发表于 2010-7-28 21:56:18
回复 394# Youth
Sagan recalled in a 1993 interview, " . . . these good scientists all saying that it wasn't nonsense to think about the subject. There was such a heady sense in the air that finally we've penetrated the ridicule barrier . . . It was like this 180 degree flip of this dark secret, this embarrassment. It suddenly became respectable."
Sagan 在 1993 年的访谈中回忆到:“真的太棒了...这些顶级的科学家都认为讨论这个主题并不是无意义的【值得思考】。当我们终于突破了那层有点可笑的壁垒之后【当我们最终跨越了那令人感觉荒诞的障碍之后】,气氛真的变得很是振奋人心...就好像把秘密也好、困窘也好,都来了个 180 度的大翻转,所有的工作都开始值得尊重【受到尊重】。”
感觉很难表达。。 |