发表于 2012-3-20 09:00:43
New publication, new badges!
We have recently published a new paper on the Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation: "Visualizing the Induced Binding of SH2-Phosphopeptide", authored by me, ignasi (shared co-authors) and GDF. In the paper we have made (hopefully :) good use of your donated GPU time to find out in detail what happens when a kind of signal is transmitted between proteins in a cell. The signal is the recognition of a short peptide (pYEEI for friends) by a partner "plug", called the SH2 domain. This kind of signaling is in fact very common in cells for responding to all varieties of messages (for example in receptor kinases).
We updated the badges accordingly - and this time we also briefly go down the hall of fame. Of the 3113 contributors, these are the 10 users who contributed the most computation (rank, name, millions of credits):
1 Retvari Zoltan 70.1
2 Venec 66.8
3 davidYuen 49.0
4 WirelessDude 46.8
5 Stoneageman 46.3
6 CTAPbIi 26.0
7 Helmholdt 24.8
8 Nikke 24.3
9 CNT - IQE 24.0
10 Ketzer7 24.0
gpugrid在化学理论与计算杂志(Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation)上发表了题为《诱导SH2结合域磷酸肽结合的可视化》(Visualizing the Induced Binding of SH2-Phosphopeptide)的文章。
喵:桑心……自己才排到88th/3113唉…… |