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SOB 的 pending tests

发表于 2005-6-11 21:35:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
原來可以釋放給其他人做, 如果肯定算不到的話(如重安裝SOB後)。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-6-11 22:30:33 | 显示全部楼层

详细情况可以参考 SoB 在维基百科上的 FAQ:

I've lost a test, what do I do?

This has come up so many times its not even funny anymore. If you search through the message you'll notice this has happened before and there is a solution for certain cases. For others there is none. I understand users frustration so here is a way to solve 95% of the problems with lost tests.

Losts tests are generally a Micros$%# problem not sob it has to due with the registry and can be easily fixed.

If you lose a test etc here is a step by step procedure to regain the "lost" work.

First exit the sob client then;

1. Check your Sob directory for the unfinished test.

This is generally C:\Program Files\SB\ or which ever directory you installed Sob to.

Within this directory there should be a file with unrecognised format the name of the file will be:

z####### where # is some number 0–9

for example z6779487 generally when you have a lost test there will be two of these files, z6779487 and z6670993 for example.

If you don't have any z####### files in the Sb directory your not in the correct directory or your out of luck. Since only progress is reported there is no way to get the file back from the server SOB etc. If you have deleted it etc (Cleansweep, mistake, etc. your work is more than likely unrecoverable.)

2. Great you have the file, so now you know the n value of your lost work.

eg. z6779487 has an n value of 6779487 and z6670993 has an n value of 6670993

The lower n value is probably your lost test.

But which k value does it correspond to? Well you have to login to the server to check which k corresponds to the n.

3. Login to sob

http://www.seventeenorbust.com --> preferences --> pending test management

http://www.seventeenorbust.com/acco...tsPending.mhtml if your already logged in.

You will be presented a screen which looks like a spead sheet with the following headers:

ID, Number, IP Address, Assigned, Last Reported, Progress, Percent, cEMs/s, Expire?

Followed by the relavent information, if you run more than one computer you will have several of these.

363953 4847?2^6779487+1 Thu Aug 19 15:59:21 2004 never 0 % -0

358621 28433?2^6670993+1 Sun Aug 1 03:08:44 2004 Fri Aug 13 03:52:13 2004 4589089 68 %

Notice the two above have the exact same IP address and one test shows 0% done the other 68%. The 68% is your lost test and notice that the n values match 4847?2^6779487 28433?2^6670993 the z files in you Sb directory.

Note the K value for your lost test in this case 28433.

4. Now go to your resistry in windows

start --> Run type regedit you wil get a registry screen be carefull here, only changes those values relevant to Sb.

Now navigate to the following folder


and click on the cache folder, this will bring up three REG_DWORD values

cache REG_WORD 0x00000002 (2) k REG_WORD 0x000012ef (4847) n REG_WORD 0x0065ca91 (6779487)

these values must be modified to reflect your lost test.

left click on k so that it is selected then right click modify.

A box will come up with the header Edit DWORD Value.

Click the radio button in the "base" subwindow to decimal.

Doing so will change the Value data: on the left from hexadecimal to decimal (In this case from (12ef --> 4847) )

Change the 4847 to reflect the old test, 28433, or whatever your k value is and click OK.

Now do the exact same with the n-value.

Your registry should then look like this

cache REG_WORD 0x00000002 (2) k REG_WORD 0x00006f11 (28433) n REG_WORD 0x0067725f (6670993)

if your cache value is not 2 for example 0 then change this value to 2 as well.

5. Now restart your sb client and it should pickup from where the previous unit left off 68% in this instance.

6. If everything went smoothly now you can reloggin to the sob website and delete the 0% test.

Hope this helps people perhaps we could make this a sticky or incorperate the message into the website etc. Of course anyone could edit I won't scream copywright.

使用道具 举报

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