发表于 2006-2-14 15:55:19
February 14, 2006
BOINC and Climateprediction.net have joined forces with the BBC to launch a new experiment -- a full simulation of climate change from 1920 to 2080. The experiment is described on a BBC television documentary Meltdown (BBC-4, February 20th, for UK BOINCers). Simplified client software is available at bbc.co.uk/climatechange. Experienced BOINCers can attach to http://bbc.cpdn.org (check out the new graphics!). Be warned that a 160-year climate simulation is a long workunit even by Climateprediction.net's extravagant standards. But if you have a fast machine and are prepared to give us first call on your CPU, just for the next couple of months, then you could see your results in a second BBC television programme scheduled for May.
BOINC和CPDN已经和BBC联合发起了一项新的实验 - 从1920年到2080年的气候的完全模拟。这项实验将在BBC的节目中被介绍(4台,2月20日,仅英国)。简化的客户端软件可以在bbc.co.uk/climatechange进行下载。现有的BOINC用户可以直接加入到http://bbc.cpdn.org(看看新的图形吧!)。必须注意到160年的气候模拟即便是以CPDN的标准来说也是一个很长的任务。但如果你有一台足够快的计算机,并且愿意在接下来的几个月内让我们的程序来使用它,那么在5月份的BBC电视节目中可能就会看到你的模拟结果。 |