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发表于 2013-3-8 13:50:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
http://www.cnn.com/2013/03/06/wo ... ndex.html?hpt=hp_c3


The most heart-rending story is that of 5-year-old Dayana Arlotti and her father William, who were both unable to find space on a lifeboat. The pair struggled to the other side of the tilting ship, but fell into a flooded chasm and drowned. Dayana was the youngest victim -- it beggars belief that adults in the lifeboat refused to give up their seats for a girl who'd only just started school.

5岁的Dayana Arlotti和她的父亲未能在救生艇上找到一个位置。他们爬到了倾斜的船上的另一侧,但最终落入水中未能幸免。这个五岁的小女孩是最小的遇难者。不知为什么救生艇上的大人们拒绝给她让个座。

And then there's the horror endured by bartender Erika Molina. She managed to get onto a lifeboat, but fell out amid the chaotic launch. Without a life jacket she was sucked underwater by swirling currents as the cruise liner capsized.

酒吧女Erika Molina幸运地上了救生艇,在救生艇放下的时候却不幸地摔了下去。她没有救生衣,被卷入了邮轮倾覆的涡流中。

Maria D'Introno is the only victim whose body has yet to be found. She too was unable to get on the packed lifeboats; so much for women and children first. She was last seen trembling on the edge of the ship. Eventually she jumped into the icy water below. She didn't have a life jacket and couldn't swim. Just a few hundred meters from shore, she also drowned as horrified islanders looked on.

Maria D'Introno的遗体目前还没有找到。尽管女士和儿童优先,她也没能上去救生艇。当人们最后一次看见她的时候,她正挣扎着抓住船的一侧。最后她还是跳入了冰冷的大海,尽管她没有救生衣,也不会游泳。

Giuseppe Girolamo was a musician aboard, lucky enough initially to get into a lifeboat, gracious enough to give up his seat to someone else. He too drowned in those dark panicked hours that followed.

Giuseppe Girolamo是船上的乐手。他上了救生艇,随后如天使一般的把座让给了别人。他最后不幸遇难。

Capt. Francesco Schettino has been under investigation for manslaughter and abandoning ship, but prosecutors now recommend he should stand trial, together with four other crew members and a shore-based manager.

船长Francesco Schettino被控谋杀和弃船。他并不孤单,有四个船员和一个岸上人员陪他受审。

One of the accused crew is Manrico Giampedroni. He'd previously been declared a hero, the last person winched off the ship, but he's now accused of failing in his duties to help with the evacuation.

最后离船的水手Manrico Giampedroni曾被认为是英雄,但现在被控在疏散过程中玩忽职守。

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