楼主: vmzy

[项目新闻] United Devices [已结束]

 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-4 11:08:34 | 显示全部楼层
Jan 02, 2007
Member Services - The issue we had over the holidays was due to a problem with a RAID controller on the member services server. Maintenance was performed on the RAID controller and the system has been brought back online. Although having no access to member services was an inconvenience, grid processing itself was not affected so there should be no lost work.

Team stats - Due to the hardware failure, team stats are a bit behind. I will begin manual rollup of the stats, but please be aware that this may take until tomorrow to finish. Stats must be rolled up one day at a time and it takes a couple of hours for each day to complete.

I hope everyone had a safe and happy New Year. As always, thank you for your continued contribution.

Member Services - 这个在假期出现的问题,是由于member services服务器的RAID控制器出了问题。RAID控制器已经修复,并且系统已经恢复正常。虽然无法访问member services很不方便,但网格计算处理本身没有受到影响因此应该不会失去任务。

团队统计 - 由于硬件故障,团队统计更新比较慢。我将开始人工处理统计,但是请注意,这可能要到明天才能结束。统计必须每天按时处理,这要每天花几个小时才能完成。



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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-9 14:06:13 | 显示全部楼层
Jan 08, 2007

Stats - The stats issue that we experienced over the holidays has been corrected and I have finished manually rolling up all of the missing days. All stats should be up to date now.

统计 - 假期中出现的统计问题已经修复了,我已经把缺失的统计数据全部手动更新了。到目前为止所有数据都应该是最新的了。


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-16 10:29:15 | 显示全部楼层
Jan 15, 2007 4:01 pm
Stats - The stats have all been manually run and are up to date. As I mentioned previously, we have identified the problem as a conflict between our DB backups and the stats rollup job. We must take backups so this issue will persist until the migration. I will manually fix the stats whenever we have this issue and nothing will be lost.

Forums - I have received several complaints about posts in the forums. There is a lot of bickering by some members that is not productive and serves no purpose. The purpose of the Member to Member Support board (and others) is to help members that are having problems and disseminate useful information related to the Grid.org project. Please ask yourself before you post if you are contributing useful information that is helpful to other members or are you are posting something that is purposely antagonistic in order to prove a point. If your post does not contribute something useful, please refrain from posting or post to UDDer Nonsense where it may be more appreciated.

2007年1月15日 4:01 pm
统计 - 统计已全部手动更新到最新了。正如我以前所说,我们发现问题果真是由DB备份和统计更新的冲突引起的。我们必须要做备,所以只有等转移结束才能修正该问题。不过一旦统计出错,我就会手动更新统计,没有数据会丢失。

论坛 - 我已接到数个有关论坛帖子的投诉。有些无聊人士在论坛里吵架。Member to Member Support(等)板块为了帮助有问题的会员,给大家传递有关grid.org项目的有用信息。请你在发帖前仔细考虑一下,你的信息是否有用,有助于其它成员或者说你所发布的发对意见是为了证明这一点。如果你发的帖子没用,请您不要乱发贴。



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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-23 13:28:42 | 显示全部楼层
Jan 22, 2007
Connectivity - some members had problems with connectivity on Friday. I was able to connect and download a fresh WU so it does not appear that the system was down in any way. I suspect that there were some sporadic outages across the internet that caused some members to not be able to connect. Everything seems to be working fine now though.

连接 - 周五部分用户遇到了连接问题。我能够连接并下载新任务,所以系统应该没有什么问题。我猜想,可能是国际互联网有一些异常造成了无法连接。现在看来一切正常。


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-13 11:05:53 | 显示全部楼层
Feb 12, 2007
Stats - there were some intermittent issues with stats and member services over the weekend. This appears to have been due to a problem with one of the web servers. The server has been rebooted and everything should be good now.

Connectivity - there were also some reports of not being able to upload/download from the UD servers. To our knowledge we had no issues with any of the equipment that services these requests. The problem was intermittent as well. The only thing that I can think of that would explain this would be some networking issues somewhere on the Internet. Hopefully all connectivity issues have gone away by now.

统计 - 周末统计和member services老出问题。这似乎是网页服务器中的一个出了问题。服务器已重启,现在一切都正常了。

连接 - 还有一些无法从UD服务器上传/下载的报告。据我们所知,我们的服务设备没有任何问题。而且问题是间歇性的。唯一让我想到的解释是,国际互联网互联网可能有问题。但愿所有连接问题现在已经消失。


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-9 09:59:11 | 显示全部楼层
Mar 08, 2007 5:01 pm
Sorry for the late post. I was hoping to have some additional information to share on the status of the migration/upgrade. Unfortunately due to the UD07 conference that UD is holding this week, it does not look like I am going to be able to do that. There should be some information Monday regarding the status of the Grid.org migration.



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 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-13 10:12:13 | 显示全部楼层
Mar 12, 2007
Grid.org Upgrade Update

Greetings from UD!

My apologies for not posting an update sooner -- in case you aren't aware of this, UD had our yearly conference last week in Boston (see http://www.ud07.com/index.php ). Check out the agenda and speakers -- it was our best conference yet!

So, it's time for an update on the Grid.org migration and beta program I wrote about last quarter. The good news is that the new release of Grid MP is complete and we are still targeting Q2 for the upgrade of Grid.org (as previously announced).

We are still planning to implement a beta program for testing of this version prior to final upgrade. Several new requirements (including something exciting we'll be announcing by the end of Q2) have necessitated a slight delay in scheduling the beta program, so the target timeline to begin beta has slipped to early Q2 -- though we still intend to complete the full upgrade by end of Q2 as originally planned.

If you've already volunteered for the beta program, thanks! If you would like to, please let us know as there is still time. We will reach out to all volunteers with beta program info in the next few weeks.

So, to summarize, here's what you can expect from UD regarding grid.org in the next 3-4 months:

> By early Q2: Beta program initiated
> Mid Q2: Announcement about the next big Grid.org project
> By end of Q2: Grid.org migration to the latest release complete

Thanks once again for your support of Grid.org!



新版Grid MP已经编写完成。2季度开始测试。




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 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-20 10:02:55 | 显示全部楼层
Mar 19, 2007
Grid.org status

Member services - we continue to have a sporadic problem with one of the two web servers. The monitor that we are using to watch this machine has an issue because inbound connection to the web service is successful. Only outbound http is affected. We need a different way to monitor this box. IT is investigating.

Beta program - the beta program will start up as soon as we start migrating the actual software. I will make a public announcement and then we will run the beta using the beta forum. More info will be made as we get closer to that time.

Member services - 网站服务器有问题,偶尔会出错。IT部门正在调查此事。

公测 - 万事俱备,只欠东风。正式开始时我会发布公告。届时将会有更多信息。


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-4-26 11:13:30 | 显示全部楼层
Apr 25, 2007
All Good Things Come To An End…

With seven years and five projects under its belt, Grid.org has successfully completed its mission: To evangelize the benefits (and demonstrate the viability and security) of large-scale Internet-based grid computing. Therefore, it is with great pride for all the accomplishments of this pioneering resource, and above all with the utmost gratitude to each of our members around the globe, that we announce Grid.org will be retiring on Friday, April 27, 2007.

We’ll be making a public announcement on the site later this week, but we felt it was important to give you, our loyal member base, an early heads-up out of respect for the years of support you’ve given to Grid.org. This way you’ll have time to gather final statistics, exchange contact info, and prepare for the official shutdown.

What exactly is happening:
At 12:00 noon Central Time on Friday, April 27, Grid.org will retire: Jobs will stop running, forums will be closed, and the website will be updated to reflect the retired status of this resource. We will leave the actual servers up for 1 week, so agent messages about this action can continue to be sent to members around the globe who might not check forums regularly. We will also leave the Stats up for one week so you have plenty of time to gather this data. After that, only the Home and Projects pages will remain, along with the instructions for uninstalling the agent ( http://www.grid.org/help/faq_uninstalling_agent.htm ).

Grid.org has completed its established mission to prove the benefits and viability of Internet-based grid computing. Grid.org was the largest and most ambitious public interest grid venture ever attempted when it was conceived – and thanks to Grid.org (and more specifically to all of you), today such a grid is no longer a novelty. Many public grids are now available, sponsored by large organizations better positioned to provide support to millions of member volunteers and the scientists who leverage their processing power. So, with the underlying technologies now well established globally in both public and private research programs, Grid.org’s goal of establishing the underlying technology has been achieved.

But what about…
We realize that over the past few months, Grid.org has made several announcements about upgrades coming in anticipation of a couple of new projects that we were working on. While we were fairly optimistic about these projects being launched, they ultimately fell through for a number of reasons. We realize that many of you had looked forward to participating in a beta program ahead of launching these projects, and we’re sorry you won’t have that opportunity.

Moving on: Where to go from here?
It’s clear from your years of loyalty to Grid.org that Internet-based research projects of this kind are important to you… and so we’re sure many of you will take your valuable resources to other projects of this kind that are ready and willing to accept you as new members.

Below are just a few of the projects we encourage you to investigate:
> World Community Grid ( http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/ ), operated by IBM
> Distributed.net ( http://www.distributed.net/ ), operated by distributed.net
> Compute Against Cancer ( http://www.computeagainstcancer.org/ ), operated by National Cancer Institute
> Folding@Home ( http://www.stanford.edu/group/pandegroup/folding/ ), operated by Stanford University
> fightAIDS@Home ( http://fightaidsathome.scripps.edu/ ), operated by Olson Lab at Scripps Research Institute
> LHC@home ( http://athome.web.cern.ch/athome/ ), operated by CERN
> Distributed Folding ( http://www.distributedfolding.org/ ), operated by a group of partners including Hogue Bioinformatics Research Lab, Mount Sinai Hospital, and University of Toronto
> SETI@home ( http://setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu/ ), operated by University of California at Berkeley

Also, here are a few great sites to visit to learn more about these and other projects:

> http://enterthegrid.com/
> http://gridcafe.web.cern.ch/gridcafe/gridprojects/fora.html
> http://www.ogf.org/
> http://www.grid.org.il/

Uninstalling the agent
The agent will no longer be processing work after Friday at noon, so you will want to uninstall it from your home device. Here’s how: http://www.grid.org/help/faq_uninstalling_agent.htm . Some more explicit instructions, including Troubleshooting, will be posted online Friday when Grid.org actually retires.

Last but not least
As we’ve tried to emphasize not only in this announcement but throughout our years of operations, we are fully aware of the debt of gratitude we owe to all of you, our loyal members.

The excellent work Grid.org has done, both in contributing massive research power to critical health research and in establishing this kind of research as viable, would not have been possible without your faith, efforts, and donations of compute power and goodwill. There is no superlative high enough to describe the value we place on your ongoing support for Grid.org, and so we simply say Thank you, and we hope you feel as proud as we do of the work you’ve done.



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