发表于 2015-11-29 22:44:06
2015-11-27: SETI@Home Beta, SETI@home v8 beta to begin on Tuesday
Finally we have a working GBT splitter. SETI@home v8 will process Arecibo and GBT data.
The code changes are pretty small, but the results are not compatible with SETI@home v7, so only process v8 data will v8 clients.
First release will be linux x86_64 only to begin with. We're hoping to have windows and macos graphical releases in another week or so.
新版 SETI@home v8 测试程序发布,它将会被用来处理 Arecibo 和 GBT 数据。尽管代码上的改动较少,运算结果仍与v7版程序互不兼容。先行发布Linux版本,其他平台还尚需时日。