发表于 2008-2-8 00:17:51
有兴趣的人探讨一下 貌似是个参数设置(心中小小怀疑)
\BOINC\projects\www.rechenkraft.net_yoyo\S005_Preferences_1.02_Win32.txt 文件内容
READ THIS LINE FIRST: You may change preferences by editing this file. But if you enter nonsense or destroy its structure, this file is renamed as corrupt preferences. So: *Don't* change the pattern (1 textline then 1 numberline except for this line). *Don't* change the sequence of parameters. The computing work counters for this machine are for your information only. They are only valid if dont change them and preserve this file in the directory of the simulator. You may change your identity at any time or become anonymous again. The identity you enter determines what account your contributions are added to on the website.
Public family or group name (Enter name with up to 55 characters or "anonymous". Will be published in highscores at http://www.evolutionary-research.net. If this name is not unique your results will be automatically added to the existing group with this name. ) :
Boinc Wrapper
Public personal or member name (Enter name with up to 55 characters or "anonymous". Will be published in highscores at http://www.evolutionary-research.net) :
Boinc Wrapper
Not-published GroupNameCheckPIN (Enter "anonymous" or a code with up to 20 numbers or letters, that is not similar to any passwords you use on important occasions. This code is neither published with the highscores, nor especially encrypted while stored in the preferences file on your harddisk or transmitted by email. Please store it also in some other place in case you delete the preferences file.This string must not contain spaces or tabs and is used for identification when calculating the highscores: If you submit your first result, the NameCheckPIN in there is remembered. If you then submit other results after that, their NameCheckPIN is compared to the first one to make shure that you submitted these results with the URL they promote.) Now enter the code (up to 20 characters without space or tabs) :
Not-published PersonalNameCheckPIN (see explanation above for GroupNameCheckPIN). This ID keeps other members of your group from adding to your highscores, as all results submitted under your group and personal name without this ID will be anonymized. Now enter the code (up to 20 characters without space or tabs) :
Public PromotedURL (Your email or homepage that shall be used as a link to allow people surfing the highscores, to be published at http://www.evolutionary-research.net to visit your website or email you. If your URL is not correct, people will not find you. The email account used to send your results to evolutionary-research will not be published whatsoever.) Use "anonymous" or meaningful URL with up to 90 characters :
Nation (enter name or "anonymous", may be published in highscores at http://www.evolutionary-research.net) :
ANSI CPU information (automatic, don't correct manually) :
ANSI OS information (automatic, don't correct manually) :
Win32 on Windows NT 5.1
Systemdetails known (unknown or details like CPU type+speed, Cache size+speed, RAM size+speed, up to 70 characters) :
EEPerformance of this system (MegaIndividualsPerSecond in a 1165084 individuals (= 100 MB) population):
Total computing time (days) recorded in this preferences file :
Total number of workunits (in GigaIndividuals) recorded in this preferences file :
Worldhistory runs recorded in this preferences file :
InterruptFast: Call after so many individuals :
InterruptSlow: Check for break-file after so many individuals :
ScreenActivity: Write a short message if the Ratchet clicks or this number of Generations are over. This may lead to out of memory errors, if RAM is short for long simulations, as every message is recorded in memory! So use this feature with caution:
StandardOutputToFile (default = 0): 1 = Batch-run output will be written to log-file (uses diskspace) 0 = Batch-run output will NOT be written to log-file (saves diskspace). (You may get problems with a completely filled harddisk, if you request too much output) :
StandardOutputToScreen (default = 1): 1 = Batch-run output will be written to screen (uses RAM) 0 = Batch-run output will NOT be written to screen (saves RAM, allows for simulation of larger populations). (Simulator may terminate, if you request too much output) :
Maximum log-file size before simulation stops can be from 100KB to 2GB (default = 10 000 000 bytes). One standardsimulation with all reporting off needs ca. 10KB in log-file (+ ca. 100KB in separate results-file). Think about the number of simulations you want to compute with one run-file. Then estimate the number of bytes needed in the log file and add space for extra reports.Check whether the harddisk with the simulators folder has enough free space.Here is the current maximal number of bytes a log-file is allowed to have:
Write-intervall for intermediate results to disk in minutes (60 = default; this saves intermediate results so that they can be added to the resultsfile after a systemcrash. The intermediate result file is deleted automatically after adding its content to the result file after starting the simulator the next time) :
GetTimeSeriesRequestsFromFile (Shall the simulator evaluate the file "TimeseriesRequests.txt" during every evolve-loop? yes = 1, no = 0) :
WriteProgressFileIntervallSec (Write one "eProgress.txt" file after how many seconds) :
WriteLastParametersListFileIntervallMin (write a new ParametersList print out to file after how many minutes):
AcceptKeyRAMminimumMB (Reject keys that need less MB than) :
AcceptKeyRAMmaximumMB (Reject keys that need more MB than specified here; Do not use virtual memory, as this will block your computer; Leave enough for your other work; as a rule of thumb, your upper limit should be less than half of your physical RAM) :
AcceptKeyComputingTimeMinimumHours (Reject keys that need less hours computing time than) :
AcceptKeyComputingTimeMaximumDays (Reject keys that need more days computing time than) :
Last change : 2007Oct29_19h19m59
At startup 811942_-1465029363_-2040615522 was determined as the CodeSecurityCheckSum for this file. Compare it to the public CodeSecurityCheckSum at the download site, if there are problems. Differences might be due to transmission errors, read-write errors on disks, viruses or other unauthorized modifications. If you find an discrepancy, delete the corresponding binary simulator file immediately and get a new one. |