楼主: Youth

[项目新闻] [BOINC] [数学类] yoyo@home

发表于 2008-2-8 11:32:57 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2008-7-31 18:27:10 | 显示全部楼层
23 July 2008 Muon simulates a new design        
Sincesome days Muon simulates a new design. This lattice is an attempt toimprove yield by adopting a "monolithic" design for the first 10solenoids. All previous Muon lattices have left 50cm gaps between thesolenoids for engineering reasons and for diagnostics to be inserted,but near the target it is becoming clear that the whole first fewmetres of the muon channel will be designed as a single module. Thisgives more options for magnetic field profiles in the important areaimmediately after the target rod, which Stephen Books is hoping canreduce the muon beam divergence further down the channel.

    15 July 2008 evolution@home Boinc contribution        
By now the BOINC system has contributed more CPU-years in results thanall previous email submissions combined to evolution@home. yoyo@homehas now reached 162.63 CPU years, since the BOINC scheduler started inNov 2007. Thus, the BOINC contributions have overtaken the resultssubmission by email for the first time. Read more about it on evolutionary-research.

    29 June 2008 Screensaver        
Cruncher and evo have now a screensaver. Many thanks to Alderan who played around with OpenGL.

    26 June 2008 News in boincmanager        
Iplayed a bit around with sending news to the clients. You can now see 3buttons in your boincmanager if you click on yoyo with the 3 mostrecent news topics.

    07 June 2008 Interview with author of evolution@home        
Some days ago I made an interview with Laurence Loewe, the author of evolution@home, about his project, some results, the integration in Boinc and the future of evolution@home.

23 May 2008 OGR-25 end prediction
OGR-25 is still predicted to be in 2008. Have a look to this prediction page where also the completion of all stubspaces is shown.

18 May 2008 Cruncher version 1.2x
I released a new cruncher version. Now the cpu time is stored at each checkpoint. The displayed cpu time in boinc manager should now not fallback so much after a restart. Report problems in this thread.

26 April 2008 faulty muon wus
Please cancel all muon wus with the name "muon_080425171315". These wus will not run.

22 April 2008 Evolution@home: news update
In the news of evolution@home is now an article about evolution@home demonstrates minimalist global computing.

11 April 2008 Evolution@home: work generator stopped
Evolution@home announced a new simulator to run new kinds of simulation. Therefore I stopped work generation for the existing simulator until the new one is integrated in yoyo@home to empty the evo queue. I hope it will not take a longe time until the simulator is released.

06 April 2008 Evolution@home: why are we still alive
The first results of evolution@home are now available for public download. Read more about "Why are we still alive?". By the way, evolution@home had its 7th birthday.

05 April 2008 Muon 1.07 released
I released a new version for muon which in avarage should be faster than before. Read about all changes here.

17 March 2008 Server problems solved
The server and mysql crashes in the past are now solved. The CPU fan was broken. Everytime the system gets high load it was to hot for the CPU and the system crashed. Mysql was the first part which crashed.

08 March 2008 New application
We test Muon as new application, thanks to Cody for coding the wrapper.

03 March 2008 Just a note
We host currently a German youth research project on the yoyo@home server. I do not know if this has influence to yoyo@home.

01 March 2008 mysql problems
We have strange problems with our mysql server. The server crashes very often and restarts, but after restart the Boinc server processes have problems. We are working on it.

14 February 2008 Future about evolution@home integration
Some news and future views about the integration of evolution@home are now posted in the evolution@home blog.

10 February 2008 Top 10 reached
After 187 days ogr crunching yoyo@home reached top 10 in distributed.net overall team stats. The predicted end of ogr-25 is end of Sptember 2008.

[ 本帖最后由 MythCreator 于 2008-7-31 18:28 编辑 ]


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发表于 2009-1-28 23:12:38 | 显示全部楼层
20 January 2009 ECM: a regular application
ECM is no test application any more. It's now a regular yoyo@home application. Additionaly the deadline is increased to 5 days for new work units. Now also work units for ElevenSmooth are in the queue.

18 January 2009 OGR: new win32 app
Cruncher 2.1 was updated to dnet version 508b which contains a new MMX assembler core. This improves performance by up to 30%. The progress indicator increases now by 14,3%.

17 January 2009 OGR: new PS3 app
Cruncher 2.10 runs OGR now also on all SPEs. This should drastically increase the performance of the PS3.

17 January 2009 ECM: numbers for OddPerfect
OddPerfect has many tasks that we work on from time to time. The variety of easy and hard tasks keeps things interesting. Yoyo@home's BOINC ecm has already pushed several tasks beyond where William expected to get in all of 2009. In addition we've had the fun of being major contributors to Paul Zimmermann's the Top 10 Factors of 2009.
Read the whole story ...

10 January 2009 ECM: test status
The ECM test runs quite good. 64 bit hosts are much faster than 32 bit hosts. Our test found already some factors and we are listed in the 2009 ECM Top 10.
If somebody is able to compile on Mac contact me. In this case we could release also a Mac version. The boinc lib, the wrapper, libgmp and ECM must be compiled and optimized.

07 January 2009 OGR-NG: status
OGR-26 made significant progress in the last month. Over 50% is completed. We will probably finish this project in March.

29 December 2008 ECM: new subproject
ECM is the next app which is wrapped. Ecm is a program for Elliptic Curve Factorization which is used by a couple of projects to find factors for different kind of numbers.
Some test wus for Linux 32/64 are currently running. To participate on the first tests you must enable test applications in your yoyo@home preferences. Please report problems, suggestions or even success in the forum.

03 December 2008 OGR-NG: small application update
Now are all old ogr wus, which contained only 2 ogr, are over. Therefore I update job.xml to now contain 4 tasks. The progress indicator increases now in 4 steps. To get closer to the PS3 needs I also increased the number of ogr contained in one boinc wu to 7.

30 November 2008 Badges
Since round about one week I'm collecting credits per user and sub project. You will be rewarded with a badge if you reach a certain level of credits per sub project. The following levels exists currently:
Bronze - 10.000 credits
Silver - 100.000 credits
Gold - 500.000 credits
Master - 1.000.000 credits.
Thanks to Rebirther for the work on the icons.

26 November 2008 Project Changes
In preparation to a PS3 version which uses also SPE I increased the amount of ogr which are in one Boinc wu. There are now 4 ogr in one Boinc wu instead of 2.
I also capture credits and number of wus per subproject for teams and user. If somebody want's to generate some nice statistics or signature pictures out if it these stats are exported here.

23 November 2008 OGR-NG: official relased
The OGR cruncher is now official released. I made also an update of the windows client to the latest version (507b) which was released by distributed.net.

21 November 2008 OGR-NG: Solaris Sparc64
I released also a Sparc64 beta client for OGR-NG. Please test and report in the forum if it runs.

20 November 2008 evolution@home
I created now all new evolution@home simulations. On the server status page you can now see how many workunits are available to finish the first basic goal of the new simulation series.

19 November 2008 muon: some statistic
We are providing a continous flow of results to Stephen Brooks Muon1 project. In total 2.77% are provided by the Boinc system. In the current running Linac900Removable6 simulation the Boinc system contributed 21.6%.

16 November 2008 evolution@home: new simulations
A new set of computing tasks is published today in order to further investigate how two different types of slightly harmful DNA changes interact with each other's evolutionary behaviour in a population. The new workunits are named 'evo_A....'. Runtime is up to 2 days (on our 500MHz Pentium reference system).

07 November 2008 OGR-NG: new beta apps
I added beta applications for OGR-NG (ogr next generation). You must enable test applications to get them.
The effective search rate is actually more efficient as these new applications are using an improved algorithm. The new algorithm is named FLEGE (Feiri-Levet Enhanced GARSP Engine). In technical terms, the number of elements in the 'choose lookup table' has been increased from 48K to 2M elements. This optimization will significantly reduce the number of nodes that we have to search through, sometimes a node improvement of ten-fold or more.

Distributed.net estimates that OGR-26 will take much less time to complete than OGR-25 and will probably be more similar to OGR-24, in terms of computational effort. Beyond that, distributed.net is looking forward to OGR-27 and OGR-28 because the current solutions to at least one of the two is very likely not optimal. OGR-26 is on the way and must be done first since higher-order rulers depend on the proven optimality of previous ones.

26 October 2008 OGR-25: Successfully Finished
The 8-year-old OGR-25 distributed computing project has just proven conclusively that the predicted shortest 25-mark Golomb ruler is optimal. 'The total length of the ruler is 480, with marks at positions: 0 12 29 39 72 91 146 157 160 161 166 191 207 214 258 290 316 354 372 394 396 431 459 467 480. (This ruler may alternatively be expressed in terms of the distance between those positions, which is how dnetc displays them: 12-17-10-33-19-...).' 124,387 people participated in the project and two people found the shortest ruler, one on October 10, 2007 and the other on March 24, 2008.

Yoyo@home user participated on this contest for 446 days, calculated 710,813,759 GNodes and reached together #6 in the team ranking.

Big thanks to all participiants.

19 October 2008 What next?
In some days ogr will be over. I would enjoy to start the discussion which project should be included next. If you also have contact to the authors of some projects, leave me a message. And of course if somebody is interested to help in the integration, contact me.
I also have some projects on my radar, but will not start the discussion with these ;). So discussion is reopend, give your suggestions in our forum.

12 October 2008 OGR: 0.15% left
Only 0.15% ogr left and we are going to finish the project. Therfore I encourage all users to use only small buffers. Otherwise the OGR would already have been crunched by somebody else and the result does not help the project to finish.

Some weeks ago I changed already some settings for OGR Boinc WUs:

deadline is now only 7 days, before it was 14 days
there are no resends anymore
only 1000 unsent WUs, before it was 5000
only 8 ogr in one Boinc WU, before it was 9
decrease of ogr in my dnet proxy from 50.000 to 20.000

04 October 2008 evolution@home has quantified Muller's ratchet in the worm C. elegans
The small worm Caenorhabditis elegans is known for his high rate of selfing that may make it susceptible to the operation of Muller's ratchet. Now evolution@home has found that this worm would indeed be in trouble if there were no processes that would counter genomic decay in this worm or if selfing was very old. See the full article here.

29 September 2008 OGR: 1% left
Less than 1.1% ogr left. The project will end in round about one week.

20 September 2008 OGR: 2% left
98% of all ogr workunits are finished. Our Final Push for ogr Race kicked the project a step forward. The predicted end date for ogr is now the 8 of October. Thanks to all racing teams for participation.

11 September 2008 OGR: 3.2% left
We made progress there are only 3.2% ogr left to crunch. 1 of October is now the predicted and date.

06 September 2008 OGR: 4% left
We made progress there are only 4% ogr left to crunch.

01 September 2008 OGR: 5.1% left
With the start of our race there are only 5.1% ogr left to crunch.

29 August 2008 workunit ID 1.000.000 finished
User dago.net finished workunit ID 1.000.000 yesterday, which was a OGR workunit.

24 August 2008 OGR: 6.8% left
OGR steps forward to its final goal. There are only 6.8% of work left until the finish line.

18 August 2008 Challenge: final push for ogr
be prepared for the final push for ogr challenge".
This race starts at 1. September 0:00 UTC and ends at 15. September 0:00 UTC. The team and user with the most credits in this period is the winner.

The goal of this race is to push the OGR project a bit to its final goal. Currently more than 90% are finished and we hope that the project will still finish in 2008. The OGR project searches for a optimal Golomb rulers of order 25. We encourage each participant to enable only the cruncher application during the race and switch muon and evolution@home off.

The race stats can be seen at boincstats.

Happy Crunching,

14 August 2008 OGR nearly finished
The OGR subproject did some major steps in the last weeks, more than 92% are finished. The predicted end date is galloping towards us at a phenomenal rate. The 30-day prediction, which uses the stats from the last 30 days to project an end date, has decreased by 2.5 months in the last 3-4 days. It is very possible that this project could be wrapped up before the end of the month.

06 August 2008 1. yoyo@home birthday
One year ago the first ogr workunits were credited in distributed.net stats. It was a wonderful year.
One year ago my goal was to learn how the Boinc server works and how an existing application can be wrapped into the Boinc world. Now, one year later, ogr, evo and muon are wrapped and all 3 applications are productive and provide more results to the projects than expected.
So let us celebrate the first birthday of yoyo@home. The ogr project is now completed with more than 90% and the yoyo@home team is number 7 in the worldwide dnet team stats. It seems that ogr will finish in October 2008. Let us focus on ogr and make a great ogr end race to show the whole Boinc power to distributed.net.



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发表于 2009-3-26 11:22:07 | 显示全部楼层
23 March 2009 ECM: OddPerfect
Yoyo@home users found two new factors for 398581 factor chains. Many proofs about odd perfect numbers are based on factor chains. Factor chains based on 398581 are important because it is the only possible next link for two chains. In a recently completed yoyo OddPerfect project, these were two of eleven composite numbers whose factors would improve the best known 398581 chains. Thanks to the yoyo users for progressing this work.







Mersenne + 2


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发表于 2009-12-22 17:52:04 | 显示全部楼层

[BOINC] [数学类] yoyo@home

2009 年 12 月 22 日

Linux 上也可以通过 Wine 运行 evolution@home 了



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发表于 2009-12-22 17:59:20 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #2 netgates 的帖子


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发表于 2009-12-25 08:07:27 | 显示全部楼层
2009 年 12 月 24 日

项目修正了一个问题,由于 EVO 在Linux 系统上不能接收到任务,因此我们运行 evo_B* 系列的任务来看看现在它是否运作正常。所有的 evo_A* 系列任务都被取消了。

请帮助通过 wine 运行 Linux 系统来测试和运行一些 evo 任务。


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发表于 2010-2-15 11:19:26 | 显示全部楼层
2010 年 2 月 15 日



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发表于 2010-2-20 12:41:49 | 显示全部楼层
2010 年 2 月 20 日

已经为每个子项目添加了 Free-DC 的统计链接。


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发表于 2010-3-30 08:44:18 | 显示全部楼层
2010 年 3 月 30 日

希望这不是愚人节的笑话:http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2 ... 1-coming-april-1st/

PS3 的固件版本 3.21 将在周四(愚人节)发布。

新固件将禁用 2009 年 9 月所推出的轻薄机型的“安装其他操作系统”的功能。


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发表于 2010-4-9 16:53:41 | 显示全部楼层
2010 年 4 月 9 日

未来两周在德国 Wieda 有 3 天的 BOINC 社区研讨会。还有一些参与名额,更多信息可以到论坛查询:http://www.rechenkraft.net/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=10394


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发表于 2010-4-16 20:24:02 | 显示全部楼层
2010 年 4 月 16 日

ECM bug

有些 ecm 任务低估了内存需求。它们大多在32位Windows系统出现崩溃。
现在已经在任务生成器中修复了,下一批的任务中内存需求上是有限制的,不会超过 1800MB。当然大多任务都不会需要这么多,这只是限制其上限。


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发表于 2010-4-25 15:21:06 | 显示全部楼层
24 April 2010 Euler: new project
Euler, a new project is now included in yoyo@home. The project runs currently as test project and has short deadlines. Euler (6,2,5) computes minimal equal sums of power 6. The project is dedicated to all those who are fascinated by powers and integers.



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发表于 2010-5-3 17:57:24 | 显示全部楼层
2010 年 5 月 3 日

到目前为止,已经发现了两个新的 Euler 的解:
927116+475676=830276+805566+598026+147006+140296 957136+630166=910806+794236+460746+96466+34026

可以期待在计算完成是找到30个以上解,并且希望有一个 (6,2,4)
关于 Euler 项目更详细的内容可以浏览这里:http://www.rechenkraft.net/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=57&t=10875


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发表于 2010-6-9 10:09:13 | 显示全部楼层
2010 年 6 月 9 日

Euler625 项目完成!

该项目一共找到了 181 个 (6,2,5) 低于 117649 的解。
唯一不幸的消息是没有找到 (6,2,4) 的解。系统中下一个项目中会发现其中一个。


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