楼主: 碧城仙

[BOINC] [生命科学类及其他] World Community Grid

发表于 2007-3-9 10:06:22 | 显示全部楼层
Mar 8, 2007 2:37:14 PM
Maximum disk usage exceeded on BOINC
There is a problem with the use of the BOINC Throttle on Linux and Mac computers using the 5.8 BOINC client. The problem will cause your computer to have errors with all work done on the Help Defeat Cancer and FightAIDS@Home projects.

You can see if you are experiencing this problem if you look at the error and you see text which says "Maximum disk usage exceeded".

We are working with BOINC to resolve the problem.

Until this is resolved we recommend that members either use the BOINC 5.4 client on Linux and Mac or that you set the throttle to 100%.

Members who experience this problem may also get a message stating that they have reached their daily quota when their computer requests additional work from the server. Once you set the throttle to 100% or revert the to the BOINC 5.4 client, then you will be able to start getting more work.

5.8版Linux 和 Mac平台BOINC的资源限制程序好像有问题,计算Help Defeat Cancer和 FightAIDS@HomeBOINC项目时,有时出现Maximum disk usage exceeded错误。


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发表于 2007-3-15 13:35:42 | 显示全部楼层
Volume 4 of the World Community Grid Newsletter is now available. The Newsletter will be sent via e-mail to members who have opted to receive e-mail from World Community Grid.

The articles in this latest newsletter will let you check out the latest updates to World Community Grid Research projects, see what students at Marist College have been up to, learn about a partner from Russia, and explore the new simplified BOINC Agent. We hope you take the time to read all of them!

Help Cure Muscular Dystrophy:2007年3月
Genome Comparison: 2007年6月
Human Proteome Folding – Phase 2: 2008年12月
Help Defeat Cancer: 2007年6月
FightAIDS@Home: 2008年



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发表于 2007-3-17 09:49:19 | 显示全部楼层
什麽?Help Cure Muscular Dystrophy:2007年3月?


[ 本帖最后由 Kaoh 于 2007-3-17 15:04 编辑 ]

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发表于 2007-3-20 13:23:46 | 显示全部楼层
Mar 20, 2007
Help Defeat Cancer project nearing complation

We would like to thank our members for their generous contribution to the Help Defeat Cancer project which is very near completion. In fact, sometime this week, we expect to see the steady outflow of work units on this project go down to a trickle as we finish the last remaining batches of work. Within about 3 weeks, all of the final results should be in and returned to the researchers and at that time no further work units will need to be sent for this project.

We will soon be sending a news email about the project's completion and will provide more information about future cancer related work on World Community Grid.

Some of you who have set your preferences to only contribute to this project will find that your agent may go into a paused state. If that is the case, we encourage you to change your settings to contribute to the other projects. At some point we may reset the preferences for users contributing only to the Help Defeat Cancer project back to the default of contributing to all projects, so that their agents do not become totally idle.

We will soon be hearing exciting information about the results and next steps from the researchers. Thank you again for your spare computer cycles which have made this project possible!

Help Defeat Cancer快结束了,本周开始逐渐减少发出任务量,约3周内完全停止发出新任务。


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发表于 2007-3-21 10:06:33 | 显示全部楼层
Mar 20, 2007
Genome Comparison pause

We have seen some problem with the latest batch of data that just started runing on the Genome Comparison project and have temporarily turned it off until we take a look at it more detail. Thanks for your patience. If you have set your preferences to only run this project, your agent may go into a paused state until we resume the project. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Genome Comparison项目暂停



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发表于 2007-3-22 10:26:05 | 显示全部楼层
Mar 21, 2007
We have resumed running the Genome Comparison project on UD and will soon restart it on Boinc too. We made a small code change to properly handle some of the unusual data in the latest batches.

The version number should show as on the UD graphics window. If your computer is running an older version and has been stuck at 0% for a long time (more than 10 minutes), you can either let it run until the work unit times out. But this may take days, so you might want to force it to abort this work unit. To do so, use ctrl-alt-del to bring up the Windows Task Manager. Then click on the Processes tab, and find and click the process called wcgrid_fgc_ssea and then click on the End Process button. This will cause the agent to abort this work unit in a few minutes and get new work.

Sorry for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

Genome Comparison项目恢复(仅UD客户端平台)。对代码进行了调整以适应新任务中的部分特殊数据。




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发表于 2007-3-22 13:09:07 | 显示全部楼层
Mar 22, 2007
Users of the BOINC 5.8 client will have the suspect workunits aborted automatically the next time the client communicates with the server. You can manually force an update by going to the advanced view, project tab and selecting World Community Grid and then click on 'Update'.

If you have one of the troublesome workunits you will see a message such as:

3/21/2007 4:43:16 PM|World Community Grid|Message from server: Result 10000001-10001441_0 is no longer usable

and you will see in the tasks tab that the result is now marked 'Aborted by project'.

Users of earlier BOINC clients will see the same message:

3/21/2007 4:43:16 PM|World Community Grid|Message from server: Result 10000001-10001441_0 is no longer usable

but the automatic abort will not occur. Users who see this messages should abort the referenced workunit.

World Community Grid|Message from server: Result 10000001-10001441_0 is no longer usable


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发表于 2007-3-22 16:01:38 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2007-3-23 10:07:15 | 显示全部楼层
Mar 22, 2007
We have resumed Genome Comparison on BOINC. It is running as version 5.14.

Boinc平台Genome Comparison项目恢复。计算程序升级至5.14。


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发表于 2007-3-29 09:42:03 | 显示全部楼层
The fix for this problem has been released into production for FightAIDS@Home. It is version 5.30 for Linux and Mac. The production version for Windows continues to be 5.28 (it was not affected by this problem so we are not releasing a new version for windows)

Linux 和 Mac的Boinc上的FightAIDS@Home计算程序升级至5.30。以修正Maximum disk usage exceeded问题。


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发表于 2007-4-4 07:29:18 | 显示全部楼层

Help Defeat Cancer (HDC) 项目完结!


World Community Grid is pleased to announce that the Help Defeat Cancer (HDC) project is finished. The last work units have been sent out and when the final results are returned, the project will come to an end. This project, which launched on July 20, 2006, will have run for just over 9 months by the time the last results are returned. During this time 88,000 members will have donated 2,900 years of computer time on 138,000 different computers. This is a significant contribution to cancer research.

But the end of this project is really only a beginning. Based on the results, the researchers who are working on this project have a very aggressive plan to make Tissue Microarray technology an integral part of early cancer detection. World Community Grid's team will keep in close touch with the research team and will post updates on the website in the Research pages. The researchers will also continue to update their HDC website with exciting updates about this project and the inroads it is making on cancer research.

On behalf of the research staff at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, World Community Grid's team wish to express our thanks to you for contributing your PC power to this project. With your contribution, this project was completed in a fraction of the time it would otherwise have taken.

We also want to inform you that World Community Grid has started work on a new cancer project to discover ways to accelerate the crystallization process used in studying cancer protein structure using X-ray Crystallography, which will help researchers identify proteins involved in cancers and lead to new drug therapies and cures. We plan to launch this new cancer project in the May/June 2007 time frame. You will receive more information on this project prior to the official launch date.

We still need your help with other ongoing projects! World Community Grid continues to run the FightAIDS@Home, Genome Comparison, Help Cure Muscular Dystrophy and Human Proteome Folding - Phase II projects. These critical research projects need your computer time as well.

IMPORTANT: If you have elected to participate only in the Help Defeat Cancer project (which has now been completed), you must take some action to prevent your World Community Grid agent from sitting idle on your PC until the next cancer project launches. Please sign in to World Community Grid, and from the "My Grid" page, select the "My Projects" link from the menu on the left. From the "My Projects" page, select one or more of the other projects in which you choose to participate. If no action is taken within the next 3 weeks, we will set your default to Participate in All Projects. You will then be automatically enrolled to participate in the next cancer research project when it is launched in May or June.

Again, thank you for your contribution to the highly successful completion of the Help Defeat Cancer project!


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发表于 2007-4-9 10:15:34 | 显示全部楼层
Apr 6, 2007
Compressed Uploads for BOINC  

Later today we will start sending out workunits that will use a new feature of the BOINC 5.8 client. This feature will compress the result files before sending them back to the server. Members do not need to do anything and in general will not notice that this is occurring except that uploads will complete more quickly.

The result files for the FightAIDS@Home project are compressed to about 1/5th of their original size. The result files for the Genome Comparison project are being compressed to about 1/3rd of their original size. The result files for Human Proteome Folding - Phase II were already compressed and are thus unaffected by this change.

Please note that users of the BOINC 5.2 and BOINC 5.4 clients will not have their upload files compressed as these versions do not support the feature. These clients will continue to work correctly at World Community Grid so you are not required to upgrade.


FightAIDS@Home结果文件大小减至1/5。Genome Comparison减至1/3。Human Proteome Folding - Phase II已经开启压缩,故不受本次调整影响。

建议大家升级至BOINC 5.8及以上版本(虽然5.2和5.4版仍然可以继续使用),这样可以提高项目的整体上传效率。


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发表于 2007-4-26 11:22:22 | 显示全部楼层
Apr 25, 2007
Changes to BOINC claimed credit

We are making a change to the way that the claimed credit field is calculated for BOINC clients. About three months ago there was a change to the BOINC server software and a new field was added that stores the recent history of granted credit per cpu second. In essence this field provides the average credit that your computer was awarded over the past 10-15 workunits per cpu second. We are going to use this field to check the reasonableness of the credit being claimed by the client. If the claim from the client differs somewhat from the historical granted credit then the two will be blended together to generate the claimed credit. If the claim from the client is substantially different then historical granted credit will be used to generate the claimed credit.

In the strong majority cases (over 95%) this will have little to no effect on the claimed credit. There are a few cases where this will result in a change:

1) Members whose clients claim much higher then normal. These users were previously subjected to a penalty when their results were validated and were only awarded half the credit that the other results in the workunit were awarded. With this change, these members claimed credits will be more reasonable and thus they will be awarded the same credit as other results in the workunits.

2) Linux users. This change will help spread the effect of the new benchmark changes in the BOINC 5.8 client. There are enough Linux computers using the 5.8 client now that this change will help to bring up the claimed credit for Linux computers using the 5.2 and 5.4 clients. Additionally, we will be releasing the Human Proteome Folding – Phase 2 project on Linux later today. In this project, the results from Linux computers will be returning results in the same workunit as Windows and Mac computers. Thus the granted credit will be consistent between the platforms which will help raise the historical granted field for the BOINC 5.2 and 5.4 clients.





注:今天晚些时候将在Linux平台上发布Human Proteome Folding – Phase 2项目任务。


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发表于 2007-4-27 09:46:34 | 显示全部楼层
Apr 26, 2007
Human Proteome Folding - Phase 2 available for Linux and Mac-Intel

We have just released Human Proteome Folding - Phase 2 for Linux and Mac-Intel. It continues to be available for the Windows platform.

The Linux version does not have graphics, however the Mac-Intel version does have graphics.

You will see these new applications as:


发布Linux 平台 Mac-Intel上的Human Proteome Folding - Phase 2



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发表于 2007-5-13 21:40:00 | 显示全部楼层
May 12, 2007
Help Cure Muscular Dystrophy update

We have updated the program running for this project to version The recent work units are taking longer to run because they are more and more difficult. A portion of the code was being used a lot more now which didn't have sufficient CPU throttle controls. So, some members were seeing their agent run at 100% during this portion. This has been fixed. However, be aware that the upcoming work units will be taking longer and longer during this portion of the processing. And, the throttle fix will make them take even longer. The progress will show something around 0.1% done for a long time at the start of the run. This is normal and you do not need to stop the work unit. We also made a change which brings up a molecule picture earlier so it does not take a long time before there is a picture. On slower machines, this first portion of the run may take hours. We will keep an eye on this and if the work units start to run way too long on the slower machines, we might raise the minimum CPU requirement for this phase of the project. Please bear with us while we finish processing these difficult work units over the next few months. We thank you for your patience and continued contribution of CPU time.

Help Cure Muscular Dystrophy项目计算程序升级至1.0.1.6。最近的任务比较难算这是正常的。如果机器比较慢,应该提高CPU使用限制,或暂时退出该子项目。


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