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SETI.USA 的历史(翻译稿 translation)

发表于 2012-9-27 12:59:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 xuyongchen 于 2012-9-27 09:34 编辑



时值2005年,SETI.Germany在SETI@Home项目上有着巨大的领先优势。众团队难以望其项背。(此时)在一间堆满了用来搜寻地外生命的旧电脑的宿舍里,我们(团队)最初的创建者Project III发觉,美国在该项目上有着更多的参与者,并且每日得分也超过德国,为什么美国不能夺下第一的宝座呢?他意识到这是由于算力被分散在美国的各个团队中。我们需要一支集合了多方实力的团队去计算SETI@Home并把德国队挤下宝座。

时间到了2005年3月24日,SETI.USA团队正式成立了。为了夺下SETI.Germany在SETI@Home项目上的状元头衔,我们本能的将团队取名为SETI.USA团队。Project III以及他的朋友JoeJoe在SETI@Home的留言板上拼命的募集成员并卖力的宣传着我们这个初生牛犊的雄心壮志:将SETI.Germany拉下冠军的宝座。他们的发言被一次次的无视,嘲笑,被认为是不可能实现的。因为在当时,规模庞大的队伍都无法赶上SETI.Germany,更何况由一小群自负的人所组建的小团队呢?但是Project III与JoeJoe依旧坚持他们的信念并不断的为之而努力。尽管大部分回复都是拒绝的含义,还是有很少的一些人慢慢的加入到SETI.USA团队中。几个月后,JoeJoe成功的召集到昵称是BlkJack-21以及Fshslar(谐音鱼)的队员。他们在招募队员的同时,完成了SETI.USA团队的第一个官方网站。Project III,JoeJoe,BlkJack-21以及Fish为SETI.USA团队的早期发展做出了不可磨灭的贡献。

“四骑士”:2005年12月26日  BlkJack-21,Fish,Project III,JoeJoe

10月23日的时候,SETI.USA终于迎来了他的第100位成员!不过实际上当时的会员数并没有宣称的那么多。因为一些早期的会员注册了多个帐号用来扩充团队的人数。他们希望借此来提高SETI.USA团队的吸引力。在感恩节的那天晚上,SETI.USA团队完成了SETI@Home 100万积分的既定目标。12月22日,SETI.USA凭借单日86,000积分的成绩成功入主SETI@Home单日积分前十的名单中。12月26日,我们将每日得分成功的提高至10万。




2006年6月,我们的团队被BOINC以外的世界所关注到。我们的两位会员:BlkJack-21以及Daniel Schaalma就加入SETI.USA并参与SETI@Home项目接受了华尔街日报的采访。6月28日,题为“我们需要多少计算机才能与E.T们取得联系?”的文章被发表在华尔街日报上。尽管关于团队的创始者有所失实,并且记者为了证明自己的观点选取了采访内容外的评论(谁会想到这样的事情会发生在《华尔街日报》上?)这篇文章依旧在展示SETI.USA团队以及吸引新会员等方面给予了我们帮助。这篇文章依旧能够被在线阅读:http://online.wsj.com/public/art ... J9GEI_20070627.html









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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-27 13:01:41 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 xuyongchen 于 2012-9-27 09:34 编辑


SETI.USA Team History

    This article was written for the March 2010 Team SETI.USA News for the team's 5th Anniversary.
    Re-posted to our new forums by request.

    SETI.USA Team History

    The year was 2005 and SETI.Germany was the #1 team on the SETI@Home project with a lead that was apparently untouchable by any challengers. In a dorm room filled with ancient computers searching for a signal of extraterrestrial life our original team founder Project III was struck with an epiphany. Noticing that the USA had more active participants on the project producing more credit per day than the country of the top team he thought why couldn’t the United States capture the #1 position? He realized it was because the production of the USA was fragmented across numerous teams. There needed to be a team that would attempt to unite those crunchers into a power house that had the capability to unseat the reining team on SETI@Home.

    On March 24, 2005 team SETI.USA was founded. Choosing a name for the team was intuitive; as the goal was to unseat SETI.Germany from its #1 position SETI.USA would be the team to do so. Project III and his friend JoeJoe worked the SETI@Home message boards attempting to recruit new members and boasting of the fledgling team’s plan of unseating SETI.Germany from the top of the leader board. Their posts were dismissed, and ridiculed, told their goal was unattainable, if the current larger teams on the project could not catch SETI.Germany this upstart team consisting of only a handful of members had no chance in doing so. Believing in their vision Project III and JoeJoe continued their efforts and although the majority of replies to their posts were negative a few members slowly started to join the team. A few months later JoeJoe managed to recruit a couple members by the nicks of BlkJack-21 & Fshslar (Fish) who also became involved in recruiting members to join the mission and developed the team’s first web site. These four members, Project III, JoeJoe, BlkJack-21, and Fish were the main driving force for our team in its infancy.

    The “Four Horsemen” 12.26.2005 - BlkJack-21, Fish, Project III, JoeJoe

    On Oct 23, 2005 the team gained its 100th member! In actuality the membership at that time was slightly less as a few early members had multiple user IDs set up to make the team look larger than it actually was hoping this would attract others to join the team. On Halloween night, the team made its goal of 1,000,000 cobblestones on the SETI@home project. By Dec 22 SETI.USA had moved up into the top 10 teams for daily output on the SETI@Home project with a team output near 86,000 cobblestones a day increasing to 100,000 cobblestones by the Dec 26th.

    With the continuing addition of new enthused and dedicated members SETI.USA was steadily moving up the leader board. In 2006 milestones and team accomplishments increased in an exponential manner. With other projects coming online in BOINC and the teams output no longer dedicated to only SETI@Home the team passed 5,000,000 total credits on the project on Jan 01 and doubled that by Jan 21. Things were really starting to move at this point. On Jan 22, 2006 for the first time SETI.USA surpassed SETI.Germany’s output on the SETI@Home project for the first time. The title of top producing team was exchanged between the two teams a few times but on Jan 25 SETI.USA re-gained and would except for a couple brief periods maintain the lead in daily output on SETI@Home. With an approximate 90,000,000 credit gap between the two teams we were now gaining on the #1 position daily.

    The team’s motto “Together we will accomplish something amazing!” was certainly true, 10 months earlier no one had heard of team SETI.USA now they were the top producing team and still growing!

    Feb 03, 2006 SETI.USA became the first team to pass a daily output of 1,000,000 cobblestones on the SETI@Home project. One of the many firsts to follow in the team’s future. Feb 21st would see the team pass 1300 members; by May 10th the team’s strength would be up to 2100 members. The team was still picking up speed and many finally realized that yes, SETI.USA may indeed have the ability to gain the #1 position on SETI@Home unseating the once though untouchable SETI.Germany.

    In June 2006 the team was being noticed by those outside of the BOINC community. Two of our members BlkJack-21 and Daniel Schaalma were interviewed by a reporter from the Wall Street Journal regarding SETI.USA’s participation in the SETI@Home project. On June 28, 2006 the article “How Many Computers Does It Take to Make Contact with E.T.s?” was published by the Wall Street Journal. Although there were some inaccuracies regarding the founders of our team and a comment taken out of context by the reporter to support his position (who would have thought that would happen at the WSJ?) the article was overall beneficial in giving our team exposure and we believed helped in recruiting additional members. The article is still available online and can be viewed at:

    http://online.wsj.com/public/art ... J9GEI_20070627.html

    Mar 08, 2007 SETI.USA passed SETI.Germany in total credit on the SETI@Home project. In less than two years since its inception team SETI.USA passed all teams participating in SETI@Home and became the #1 team for total credit on the project. SETI.USA’s #1 position has never been threatened and today retains over a 239,000,000 lead there thanks to ALL of its dedicated members.
    After completing the team’s original goal and expanding our lead many members moved on to other projects running under BOINC. The team set out with a new goal of becoming the #1 team for total credit across all BOINC projects. This was accomplished on Sep 19, 2007.

    Although our team has had its “ups and downs” the ups greatly outweigh the downs. SETI.USA remains a major player in teams participating in BOINC. Our team currently is 1st in total BOINC credit. SETI.USA leads the way with 23 #1 positions in BOINC projects and has more “top 10” ranks at 79 than any other team.

    What does the future hold for SETI.USA? That’s entirely up to the team’s members. SETI.USA has been successful in its endeavors only because of the wonderful group of highly dedicated members that have joined us here. This team is nothing without its members. Each and every team member whether he has one computer or hundreds is vital to the success of the team’s future challenges.
    Let’s make the next 5 years even more exciting and successful than the past 5 have been working together to keep SETI.USA the best distributed computing team participating in BOINC.

    “Together we will accomplish something amazing!”…

This has not been updated statistically but does reflect our past.  We have also added many international members who contribute greatly to our team.  As most know The United States is a country made of of people from all nations, religions and cultures.  Keeping with that rich history we are always reaching out to people from all across the world.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-9-27 13:17:30 | 显示全部楼层
感觉Team China真是形单影只……

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-9-27 13:36:16 | 显示全部楼层
回复 3# nekoko


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发表于 2012-9-27 15:53:29 | 显示全部楼层
回复 4# muclemanxb

不是,就是感觉大家都自觉地加入Team China,但是面对全世界,积分还是捉襟见肘……而且一直在单打独斗,少有像他们那样有交流~

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-1-7 09:35:05 | 显示全部楼层

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