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发表于 2006-6-30 21:46:23
Folding@Home Principle Investigator Vijay Pande wins the Irving Sigal Young Investigator Award from the Protein Society.
From their web site: "The Irving Sigal Young Investigator Award, sponsored by Merck Research Laboratories, recognizes a significant contribution to the study of proteins by a scientist who is in the early stages of an independent career and, generally, not more than 40 years of age at the time of the award. The 2006 awardee is Dr. Vijay Pande (Stanford University) for his unique approach to employing advances in algorithms that make optimal use of distributed computing, which places his efforts at the cutting edge of simulations. The results have stimulated a re-examination of the meaning of both ensemble and single-molecule measurements, making Dr. Pande’s efforts pioneering contributions to simulation methodology." Prof. Pande will accept the award at the Protein Society meeting in August and present the most recent results from Folding@Home in his award lecture.
Folding@Home首席研究员 Vijay Pande 赢得来自蛋白质学会的Irving Sigal Young Investigator奖。
他们的网站说:“Irving Sigal Young Investigator奖,由Merck 研究实验室赞助,通常,奖给不满 40 岁,且在蛋白质研究事业的早期阶段中独立作出重大贡献的科学家。2006年的获奖者是Vijay Pande(斯坦福大学)博士,奖励他以独特的方式--最佳的利用分布式计算,来进行模拟方法的创新。研究成果已经引起多个和单个分子测量方法的大变革,Pande 博士的努力为蛋白质分子模拟方法的创新作出了杰出的贡献。”Pande 将会在八月蛋白质学会会议中接受奖赏,而且在他的获奖演讲中,将会公开 Folding@Home 最新的研究成果。
[ Last edited by vmzy on 2006-7-18 at 17:45 ] |