发表于 2008-7-15 16:56:33
July 12, 2008 Server back up after thunderstorms
The server is back up after being shut down during some thunderstorms in Champaign-Urbana this afternoon
July 14, 2008 WU validation and fixed CAMB application
The number of WUs awaiting validation is now under 2000, so we should be back in business soon. We've also fixed the lensing problem with CAMB, so we'll be releasing a new app version soon. Before that, however, we have to let the work queue drain a bit, so we'll be keeping the WU generator offline until the queue goes back to normal.
等待验证的WUs的数量已经低于2000个,所以,我们将尽快恢复业务,我们已经修复了透镜问题,因此,我们不久将发布一个新版本的程序。在此之前,我们不得不让工作序列暂停下来,在这个序列恢复正常之前,我们将保持服务器为离线状态 |