楼主: 射命丸 文

[新闻] 中国应借人口普查统计住房空置率

发表于 2010-8-28 22:34:05 | 显示全部楼层

Vacancy Status

The data on vacancy status were obtained only for a sample of cases in the computer-assistedpersonal interview (known as “CAPI”) follow-up by field representatives. Data on vacancystatus were obtained at the time of the personal visit. Vacancy status and other characteristicsof vacant units were determined by field representatives obtaining information fromlandlords, owners, neighbors, rental agents, and others. Vacant units are subdividedaccording to their housing market classification as follows:

For Rent – These are vacant units offered “for rent,” and vacant units offered either “forrent” or “for sale.”

Rented, Not Occupied – These are vacant units rented but not yet occupied, including unitswhere money has been paid or agreed upon, but the renter has not yet moved in.

For Sale Only – These are vacant units being offered “for sale only,” including units incooperatives and condominium projects if the individual units are offered “for sale only.” Ifunits are offered either “for rent” or “for sale” they are included in the “for rent”classification.

Sold, Not Occupied – These are vacant units sold but not yet occupied, including units thathave been sold recently, but the new owner has not yet moved in.

For Seasonal, Recreational, or Occasional Use – These are vacant units used or intendedfor use only in certain seasons or for weekends or other occasional use throughout the year.Seasonal units include those used for summer or winter sports or recreation, such as beachcottages and hunting cabins. Seasonal units also may include quarters for such workers asherders and loggers. Interval ownership units, sometimes called shared-ownership or time-sharing condominiums, also are included here.

For Migrant Workers – These include vacant units intended for occupancy by migratoryworkers employed in farm work during the crop season. (Work in a cannery, a freezer plant,or a food-processing plant is not farm work.)

Other Vacant – If a vacant unit does not fall into any of the categories specified above, it isclassified as “Other vacant.” For example, this category includes units held for occupancy by a caretaker or janitor, and units held for personal reasons of the owner.

Homeowner Vacancy Rate – The homeowner vacancy rate is the proportion of thehomeowner inventory that is vacant “for sale.” It is computed by dividing the number ofvacant units “for sale only” by the sum of the owner-occupied units, vacant units that are “forsale only,” and vacant units that have been sold but not yet occupied, and then multiplying by100. This measure is rounded to the nearest tenth.

Rental Vacancy Rate – The rental vacancy rate is the proportion of the rental inventory thatis vacant “for rent.” It is computed by dividing the number of vacant units “for rent” by thesum of the renter-occupied units, vacant units that are “for rent,” and vacant units that have been rented but not yet occupied, and then multiplying by 100. This measure is rounded tothe nearest tenth.
出租空置率,因为分母For Rent –,由于个人出租很可能不报,所以才有楼主所说"只是值得一提的是,他们只是衡量住房二级市场上准备出租或出售的房屋空置情况,分子只是供出租的空置房或者只供出售的空置房,都不包含没有进入市场的空置房。"

Available Housing Vacancy Rate – The proportion of the housing inventory that is vacant-for-sale only and vacant-for-rent. It is computed by dividing the sum of vacant-for-sale onlyhousing units and vacant-for-rent housing units, by the sum of occupied units, vacant-for-saleonly housing units, vacant-sold-not occupied housing units, vacant-for-rent housing units,and vacant-rented-not-occupied housing units, and then multiplying by 100. This measure isrounded to the nearest tenth.

Comparability – The 1996-2004 American Community Survey and Census 2000 used asingle vacancy status category for units that were either “Rented or sold, not occupied”. Inthe 2005 ACS, there were two separate categories, “Rented, not occupied and “Sold, notoccupied.” This change created consistency among the ACS, the Housing Vacancy Survey,and the proposed 2010 Census vacancy status response options. The revised categories wereincorporated in the calculations of the rental vacancy rate and the homeowner vacancy rate

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