楼主: vmzy

[独立平台] [生命科学类] Folding@Home

 楼主| 发表于 2013-12-21 16:17:07 | 显示全部楼层
Key new results published in Nature Chemistry
December 20, 2013 by Vijay Pande ·
A key new work from the Pande Group just came out in Nature Chemistry and got a nice holiday present: our work on the cover!
Briefly, we applied methods developed and honed on Folding@home to Google Exacycle (Google’s massively parallel cloud resource — a lot like running Folding@home behind their firewall).  The resources that Google donated to PG/Folding@home was pretty massive, allowing us to tackle a really significant and challenging problem in biology and drug design.
Specifically, we were able to study the protein dynamics of B2AR, a G-Protein Coupled Receptor (GPCR) important in many medical and biological processes (especially asthma and heart disease).  What’s even more exciting to us is that this opens the door for FAH and our methods to be much more broadly applied.  In fact, this is just the first of several papers in the pipeline using FAH and FAH-like methods to tackle challenging biomedical problems.
For more information, you can also check out Stanford’s news’ coverage on this.


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 楼主| 发表于 2013-12-24 11:12:40 | 显示全部楼层
Happy Holidays! Looking back at 2013 and forward to 2014 …
December 23, 2013 by Vijay Pande ·
As the year ends, it’s a natural time to look at some key highlights of we’ve done in 2013 and look ahead to what’s on deck for 2014.  One of the challenges of science results can easily take a year for us to run on FAH, analyze, and publish.  So, the work of 2012 comes out in 2013 and the projects running in 2013 get to reach the public in 2014.  So, it makes sense to talk about both work that’s been going on this year and how all of this will shape up in 2014.  We’ve been doing a lot behind the scenes in 2013 and I’m excited about all of this getting out to the public in 2014.  Here are some key developments.

FAH development in 2013.  We’ve had several new developments in how FAH works, from both the donor perspective as well as how FAH works behind the scenes.  With the addition of new programmer Yutong “Proteneer” Zhao, Core 17 was a big advance for FAH.  It brought the most advanced features from the OpenMM GPU code, especially major speed increases for AMD/ATI cards.  Moreover, it also brought a natural path to true Linux GPU support and lots of useful scientific updates.  The v7 client continues to advance, with a new web interface; these simplifications have been important especially for certain partners who have wanted to see an easier to use FAH client before they can help us push for greater deployment.  Adaptive sampling approaches have been a part of how FAH works, but we’ve also been moving to automate this process, leading to more powerful ways we can use the power of the FAH clients.

New FAH results.  Several of our long running projects have come to fruition in 2013 and gotten various honors.  One major result which also gives a good idea of where we’re going in the future was our work on GPCRs, key proteins at the heart of much of disease and drug design.  Our work on GPCRs, running a FAH-like infrastructure on Google’s internal processors, sets the stage for similar calculations to be run on FAH (as I’ll describe below).  In a nutshell, what we’ve been able to show is that the tools used to understand protein folding (developed in FAH) can shed light on how GPCRs behave, especially revealing intermediate structures which are interesting and potentially important new targets for drug design.

New projects.  Kinases are key drug targets for cancer.  2013 brought new projects which will lead to new papers in 2014.  Many donors have asked us to push into more areas in cancer and our pilot projects have worked out well, leading to full fledged FAH projects in cancer.  Our first paper in this area has been submitted, with several more in the pipeline.  I’ll post more when the paper is out, but briefly, we’ve been able simulate kinase dynamics, identifying new intermediate states that could be useful drug targets.  Our goal is to help develop kinase drugs with greater specificity, leading to a dramatic improvement in cancer therapies, especially without the devastating issues of current chemotherapies, which comes from the fact that current drugs are not very specific to a give kinase and affect the whole body—not just the tumor cells—in a very negative manner.  We also now have some very high power collaborators on board, including those at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York.  We also have new results in Alzheimer’s Disease and Infectious Disease which we are in the process of submitting for publication.  These results are in the area of drug repurposing, leading to the ability of the FAH team to go straight to therapies for these diseases using combinations of existing drugs; we’ve very excited about this direction as it allows us to go quickly to phase 2 clinical trials, getting new drugs in the hands of patients decades before other methods would.

Looking to the future of FAH: on deck for 2014.  We’ve been working behind the scenes with various partners to get Folding@home disseminated into more people’s hands, increasing what we can all do together.  We expect to release a whole new type of client and backend server in 2014, which will help make it easier and easier for many donors to contribute to FAH.   Also, we’ve gotten a lot of useful responses to the donor survey and we’re working to implement the most important suggestions.  Specifically, we’re hiring a new position solely for donor relations.  We hope that this will solve the challenge of the science team having to decide between donor relations and getting their science done, by having someone whose sole role is donor relations.  Finally, we have several partnerships with companies who have been working to promote Folding@home that we will hopefully be able to announce in 2014.

For us, it’s a very exciting time.  2013 was very much a year of laying seeds for 2014.  The key elements are an improved client and more powerful set of cores (especially GPU core17) combined with new backend methods, applied to key new scientific projects running in 2013 in the areas cancer, Alzheimer’s Disease, and infectious disease.  All of this, pushed forward by a lot of raw power from partnering could easily make 2014 a landmark year for FAH.  We’d like to thank all of the donors who make this possible and look forward to hopefully working together to make 2014 the best year FAH has ever seen.
2013总结之开发篇。由于赵宇桐的加盟,开发了core 17版GPU内核,给显卡计算效率带来质的飞跃,同时也加入很多新功能,也对linux GPU提供了原生支持。V7客户端加入了网页界面,简化了操作。同时为FAH加入了智能采样算法,让我们能更好的利用FAH的计算力(译注:我也不太清楚这是个什么东东)。
2013总结之新项目。很多志愿者要我们加强癌症方面的研究力度,而激酶是抗癌药物的关键,所以2013年的工作重心放在了激酶上。第一篇论文已经提交了,其他后续文章正在积极准备中。一旦有新消息我会及时告知大家。通过对激酶的研究,我们发现了很多新的可用于药物研发的中间态。这可以使将来研发的药物,更具有靶向性,效果更佳。(众所周知,目前普遍使用的化疗,木有靶向性,不但攻击癌细胞,也攻击正常细胞,副作用极大)。而且Memorial Sloan Kettering癌症研究中心的加盟,也使我们如虎添翼。老年痴呆症和传染病方面的研究也有重大突破,新论文正在发表中。研究的主要方向是药物重利用,即在现有药物中寻找可以混合起来治疗疾病的鸡尾酒新药。这样‘新药’就可以直接进行2期临床阶段,这种方法至少比其他方法能提前十年进入临床使用。
就剩一句了:2013主要升级了客户端和内核(尤其是core 17)。项目方面主要研究了癌症、老年痴呆症、传染病。在更多服务器集群加盟的情况下,FAH的算力将取得突破。希望和大家共创2014年的辉煌。谢谢大家!


参与人数 2基本分 +110 收起 理由
cicikml + 100 辛苦了!V版积分果然高!
金鹏 + 10 辛苦了!



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发表于 2013-12-31 10:27:40 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 vmzy 于 2013-12-31 17:19 编辑

Bowman lab updateDecember 29, 2013 by Greg Bowman ·
I started a few projects to study the dynamics of a protein called dihydrofolate reductase (or just DHFR for short) a few months ago and now have enough data to begin analysis.  DHFR is an exciting protein to study because it is an important target for both anticancer and antibacterial drugs.  There is also substantial experimental evidence that DHFR’s conformational dynamics are important for its function but our understanding of these dynamics is still incomplete.  More detailed insights from these projects could provide insight into how to manipulate DHFR’s dynamics for therapeutic purposes.

Filed Under: Uncategorized ·
之前鲍曼实验室对二氢叶酸还原酶(缩写:DHFR) 进行了研究,目前已取到足够数据,开始数据分析了。DHFR在抗癌和抗菌药物研究方面意义重大。事实证明,DHFR的构型动力学对药物研发至关重要,不过我们现在对此了解还不够深入。希望我们能借此机会对DHFR蛋白进行更加深入的研究。

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-1-3 09:42:34 | 显示全部楼层
FAH VM server down, sys admins notified
January 2, 2014 by Vijay Pande ·
A key FAH VM server is down, which means that stats updates are on hold (but points are still being kept on the WS’s, just not reported to the web site) and also the GPU AS is down.  We will post an update when we know more.  Unfortunately, Stanford is shutdown this week, so the sysadmins are on a reduced schedule, so the response time will be longer than normal.

VM server back up & plan to improve this for next time
January 2, 2014 by Vijay Pande ·
The VM server is back up, so the key services (asssign2, assign-GPU, and stats) are now back up.  Right now, there is no assign-GPU2 (backup GPU AS) and, considering the importance of GPU WUs, we’ll get that up next week.  We architected support for this some time ago, so all v7 clients should be able to use that redundant AS, so if one goes down, one can still get WUs.

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-1-4 10:39:10 | 显示全部楼层
More core17 WUs are on the way
January 3, 2014 by Vijay Pande ·
We see a shortage in Core17 WUs, so we’re building more core17 WUs right now.  The building process takes some time, probably until tomorrow morning.  By then, there will be plenty of Core17 WUs.
一大波core17 任务即将袭来。

fahnd03/04 maintenance Jan 3-4
by abdulwahidc » Fri Jan 03, 2014 11:17 pm

These two servers will be intermittently from Friday Jan 3 through Sunday as our university is upgrading infrastructure and doing maintenance.


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 楼主| 发表于 2014-1-7 09:17:02 | 显示全部楼层
VM server went down again — back up now
January 6, 2014 by Vijay Pande ·
The VM server went down again last night.  It’s back up now, but I’m not happy that this has happened so frequently.  We’re looking into what’s going on here.  Later this week, we’ll have a redundant GPU AS which will minimize the impact of this machine going down, but still we need to find out the root of what’s going on here.  It’s possible that VM server is hitting end of life and having some hardware issues.

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发表于 2014-1-9 10:54:44 | 显示全部楼层
Webinar: Learn about OpenMM, the code driving FAH GPUs

January 8, 2014 by Vijay Pande ·
For those that are curious about OpenMM, the code that drives the GPU calculations in FAH, please join us on January 16th for a webinar presented by Professor Vijay Pande.  I’ll talk about about OpenMM, the computational engine behind the Folding@Home distributed computing system, and hear how others have leveraged its high-performance on GPUs and its custom classes and extreme flexibility to accelerate research in areas such as free energy calculations, protein folding, and protein conformational change.
This webinar is planned for January 16th 2014 at 9.00 AM Pacific Time. Space is limited, so please register at http://bit.ly/OpenMM

Filed Under: Uncategorized ·


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发表于 2014-1-9 10:55:41 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 vmzy 于 2014-1-9 11:27 编辑

An Introduction to Markov State Models

January 8, 2014 by Vijay Pande ·
For researchers curious about how FAH efficiently uses thousands to hundreds of thousands of processors, we’ve recently put together a new book which describes these Markov State Model methods in detail.
The aim of this book is to explain the importance of Markov state models to molecular simulation, how they work, and how they can be applied to a range of problems. The Markov state model (MSM) approach aims to address two key challenges of molecular simulation:
1) How to reach long timescales using short simulations of detailed molecular models
2) How to systematically gain insight from the resulting sea of data
MSMs do this by providing a compact representation of the vast conformational space available to biomolecules by decomposing it into states—sets of rapidly interconverting conformations—and the rates of transitioning between states. This kinetic definition allows one to easily vary the temporal and spatial resolution of an MSM from high-resolution models capable of quantitative agreement with (or prediction of) experiment to low-resolution models that facilitate understanding. Additionally, MSMs facilitate the calculation of quantities that are difficult to obtain from more direct MD analyses, such as the ensemble of transition pathways.
This book introduces the mathematical foundations of Markov models, how they can be used to analyze simulations and drive efficient simulations, and some of the insights these models have yielded in a variety of applications of molecular simulation.

For those who are curious for a less detailed introduction, this on-line seminar from FAH team members is also useful:

Filed Under: Uncategorized ·

Webinar: Learn about OpenMM, the code driving FAH GPUs
January 8, 2014 by Vijay Pande ·
For those that are curious about OpenMM, the code that drives the GPU calculations in FAH, please join us on January 16th for a webinar presented by Professor Vijay Pande.  I’ll talk about about OpenMM, the computational engine behind the Folding@Home distributed computing system, and hear how others have leveraged its high-performance on GPUs and its custom classes and extreme flexibility to accelerate research in areas such as free energy calculations, protein folding, and protein conformational change.

This webinar is planned for January 16th 2014 at 9.00 AM Pacific Time. Space is limited, so please register at http://bit.ly/OpenMM
将于1月16日,Vijay Pande讲授召开有关GPU核心算法OpenMM的网络研讨会。名额有限,有识之士尽快去注册报名。

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-1-10 09:46:44 | 显示全部楼层
Working with Apple on GPU support
January 9, 2014 by Vijay Pande ·
There’s not a lot to report just yet, but we’ve made some progress in terms of Apple engaging us on the bugs we’ve filed some time ago that are keeping us from supporting our GPU code (OpenMM) on OSX.  No promises here, but at least there’s some progress.

New backup GPU Assignment Server update
January 9, 2014 by Vijay Pande ·
We’re happy to report that we’ve got a backup GPU AS online.  As with any of our servers, you can say “hi” and test your connection to it manually by sending your browser to it:  http://assign-gpu2.stanford.edu (you’ll see it say “OK” if you can get through).

The use of backup GPU AS is new to the FAH infrastructure and we now see that to make it work, we’ll need to roll out a new client.  That has now become the top code development priority.

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发表于 2014-1-10 14:47:09 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 vmzy 于 2014-1-11 10:14 编辑

Getting ready for the new GPU AS

January 10, 2014 by Vijay Pande ·
We’ve done some serverstat tweaks for the new GPU AS, namely to include a row for that AS (so donors can see if it’s up) and a column for WS’s that were assigned by it.  We’re also planning to have a new client in beta testing with support for the new GPU AS (amongst other improvements) soon, hopefully entering beta testing on January 10, 2014 (California time).

Filed Under: Uncategorized ·
新GPU AS服务器上线,统计页面也做了相应调整。支持新GPU AS服务器的新版客户端,将于明天或后天发布。大家敬请期待!

Backend work
January 10, 2014 by Vijay Pande ·
We’ve been doing work on the FAH backend servers.  We had to take the stats down for a bit longer than we liked.  They’re back up now.  Sorry for the delay in getting those points recorded.

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-1-12 09:48:05 | 显示全部楼层
Progress with OpenMM on OSX
January 11, 2014 by Vijay Pande ·
In working with Apple, we’ve been making good progress with OpenMM (our GPU code, the heart of core17) on OSX.  While we can’t promise anything just yet, this was encouraging.  For those who are curious, you can watch our development in the open (OpenMM is of course, Open Source software) at our github repo commits link:

在苹果公司的大力协助下,OSX平台的OpenMM 库开发进展非常顺利。

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-1-13 10:09:58 | 显示全部楼层
New client in beta test: v7.4.0
January 12, 2014 by Vijay Pande ·
We’ve released a new client version for beta testing.  This release adds a new and improved Web interface which is cleaner, hopefully more intuitive and displays your personal and team points. In addition, there are a number of bug fixes and enhancements over the last public v7.3.6 release.  This version also includes access to the new GPU backup Assignment server.

Details can be found in a thread in the folding forum.

Survey summary
January 12, 2014 by Vijay Pande ·
Vickie Curtis has written a summary of her survey work, outlining the main findings.  We’ve found this survey very useful and have made some internal changes in order to take advantage of some of the findings there, especially in terms of improving donor communications.  You can find her summary here:  Survey Summary – F@H Participants
之前Vickie Curtis做的志愿者调查,目前发布了调查报告概要。鸟语好的可以去看下。

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-1-15 09:54:08 | 显示全部楼层
Fighting cancer on Folding@Home: EGFR
January 14, 2014 by john Chodera ·
[Guest post by Daniel L. Parton of the Chodera Lab, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.]

We’re about to roll out our first major F@h project on the new work server at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC). Our chosen target is a protein known as the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), which is a member of the kinase family of human proteins. Kinases are key components in cellular signaling pathways, which control and coordinate all cellular activities. When kinases are activated, they pass messages to other proteins by attaching small phosphate molecules to specific parts of their structure. For proper regulation of signaling pathways, the cell must also be able to temporarily inactivate kinases. However, mutations in kinase genes may cause them to become constantly active, resulting in overactivation of the associated signaling pathways. In some cases, this causes the cell to begin dividing and growing uncontrollably, and this chain of events is the cause of many types of cancer.
EGFR mutations are specifically associated with certain types of cancer of the lung, breast, colon, rectum, and brain. Although a small number of anti-EGFR drugs are available (for example, gefitinib, erlotinib, and cetuximab), the development of resistance mutations during treatment is a huge barrier to their effective use.

The Chodera Lab is working to understand a number of factors which have historically hindered the development of effective kinase drug treatments. Firstly, we are interested in what makes a drug molecule selective for one kinase over another (since there are approximately 500 types of kinase in a human cell with nearly identical active sites). Secondly, we want to understand the physical mechanism by which resistance mutations develop to diminish the therapeutic effect of a drug. Eventually, we also hope to be able to use genetic sequencing data from individual cancer patients to predict which particular drug treatment might be optimal given a particular patient’s tumor mutations. There are many theoretical and algorithmic hurdles that we will need to overcome on the way, but these F@h simulations of EGFR will be a first step towards these goals.

Thanks again to all the F@h donors for contributing their computer time to enable this research!

The team of researchers studying EGFR includes Daniel L. Parton, Patrick M. Grinaway, Kyle A. Beauchamp, and Sonya M. Hanson in the Chodera Lab at MSKCC. Special thanks to Richard Knospler in the MSKCC Open Systems group for all of his hardware and software help in getting our servers up and running!

The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) kinase catalytic domain bound to a small-molecule experimental inhibitor. PDB accession code: 2HZ0. Image by Daniel L. Parton.
准备在新服务器上上马新的有关癌症研究的大项目。我们选择的目标是表皮生长因子受体(EGFR),它是一种人体激酶。激酶是关键的细胞信号转导通路,控制和协调所有的细胞活动。当激酶激活时,它会通过在特定结果位置绑定小磷酸盐分子的方式向其他蛋白质传递信号。通过适当的调节信号通路,细胞也可以暂时抑制激酶活性。然而激酶的基因变异可以导致他们一直处于激活状态,这将导致信号通路的持续活跃,有时还会导致细胞的分裂和生长失控,这就是肿瘤、癌症发生的根源。EGFR变异与某些特定的癌症有关,虽然目前已经有一些抗EGFR药物了(比如:gefitinib, erlotinib和cetuximab),但开发新的抗激酶变异药物仍然是个难题。


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 楼主| 发表于 2014-1-16 14:17:32 | 显示全部楼层
Revised plans for BigAdv (BA) experiment
January 15, 2014 by Vijay Pande ·
We’ve put a lot of time into reading the comments about the BA experiment and have come to some conclusions regarding how we should proceed. BA was originally conceived as an experiment to push FAH as close to what you could run on a traditional supercomputer as possible, doing calculations that most researchers thought could never run on a distributed computing platform. In order to make this possible, the requirements for BA would have to be pretty extreme and constantly updating (much like how supercomputers are constantly being updated to the latest hardware). In recognition of this extreme set of requirements came a very large PPD.

BA was embraced by donors with powerful machines. It also encouraged donors to buy and build powerful machines, which are naturally expensive, in turn leading to donors naturally becoming upset when requirements change. However, updating BA is important. Without updating to keep BA amongst only the top machines in FAH, there would be a huge point inflation (turning off non-BA donors) and also limit what we could do with FAH outside of BA-needed projects.

In the most recent announcement of an update in BA, the reaction was particularly negative. This was far from our intent — we’re here to push our research forward and also to help bring donors together in this important cause we’re all fighting for. The BA update did the opposite. It turned people off from Folding@home and served as an obstacle to our ability to push our research forward.

We’ve listened to the donor comments (including those running BA and those who are not) and come to the following plan to be sensitive to their concerns but also to avoid this sort of issue continuing over and over in the future.

1) The posted change in BA requirements will be revised. The only change in requirements going forward will be to require 24 cores (with according changes in deadlines) and that will occur on May 1, 2014. Why change the minimum core count? In general, FAH works best when we have fewer longer trajectories rather than more slower trajectories, which is why we need to change the BA requirements periodically. Given the amount of BA work we would like to do, the cutoff has to be raised above the current level. While, 32 cores would be ideal but we can still get work done at 24 and, in recognition of donor needs, we will set the level there.

2) The BA experiment will permanently end on January 31, 2015. On that date, the servers will be set to accept only and we will have no plans for future BA WUs. This would allow donors to continue to use their machines and recoup more of their investment than the previous plan. This decision would also work to avoid future issues and strife within the FAH community associated with BA. We understand that many donors will be very disappointed about this decision. This was a judgement call I had to make and this decision is, in my opinion, the right thing to do for the long term good of FAH, even though I know there will be many upset donors right now.

In leading FAH, my approach has been to push the limits, try new experiments, but also keep an eye to the future such that FAH outlasts and out performs other distributed computing projects. Starting with establishing FAH itself over 13 years ago, to pushing to GPUs, true SMP, Playstation 3, and most recently to supercomputer like nodes with BA, we have constantly been trying new directions to see how we can further and further advance our research. All experiments come to an end, sooner or later. I think my team and I have learned a lot from reading the recent posts and it’s time for us to concentrate on the core parts of FAH and improve them and not bite off too much.

Going forward, the next steps will include a discussion of the change of the QRB formula and possibly an update of the benchmark machine. Our plan is to seek more input from donors for both changes. While a distributed computing project cannot be run effectively through polls, I think there is a lot of room for us to improve in terms of connecting to donors and incorporating their concerns. I’m very excited about the future of FAH. I think my team has learned a lot with BA and hopefully we can take that going forward to make FAH even better.

Thanks to all for their contributions and participation in FAH. Working together we have done and will continue to do great things!

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-1-17 10:41:39 | 显示全部楼层
PG Member Paul Novick Thesis defense: drug repurposing successes so far
January 16, 2014 by Vijay Pande ·
Today is an exciting day, as Paul Novick (one of the Pande Group members working behind the scenes, from a FAH perspective) is giving his thesis defense today.  The title is ”Computationally Guided Re-purposing as a Drug Discovery Strategy”.  For those in the Stanford area, it will be in the Alway Building, M114 (Med School).

As a teaser and intro, here’s an intro to what he’s been working on:

Over the past several decades, the ability of the pharmaceutical industry to develop novel, impactful new therapies has diminished to the point where many formerly industry leading companies are now facing unsustainable business models. Development of a new chemical entity from initial target identification is now estimated to take 14 years with a price tag approaching $2 billion dollars. With many revenue driving therapies coming off patent within the next few years, there are serious concerns about the ability of the pharmaceutical industry to continue to finance innovation and the development of promising new drug candidates. In order to maintain solvency, heavy investments have been made in research technologies – such as genetic sequencing and analysis, high throughput screening, and combinatorial chemistry, among many others – promising to deliver faster, cheaper development timelines. Unfortunately, these approaches have yet to yield the dramatic improvements in research efficiencies that the industry so desperately needs.
Paul will talk about the solutions we have developed to tackle these issues, by combining computation and drug repurposing.  This has yielded novel treatments for Chagas Disease and Dengue fever.
PG小组成员Paul Novick今天论文答辩,论文题目是‘药物研发领域的新武器——通过计算发现已有药物的新用途’。


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