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发表于 2012-12-19 22:10:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
龙腾网版权所有 http://www.ltaaa.com
龙腾网版权所有 http://www.ltaaa.com京广高铁长达2298公里,是世界上最长的高铁。据印度雷迪夫称,连接北京和广州的京广高铁将于12月26日开通。中国已经在运营了连接北京和上海、长约1300公里的京沪高铁,全程耗时大约5小时。京广高铁的平均时速是300公里,将把首都至南方经济中心城市广州的旅行时间减至大约8小时。京广高铁最高设计时速350公里,区间各大城市总计有35个站,其中包括石家庄站、郑州站、武汉站和长沙站。铁道部称,京广高铁预计能使北京和武汉之间的货运能力提高2000万吨。
龙腾网版权所有 http://www.ltaaa.com

原文标题:China to open world's longest high-speed rail line
原文链接:http://www.rediff.com/business/s ... l-line/20121217.htm


China is set to open a 2,298-km high-speed railway line, the world's longest, in about two weeks, linking the capital city with the country's trading hub of Guangzhou.
According to the Ministry of Railways (MOR), the Beijing-Guangzhou high-speed railway will open on December 26, the birth anniversary of late Chairman Mao Zedong.


China already operates a high-speed rail between Beijing and Shanghai covering about 1,300 km in about five hours.
Running at an average speed of 300 km per hour, the railway will cut travel time between the country's capital and the southern economic centre of Guangzhou to about 8 hours.
Designed with a maximum speed of 350 km per hour, the railway has 35 stops in major cities, including Shijiazhuang, Zhengzhou, Wuhan and Changsha.
The high-speed line is expected to increase the cargo transport capacity between Beijing and Wuhan by 20 million tonnes, according to the Railway Ministry.
(译文来源:三泰虎论坛 http://bbs.santaihu.com


Is It Possible
by Rahul Agnihotri
Yes it is and China has done it, one wonders whether India is suited for a democracy or is China style of governance is better suited for India. Current speed of long distance train comes to 80 km per hour from South to North in India.

Re: Is It Possible
by Ajai Jacob
But communism is 'dangerous'.It takes away the 'freedom' of people to do what they want(loot and pillage).


Re: Is It Possible
GIVE ME THE REINS of COUNTRY for FIVE yrs and see what will be the FACE of COUNTRY JUST FIVE yrs and we beat the USA


Re: Re: Is It Possible
by Deepak
Yes Freedom The Useless word Which is being Misused in India Inthe name of freedom Terrorists are doing whatever they want here


Re: Re: Is It Possible
by vilas apte
beat USA in what, issueing licenses for guns so that children and helpless elders are killed at random. because presently USA is known for these vandalisms.


BTM to Silk Board
by harsha m
BTM Traffic Post to Silk Board Signal (Bangalore) distance 1.5 Km, Time taken 45Mins !!!

Re: BTM to Silk Board
by RSS

Say thanks to people from other states (Immigrants) who have made Bangalore like Mumbai.


Political will
by Nitin Ujgare
all you need to achieve this is political will and engineering skill. We have second, but none of first !

Guys we can only
by Raj kumar
sit back and envy ...whereas the Fake Gandhi controlled Congress is very busy preparing itself for the next looting, quota politics etc...

Re: Guys we can only
by RSS

And guess what ????

They will Win again by a Massive margin.



how to move to China
by kapil
hi friends, i dont want to live India, just want to move to China. Is that possible? iam fed up of this country. please help
译文来源:三泰虎论坛 http://bbs.santaihu.com

Re: how to move to China
by Indian Indian
Kapil. U should give a try. I am sure after 2 to 4 months. u will regret ur decision / wish


Re: how to move to China
by Nitin Ujgare
just jump north side from Everest, you will fall somewhere in China and from there disappear northwards.


Re: how to move to China
Don't worry! Very soon china will invade India and rule us.


Re: how to move to China
me too,,,,,,if u got any way take me with you kapil


Re: how to move to China
by Sri R
Better go to Singapore.


And India will open up another list of scams..
by desi twist
Much as I am a proud Indian, I sometimes wonder whether we have any collective sense of pride...

Re: And India will open up another list of scams..
by anand pathak
You are so right.There is hardly any one who identifies himself as Indian, we are identified as caste/creed/state. how can India progress when we have no pride in our being as Indians.


india can never do it in 100 years
by ashish kharangate
india will never achieve this in 100 years because our politicians are not bold and courageous they get easy money in doing petty work

India will do the 2400 km Jammu to trivandraum in 3 days
by Subhash Chandra
china does it in 8 hours

Re: India will do the 2400 km Jammu to trivandraum in 3 days
by P Srinivas
Travel Distance between Jammu and Trivandrum is : 2704.59 km


Re: Re: India will do the 2400 km Jammu to trivandraum in 3 days
by santha kumar
Currently running train Total km : 3715. 69 Hours and 40 mins.


Re: India will do the 2400 km Jammu to trivandraum in 3 days
by Ajai Jacob
Indians are lazy and laidback.

They like to see lazy cricket all day munching crunchies.


Its not just the government which needs a change
by abhishek johri
Its not just the government, but also us, the people, who need to change. China is not just ahead cos of the government doing so much but also cos of its people. I have been to china a couple of times and people follow rules cos maybe because the law is so strict or they respect it- whatever the reason may be. Girls roam around at night in their short dresses because they have the sense of security..cos people follow it and are afraid of being punished.Are we the same?? Do we respect our law? We blame girls for wearing such apparel and say its provoking- its men who need to change their mentality and respect women.From a simple rule to not smoke in public or following traffic rules, we don't follow any..if we get caught, we try to get away by bribing the police. We eat chips in our cars but will throw the trash on the road- is this the sense of being responsible? Dont we try to save our Income tax by showing fake rent slips and bills?We are as much a part of this corruption as these politicians are, the only difference is that they do it at a large scale. So how we raise a finger on anybody when we ourselves are not right..So we need to change ourselves before expecting anyone else to change. Do you follow the rules and respect the Law?
(译文来源:三泰虎论坛 http://bbs.santaihu.com

FDI in infrastructure
by Aashish Tulsaan
India requires FDI in infrastruture. India should have such trains atlest connecting the mjor business hubs.

http://www.santaihu.com/china-to ... peed-rail-line.html

评论的第二部分 最新更新:                                                                                                                                          
Welldone China
by Rajiv N
In India we use the same infrastructure given to us by the British. Thanks to them we atleast travel in trains. Sadly our politicians have squandered tax payers money and have done nothing worthwhile. Now they talk of reservation. Will they build new railway trains & railway network for them too.


China is way ahead .....
China is way ahead of others....Great nation.

It is impossible to attain such projects in India as long as we do not recognise the talent and only go by reservation which starts from Parliament to every corner of the country

译文来源:三泰虎论坛 http://bbs.santaihu.com

If direct cash scheme implemented then
by Ashok Mishra
The Government will have not fund to provide basic things like Road repairing, water supply, train cleaning, improvement of villages and cities. All fund directly goes to Swis Bank. So take care in coming election.

what about our mumbai metro ?
by sunil nair
no body knows what will happen to mumbai metro.
already broke so many deadlines.
(also lots of people died under cement slabs of this project silently without making any big noice).
it's a record breaking dealeyed project under our corrupt administration.)

Congratulations China!!!
by M Parshuram
Wonderful feat.... you people keep achieving the highest standards that inspire the whole world!

by wellfrog
let us go there and study how they have improved WE LEARN THINGS FROM OUR NEIGHBOURS NOTHING WRONG IN LEARNING

by French Cuisine
By capitalism unabated. China is more capitalist at present out of any country in the whole world, more than America, more than Europe. Go to China and you can set up your factory within a month, in US it takes a few months, in India a few years. India is still drowning under a flood of rules and regulations. Only the Gujrat story is a bit different, the rest of India is socialist inc.


by Radha Mohan
Why years? if you pay money you can start business in India in 15 days. That way we are the fastest.So why not legalise corruption and grow faster.? Think out of the box man.. think.


by x y
WE must not have High speed train till the last Indian is provided with roti,kapda,makhan.Jain Hindi.

Re: India
by abc_xyz abc_xyz
its not Jain Hindi..its Jai HIND.

不是“Jain Hindi”,是“Jai HIND”。

Re: India
by Sandeep Ghosh
Unless you have high speed train,you won't have roti kapda aur makhan


Re: India
by M Parshuram
Every high speed train in India will bring more roti, kapda and makaan to the people.


china high speed train
by Akhilpada Sarkar
disciplined, hardworking law abiding workers.
no inkilab zindabad.no bandh there

Re: china high speed train
by sidha bol
yes. else will be hanged immediately


Re: Re: china high speed train
by michael kay
Better be killed in hell than to be rot in heaven.


by abc_xyz abc_xyz
Chinese growth isn't uniform. Their metros are world-class, but some of their interior villages are worse than what you can imagine. Their SoftSleeper coaches are better than our 1st AC coaches, but their Hardsitter coaches are worse than our Unreserved compartments. Their beauracrats, CEO's, Business magnets, polticians earn more than our counterparts, whereas their poor people are poorer than many lower-class indians. Their kind of governance prohibits common citizens to talk against atrocities, whereas we have that freedom here. Never try to ape China in everything. They are born and brought up to hate other country men, while we dont do it. They aren't a role model to anyone.
译文来源:三泰虎论坛 http://bbs.santaihu.com

Re: china
by Chenny Youp
have u been to china, have u visited any chinese villages? r u living in ur dream land or just make u feel better to imagine the normal chinese is more miserable than indian? ask anyone around u who has been to china what about normal chinese life and the inland villages, how they compare the chinese lowest hardsit coach with indian 2nd class coach...


Re: Re: china
by abc_xyz abc_xyz
You think I talk rubbish without being there?


Re: Re: china
by Om Shanti

CY,I agree with you.I am an Indian in China and travelled China extensively in last 10 years..


Re: china
by dhaval
well said .....ours is the country who teach love and humanity....


Re: Re: china
and corruption...


Re: Re: Re: china
by Sachin jadhav
And hatred against other religion


Re: china
by Ashish Singh
as your name suggest you are still learning abc....; i am sure you have never been to China, the so called percentage of population BPL is only 3%, these figures are not given by Chinese,but by UNO. i frequently go to China for business purposes as it is the manufacturing hub of the world, and also have seen their tourist places of natural beauty which all are in rural areas, i can vouch that their so called poverty is on a much lower scale than that of India.Moreover their railway hard seats are equivalent to our AC 3 tier. Therefore you are requested to stop writing these rubbish things thereby exposing your ignorance, and deter from reading british & american news items which are hot beds of false propaganda.


Re: Re: china
by sidha bol
u chini agent please go and live in china and don't spread trash news.


Re: Re: Re: china
by Om Shanti
Any body telling fact,becomes agent ? What a FrogInTheWell !


Re: china
by wellfrog
you cannot compare indian development with china . India will take another 100 years to reach chinas today development
no one other than passengers enters the station decipline - all workers are avilable in the train and clean it frequently - their road are broad and wide - no congestion even in old beijing - they take regular efforts to improve - our national highways are built recently which should have been done 100 years before and still no traffic rules in the highways - truck stops where ever the driver likes and occupies both the lanes always - they are patriotic they do not hate other country

They have friendly with Pak, Srilanka and they dont want war even with India . They want to concentrate only on their own development and business - Only the indian usa slave wants to create trouble wit them especially the indian meadia fabricating the chineese news and USA wants india china war at any cost - so that they can stop the development of Asian nations
Their political system is for the huge population - see their olymbics medals - they were not in olymbics few years before boycotted by the 3/4th of the world still they managed to come first or second though asians are physically weak when comparative to africans and Europeans see their dedication - can inda win 100 golds even after 1000 years in olymbics with their Pseudo freedom of speech and democracy - i dont think so. but we will fight with our neibours and go down by another 1000 years WE HAVE ERUL NADU



Re: Re: china
by sidha bol
Another chini agent. We are fine in India if u don't like please go to china and stay there


译文来源:三泰虎论坛 http://bbs.santaihu.com

Re: Re: Re: china
by wellfrog
you are not able to digest the truth and you will remain only as a agent for some people . you will not learn things and realise our mistakes to improve


Re: Re: Re: Re: china
by sidha bol
Please stop saying trash. I have visited many countries including china so don't think everybody is a f00l like you. Hope you know the meaning of patriot also.


Re: china
by sidha bol
@abc_xyz abc_xyz well said and very much correct


Re: Re: china
by abc_xyz abc_xyz
Thanks Sidha Bol. Beware of Chamchas and Slaves like wellfrog( name fits well haha) and Ashish Singh

谢谢,Sidha Bol,小心 wellfrog(名字取得好,哈哈)和 Ashish Singh 等奴隶。

Well Disciplined
by chunjaru
This shows how a country can progress well if its people are disciplined. In India everyone has their own wishes and blame each other even if they do it themselves. Controlled Democracy has been a boon for the chinese for the last 2 decades and they have learnt from their past mistakes of suppressing people. If the people's movement in Tibet recedes, China will develop it as the best accessible and beautiful place on Earth.

Fact is that
by Manoj Khurana
Is there Reservation on caste basis in CHINA???????????????

Re: Fact is that
by Steven Komakula
In China, minorities and people from poor areas needs lower scores to get into colleges.



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