楼主: 碧城仙

[BOINC] [生命科学类及其他] World Community Grid

发表于 2021-7-15 10:57:07 | 显示全部楼层
July Update: Microbiome Immunity Project
As we announced last month, the Microbiome Immunity Project's time on World Community Grid is ending, but their data analysis is in full swing. This will be the final monthly update for this project.


Trillions of bacteria live inside and on our bodies. The Microbiome Immunity Project uses the computational power of World Community Grid to study the proteins produced by these bacteria, which are encoded in their genomes. This can help scientists understand the role of the microbiome in disease.

Papers in progress

The researchers are planning two papers that will use data from World Community Grid. (Their first paper, which referenced techniques they developed as a result of the project, was published in late May.) This month, they are concentrating on further analysis and writing for one of the papers, which they believe will have broad appeal to other scientists working on the microbiome and in related fields.

Future plans

As we announced in last month's update, the project's time on World Community Grid will be ending as soon as the current work units are completed. You can  read a post made by one of the researchers in the Microbiome Immunity Project forum with more information.

This will be the final monthly update for the project, but we are keeping in touch with the research team over the coming months as their data analysis progresses. To start, the researchers are preparing a project update, which we plan to release as soon as it is complete. We will also make announcements as their papers are published or if they have other news.

Status of work units

We expect the current supply of work units to be sent to volunteers by July 17, give or take a couple of days. After that, there will be approximately two weeks of work in progress (including possible re-sends). We anticipate that all work units will be completely processed by late July.

Click here to learn more about World Community Grid's monthly project updates.

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发表于 2021-7-16 09:04:35 | 显示全部楼层
分佈式志願計算 是到了 落幕的時候了


参与人数 1基本分 -6 收起 理由
mazhiyuam -6 .



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发表于 2021-9-14 10:21:27 | 显示全部楼层
World Community Grid finds a new home at Krembil Research Institute
13 九月 2021          

We're thrilled to announce that World Community Grid will now be run and supported by Krembil Research Institute, one of the world's leading basic science and clinical research institutions.

We're moving!


World Community Grid is becoming part of Krembil Research Institute, a leading scientific research institution in Toronto, Canada. Krembil Research Institute is part of the University Health Network, which is North America's largest hospital research network, and affiliated with University of Toronto, one of the world's top public universities. And just as importantly, it's the professional home of Dr. Igor Jurisica, Senior Scientist at Krembil, Professor at University of Toronto, and longtime World Community Grid collaborator. Dr. Jurisica will lead World Community Grid as it moves to its next chapter.

IBM created World Community Grid in 2004 as a proof-of-concept for distributed (or grid) computing. During its years with IBM, the program built a global volunteer base and became a significant source of computing power for humanitarian scientific research. And now, Krembil Research Institute will continue expanding the program.

Current research projects will continue

World Community Grid is currently running four active research projects (plus one project that is paused). We plan to continue running these projects, and we hope that you will continue to donate computing power to study cancer, tuberculosis, COVID-19, and rainfall patterns in sub-Saharan Africa, in addition to new research themes we plan to launch soon, once we fully transition the operation of the grid.

"The OpenPandemics - COVID-19 team is excited at the news that Krembil Research Institute will be managing World Community Grid. We anticipate to continue working together with Dr. Jurisica to keep our volunteers engaged in looking for potential drug candidates against COVID-19."

Stefano Forli, PhD
Assistant Professor, Scripps Research
Principal Investigator, OpenPandemics - COVID-19

Data privacy and security standards will remain high

World Community Grid has always put privacy and security first, and while our hosting organization is changing, our commitment to security and data privacy remains the same.

We request volunteer email addresses when you join World Community Grid. (Among other things, this allows us to communicate with you.) We will never sell or give away this information.
We implement stringent security procedures at every level of our platform.
We follow strict privacy standards as outlined by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). For example, your data will not be shown in the World Community Grid forum unless you choose to override the program’s default settings.
Transition begins

We'll soon begin transferring World Community Grid assets and operation from IBM to Krembil Research Institute. We'll keep everyone informed as the transfer progresses over the coming months, including notifying you of a temporary outage if we need to pause sending and receiving work units while moving to a new server.

Additionally, we’re transferring knowledge about World Community Grid's projects and practices to the team at Krembil Research Institute. Through the Mapping Cancer Markers and Help Conquer Cancer projects, Dr. Jurisica and his team are already familiar with the power of World Community Grid. They are excited to learn even more about its inner workings and to embrace the power of citizen science. With the transfer, we also aim to expand the volunteer experience, to launch new projects in a variety of disease areas, and to increase the number of software programs that can run on the World Community Grid.

Looking toward the future

In the short term, the first big change for World Community Grid will be an updated website–stay tuned for an announcement with details very soon. Additionally, we are in the early planning stages of a new project that seeks to identify novel treatments for Parkinson’s disease, and we’re planning to design a youth outreach program to engage high school students in science and technology.

In the long term, we're elated to be part of an organization whose core mission is research excellence, for the benefit of humankind. We hope you'll continue to donate your much-needed computing power to World Community Grid during this exciting time…and beyond.

Thanks to each of you for supporting humanitarian scientific research, and creating the world TEAM, as Together Everyone Accomplishes More. Citizen science fuels and helps open science and open data, pushing our dreams into reality, and making the world a better place. Thank you!

As always, we’re grateful for the support of each volunteer and partner, including Canada's New Digital Research Infrastructure Organization (NDRIO), Compute Ontario, Sharcnet and Cancer Computer. With their continued support we can execute the transition and ensure future growth of the program.

Questions? Visit our Transition to Krembil forum


参与人数 1基本分 +66 收起 理由
zhouxiaobo + 66 很给力!



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发表于 2021-9-15 20:42:22 | 显示全部楼层
关于 World Community Grid (WCG) 项目将更换运营方的声明

13 Sep 2021          


1. 新冠病毒研究 OpenPandemics - COVID-19
2. 非洲降雨预测 Africa Rainfall Project
3. 消灭肺结核病 Help Stop TB
4. 测绘肿瘤标记物         Mapping Cancer Markers
5. [间歇运行] 粉碎儿童癌症 Smash Childhood Cancer


WCG官方的项目移交申明:https://www.worldcommunitygrid.o ... le.do?articleId=732
WCG项目目前运行的五个研究项目介绍以及进展: https://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/research/viewAllProjects.do
Krembil 研究机构官方网站: https://www.uhn.ca/Research/Rese ... /Pages/default.aspx


参与人数 1基本分 +10 收起 理由
0xCAFEBABE + 10 淡定!



使用道具 举报

发表于 2022-2-10 09:58:43 | 显示全部楼层
WCG Data Transfer Underway, Stress Test of New Infrastructure Scheduled For Feb 28th

We have started to transfer data for all active WCG projects to the Krembil Research Institute. We are gearing up to start testing the whole system on February 28, 2022.

Published on: 9 二月 2022

Ensuring a smooth and safe transition is our first priority. As a result, we will need to pause new work units on February 14, to gracefully shut down all computation by February 28. We will then backup and stress test the new system before proceeding into the final phase of the transition.

The legal transfer was completed in September as outlined in our previous post, and IBM’s extended support will end on March 2, 2022. We would like to thank IBM and the whole WCG team: Al, Bill, Blaine, Caitlin, Erika, Jonathan, Juan, Julie, Keith, Kevin, Nels, Rick, Robin, Sophia, Tedi and Viktors for founding and supporting this amazing community of citizen scientists, and for helping us to continue that work.

As part of preparing for the final phase of WCG migration, we want to make volunteers aware of the following important dates:

World Community Grid pauses sending out work units: February 14, 2022.
World Community Grid pauses receiving work units: February 27, 2022.
Website and forum will be offline: from February 28 until April 22, 2022. A simplified version of the website will act as a sign post during the transition, to share updates and communicate our progress and roadmap for the World Community Grid in 2022.

Volunteers will not need to take any action to wind down the flow of work units to and from their devices. Likewise, clients will automatically begin receiving work units when the system is brought up again.

During this final phase of the migration, we will post all updates and communications on the simplified WCG website, and will cross-post them on WCG Facebook and Twitter pages. Unfortunately, neither forums, nor the full WCG webpage material will be accessible during this time.

Thank you all for your understanding. We appreciate your continued support, and look forward to working with you on finishing existing projects and working on the new ones.

WCG Team


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发表于 2023-4-6 10:06:11 | 显示全部楼层
BOINC System Restart

The storage failure recovery process has been completed and we have resumed computation on the new storage system.

Published on: 3 四月 2023


On March 1st, we encountered a major network file system failure (read our initial Hardware Recovery Update article and our follow-up update thread for more detail). The data center was able to locate and lend us an alternate system that could recognize our RAID keys after swapping the disks out of the failed system. After rebuilding the RAID on the stopgap storage system, and recovering the state of all databases and files at the time of the failure, we then transferred all data to a new storage system with better performance due to using fast SSD disk instead of spinning disk HDDs in the old system.

BOINC System has restarted

As of March 31st, all data has been transferred to the new system and we began running the network file system from our new storage, which provides much improved performance.

We have adjusted timeouts for the completion of WUs, and on April 2nd, we restarted BOINC – receiving processed WUs and making OPN1 and MCM work units available for processing. New SCC work units will be sent out soon.

Now that BOINC functionality is back, we will return to fixing the issues we have included on our Comprehensive Issue List. As always, we encourage those with bugs to report to share them here instead of creating new threads. We are still monitoring the system, but in the best case scenario we will be able to solve all of these issues and prepare for the complete WCG restart.

Active project updates

During the storage system recovery we have posted research updates from the ARP, MCM and SCC[url] teams. We have more news from the SCC team coming shortly. The HSTB team remains on the science pause.

If you have any comments or questions, please leave them in [url=https://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/forums/wcg/viewthread_thread,45182]this thread
for us to answer. Thank you for your support, patience and understanding.

WCG team

WCG Team


参与人数 1基本分 +10 收起 理由
0xCAFEBABE + 10 换成Krembil有半年了,到现在还不能稳定运.



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