overall.
The discovery was made by Stephen Kohlman of Canada using an Intel C2D 6300 @ 1.86 GHz with 1 GB RAM. This computer took a little over 5 hours and 41 minutes to test using the LLR program. Stephen is a member of Team Canada.
在2007年8月20日,PrimeGrid的服务器接收到了一个 Woodall 质数搜索的可能发现报告。这是一个复查,确认在2007年8月13日发现的候选目标 2367906*2^2367906-1 的确是一个质数。这个质数有 712818 位十进位,是迄今为止发现的最大的 Woodall 质数,也是迄今为止发现的第 25 大的质数。这个发现是由加拿大的 Stephen Kohlman 的一台C2D 6300 @ 1.86G 1GB 做出的。Stephen Kohlman 是 Team Canada 小组的一员。

2007-08-09 18:00:00 UTC    Record Woodall prime number foundfrom PrimeGrid
On 7 Aug 2007, 15:25:07 UTC, PrimeGrid's servers returned a positive result in the Woodall Prime Search. It was the double check validating that a Woodall prime was found on 4 Aug 2007, 19:36:57 UTC. 2013992*2^2013992-1 The prime is 606279 digits long and enters The Largest Known Primes Database (http://primes.utm.edu/primes/) ranked 1st for Woodall primes and 37th overall. The discovery was made by Lasse Mejling Andersen of Denmark using an Intel Celeron 2.80 GHz with 512 MB RAM. This machine took a little over 3 hours and 27 minutes to test using the LLR program. For more details, please see here.
在2007年8月7日,PrimeGrid的服务器接收到了一个 Woodall 质数搜索的可能发现报告。这是一个复查,确认在2007年8月4日发现的候选目标 2013992*2^2013992-1 的确是一个质数。这个质数有 606292 位十进位,是迄今为止发现的最大的 Woodall 质数,也是迄今为止发现的第 37 大的质数。这个发现是由丹麦的 Lasse Mejling Andersen 的一台赛扬 2.8G 512MB 做出的。这台机器用了 3 小时 27 分钟来通过程序判断出这个数是一个质数。详细情况参见这里

2007-07-03 17:16:20 UTC   New subproject added
We have added a new prime search project, Cullen/Woodall prime search. These primes are of forms n*2n+1 and n*2n-1 respectively. Our goal is to find the biggest Cullen and Woodall primes ever. This isn't as easy as it may sound, only 12 Cullen primes and 15 Woodall primes have ever been found, however, we believe that PrimeGrid has sufficient computing power to make this search plausible.
It is now possible to choose the subprojects you would like to run in project preferences page. Please note that when you are using account managers your choice may be reset when changing resource share allocation.
我们添加了一个新的子项目,就是 Cullen/Woodall 质数搜索。Cullen/Woodall 质数分别就是形如 n*(2^n)+1 和 n*(2^n)-1 的质数。我们的目标就是要找出打破纪录的这种质数。这并不像看起来那么容易,到现在为止也只发现了 12 个 Cullen 质数和 15 个 Woodall 质数。然而,我们相信 PrimeGrid 拥有足以进行这个搜索的计算能力。
现在在项目的参数设置页中可以设置参加的子项目。注意,如果你使用 Account Manager 来调整参数的话,当资源分享数改变的时候你的设置将被重置。

2007-04-22 13:32:59 UTC   64bit support
PrimeGrid scheduler has been upgraded to support upcomming official 64bit client (Windows only). The scheduler will send 32bit applications to 64bit hosts that run the client which sends alt_platform tag in the scheduler request (expected to be present in version 5.9.5 - version 5.9.4 has it, but it sends invalid data).
PrimeGrid 的任务调度器已经升级来迎接新的 64 位程序(仅限 Windows )。任务调度器暂时会将 32 位程序发送到 64 位的主机上(BOINC 版本应该在 5.9.4 以上,5.9.4 发送的信息不正确)。

2007-2-28 21:19:00 UTC  100!
PrimeGrid has reached the milestone of 100 primes reported to the Prime Pages. Thanks to all crunchers who made this possible! Also, please check your mailbox, it is really possible that you received an email asking to report the primes you found, and put your name into the top 5000 list of biggest prime numbers of all times.
PrimeGrid 到现在为止已经发现了100个质数。感谢所有的计算者,是你们使这件事成为可能!同时,请你们检查一下你们的邮箱,可能会有要求你报告质数的邮件,只要你成功地报告了质数,你就可以将你的名字放入最大的5000个已发现质数的列表中。

2007-02-11 19:05:47 UTC   LLR Application Updated
LLR application has been updated to version 5.06. It should fix the occasionally popping up LLR window on some systems. Your BOINC will get updated application automatically.

2007-01-16 18:46:59 UTC   Twin Prime Search and PrimeGrid finds world's largest twin primes
On January 15, 2007, the Twin Prime Search (TPS) project in collaboration with PrimeGrid (BOINC platform) found the largest known twin primes, 2003663613*2^195000-1 and 2003663613*2^195000+1. The two primes are 58711 digits long.
The discoverer is Eric Vautier, from France.
The credits of the discovery go to two projects: TPS and PrimeGrid and to the following people: Eric Vautier (France), Dmitri Gribenko (Ukraine), Patrick W. McKibbon (USA).
The project has been coordinated by the following people: Michael Kwok (USA), Andrea Pacini (Italy) and Rytis Slatkevicius (Lithuania).
The discovery has been made using the LLR primality testing program and NewPgen sieving program. Special thanks to all the contributors.
在 2007.1.15,与我们合作的 Twin Prime Search 项目找到了已知最大的一对孪生素数:2003663613*2^195000-1 和 2003663613*2^195000+1。这两个数均有 58711 位。

2007-01-15 11:39:24 UTC   TPS status update
The Twin Prime Search project, currently in testing in PrimeGrid, has successfully found a twin prime, therefore no work will be issued in testing subproject PrimeGrid for some time. The older primegen application will continue running. More information to follow later.
在 PrimeGrid 上测试的 Twin Prime Search 项目成功发现了一对孪生素数,所以这个测试的子项目将会停止一段时间。老的 primegen 程序仍将继续运行。请关注后续新闻。

2006-12-22 16:07:02 UTC   Twin Prime Search LLR application update
An updated LLR application for Twin Prime Search subproject has been released. This version should fix the two main problems: LLR window that pops up randomly, and suspending/termination issues.
我们对 Twin Prime Search 子项目的 LLR 程序进行了更新。新版本修复了两个主要问题:时不时弹出的 LLR 窗口和关于暂停/终止的问题。

2006-11-26 10:28:35 UTC   New Application Testing
PrimeGrid has started testing a new application for more sophisticated prime number searches. The new sub-project is created in collaboration with Twin Prime Search project.
Please note that the new application is in quite early stages of development and might have issues. Therefore it is only sent to people who choose to run test applications. We do not recommend running this application on production systems.
To enable test applications, go to project preferences page and choose to allow test applications.
PrimeGrid 正在开始测试一个用于更专业的质数搜索的程序。这个新的子项目是与 Twin Prime Search 合作的。

[ 本帖最后由 fwjmath 于 2009-1-28 04:56 编辑 ]


参与人数 2基本分 +100 维基拼图 +80 收起 理由
霊烏路 空 + 20
BiscuiT + 100 + 60



使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-1-27 23:47:52 | 显示全部楼层
2009-01-25 15:15 UTC
Just over 24 hours remain until the Year of the Ox Challenge. Come join the fireworks in a celebration of the Chinese New Year, the Year of the Ox. A 5 day (26th-31st Jan) Challenge is scheduled on PrimeGrid's 321 Prime Search LLR application.

For more information, please see this forum thread.

北京时间 2009年1月25日 23:15
一个持续5天(26-31日)的挑战被安排在321 Prime Search LLR子项目。


2009-01-20 19:45 UTC
PrimeGrid's 2009 Challenge Series starts off with a fire cracker bang! Please come join us in the Chinese New Year, the Year of the Ox, for a 5 day (120 hour - 26th-31st Jan) Challenge on PrimeGrid's 321 Prime Search (LLR) application.

The Ox is the sign of prosperity through fortitude and hard work. It is unswervingly patient, tireless in its work, and capable of enduring any amount of hardship without complaint. Sounds a lot like prime searchers. :)

For more information, please see this forum thread.

北京时间 2009年1月21日 3:45
PrimeGrid 在2009年的挑战系列将在计算力的爆发中开始!
请在牛年开始的时候加入我们,在321 Prime Search LLR子项目中参与持续6天的挑战。


2009-01-16 15:00 UTC
We are seeing multiple workunit failures and trouble reports because of Symantec (Norton) antivirus marking our screensaver as a probable virus. While there is nothing we can do about it, you can exclude BOINC data directory from antivirus path, and contact Symantec telling them about the false positive.

Please keep all discussions in this forum thread.

北京时间 2009年1月16日 23:00



2009-01-01 15:55 UTC
Congratulations to zed, the discoverer of PrimeGrid's first prime for 2009 in the Proth Prime Search project: 15*2^483098+1. Unfortunately, it was just a double check. The first "new" prime of 2009 was found by Vato, again from the Proth Prime Search project: 835*2^483718+1.

2008-12-28 18:45 UTC
Congratulations to Eric Ueda, the discoverer of PrimeGrid's first Fermat divisor in the Proth Prime Search project: 651*2^476632+1 Divides F(476624). It is only the 6th found Fermat divisor of 2008 and 270th overall. It is the 8th largest Fermat divisor in Chris Caldwell's The Largest Known Primes Database. For more information, please see this forum thread.


[ 本帖最后由 老冬腌菜 于 2009-1-29 03:42 编辑 ]


参与人数 1基本分 +50 维基拼图 +25 收起 理由
BiscuiT + 50 + 25



使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-1-28 21:11:56 | 显示全部楼层
2009-01-27 21:45 UTC
24 hours into the Year of the Ox Challenge and all is well. In just this short time, BOINCstats has taken a commanding lead while the individual competition is a bit closer. It's not too late to join the fireworks in a celebration of the Chinese New Year.

For more information, please see this forum thread.



参与人数 1基本分 +10 维基拼图 +5 收起 理由
BiscuiT + 10 + 5



使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-1-31 13:01:19 | 显示全部楼层


2010 年 1 月 31 日

2月对于素数来说是特别的,2是第一个素数,而且它是唯一一个偶数素数。因此,PrimeGrid 宣告 2 月为素数月。




更多的信息请浏览:http://www.primegrid.com/forum_t ... p;nowrap=true#20426


参与人数 1基本分 +30 维基拼图 +12 收起 理由
霊烏路 空 + 30 + 12



使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-1-31 15:52:20 | 显示全部楼层
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽

使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-1-31 16:33:51 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #2 merlinl 的帖子


使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-2-1 07:56:18 | 显示全部楼层
2010 年 1 月 31 日

PrimeGrid 宣布与 Seventeen or Bust 合作,帮助解决 谢尔宾斯基 问题!

这终于使得 PrimeGrid 达成了完整的 SoB/PSP 素性测试以及结合筛选。特别感谢 Seventeen or Bust 的 Louis Helm 帮助,使这个合作成为可能!

要参与 Seventeen or Bust 请登录:http://www.primegrid.com/prefs.php?subset=project

设置 【Project】 中的 【Seventeen or Bust (LLR)】为 yes 即可


参与人数 1基本分 +20 维基拼图 +8 收起 理由
霊烏路 空 + 20 + 8



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 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-1 16:45:03 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #4 BiscuiT 的帖子

应该是“Seventeen or Bust (LLR)”~~~

使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-2-1 17:07:42 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #5 fwjmath 的帖子


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发表于 2010-2-2 20:23:58 | 显示全部楼层
2010-02-01 00:00 UTC
The Tour de Primes begins. Come join us in laid-back competition in tribute to the number 2...the first prime and the only even prime. The prizes are simple colored jerseys . Yellow for the most primes, Green for the highest prime score, and Checkered for the most primes on 17 Feb.
No pressure or stress other than what you put on yourself. :) For more information, please see Tour de Primes 2010.
更多信息参见:http://www.primegrid.com/forum_t ... p;nowrap=true#20426

2010-02-02 04:20 UTC
A new AP25 (Arithmetic Progression of 25 primes) has been found. It is the 11th discovered. The finder is Jan Stenzel Jan Stenzel) of Poland. He is a member of the BOINC@Poland team.
The AP25 progression is written as 49644063847333931+7851809 *23#*n for n=0..24. It was found by an Intel Core i7 860 @ 2.80GHz running 64 bit Windows 7. For more details on this find and the AP26 search, please see this forum post.
新的AP25数列找到了!这是第11个被发现的数列。发现者是来自波兰、BOINC@Poland队的Jan Stenzel。
新的AP25数列可以表示为:49644063847333931+7851809 *23#*n for n=0..24 。发现它的计算机CPU是Intel Core i7 860 @ 2.80GHz,系统是64位Win7。更多信息参见:http://www.primegrid.com/forum_t ... p;nowrap=true#20727


参与人数 1基本分 +30 维基拼图 +15 收起 理由
霊烏路 空 + 30 + 15



使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-2-2 21:48:29 | 显示全部楼层
Seventeen or Bust的WU真是长的要死。。。在我的Phenom II 940上算一个快赶上用我的Core Duo T2300算一个2年的CPDN包了。。(当然,才跑了1%就停了,不知道后面会不会快一些)

使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-2-2 21:52:44 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #8 MythCreator 的帖子

NOTE: very long tasks (10+ days)

使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-2-2 21:55:55 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-2-2 22:47:46 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #4 BiscuiT 的帖子

那 Seventeen or Bust 原项目是否关闭运行?

使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-2-2 23:26:35 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #11 ledled 的帖子


因为 SB 和 PG 这个子项目的测试和复检预选范围分开,测试空间用 SB 的筛选数据中除去候选的数据特别为 PG 创建新的工作数据库。

第一个范围是 n=17M - 17.2M

SB 和 PG 将共享发现,当然也包含发现者。

PG 还会在这个范围尽力做双重检查和匹配残留的验证。

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