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[已转移到维基条目] 由一群热心人组成的星系

发表于 2009-1-27 12:58:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
标题:A galaxy of helpful people,由一群热心人组成的星系
作者:Suw Charman-Anderson
日期:Thursday 15 January 2009,2009年1月15日(周四)
概要:An Oxford scientist has harnessed the power of the web to create a massive citizen-science project that is truly collaborative. 一位牛津大学科学家利用互联网的威力来创造出一个公众共同参与的科学项目

Two spiral galaxies, satellite view. Photograph: StockTrek/Getty Images 卫星拍摄的两个螺旋状的银河

When Dr Chris Lintott, a researcher in the department of physics at the University of Oxford, first considered launching a website to ask the public to help classify photographs of 1m galaxies, he assumed it would probably take three or four years to complete. Galaxy Zoo (galaxyzoo.org), launched in July 2007, was supposed to be a side project; instead it has turned into the biggest citizen-science experiment on the web.
当Chris Lintott(人名)博士,一位牛津大学物理系的研究人员,一开始考虑创建一个利用公众的力量帮助为一百万个星系处理分类的网站时,他估计大约需要3到4年的时间来完成。银河动物园(网址galaxyzoo.org),创立于2007年的7月,一个一开始被认为是前景黯淡的项目,现在成为了互联网上最大的公众科学实验项目。

Galaxies can be classified as spiral, elliptical or merging (when two come together). The Sloan Digital Sky Survey, or SDSS (www.sdss.org), has images of nearly a million galaxies; what those images don't have in their raw form is the information about what class of galaxy is pictured.

Lintott had hoped that each image would get 10 classifications, or "clicks", and that the public would prove able to classify galaxies accurately according to their features. Three weeks and 10m clicks later, he was proved right: the public is capable of classifying galaxies as well as, or even better than, professional astronomers. And quickly, too. "It was like being hit by a tidal wave," says Lintott.

The images have now had more than 70m clicks in total, allowing Lintott and his team to go beyond simply sorting galaxies into spiral, elliptical or merging categories, into further research. "You can have confidence, as we can say, '100% of people think that's a spiral galaxy, so it's really, really spirally'," says Lintott.

Human zoo
His team was allocated precious time on the IRAM 30m radio telescope in southern Spain, and was easily able to select just 40 galaxies from the original sample to study, safe in the knowledge that the scientists had exactly what they needed.
他的队伍最近被分配到位于西班牙南部的IRAM 的30m(??不知道在这里是什么意思)射电望远镜,并且轻易地从图像样本中选出40个星系来研究,获得科学家们真正需要的可靠的资料。

After Galaxy Zoo's initial success, Lintott wanted to take a closer look at merging galaxies. At 5pm one Tuesday he posted a spreadsheet listing a selection to the forums and asked members to take a look and email him the best. Then he went to the pub.

One "Zooite", Richard Proctor, a telecoms consultant, spotted the spreadsheet and thought: "I can build a webpage to do that!" By the time Lintott logged back in, the web interface was already in use.
Richard Proctor, 追随者之一,是一位电信顾问,他看了表格后想“我可以弄一个网页来做这个啊!”当Lintott回来的时候,这个网页已经在运行了。

"What was going to be a quick little study turned into a much larger study of about 45,000 images," says Proctor. Each image has now had more than 25 clicks, with four particularly committed souls having seen every single one. The first academic paper about those merging galaxies has been submitted, and Proctor is listed as a co-author.

It's not the first time collaborative astronomy has proved a hit online. The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (Seti) project created the most powerful distributed computer ever with its Seti@home project launched in May 1999, which used spare processing power on home computers to process data collected from a specific wavelength to see if aliens were trying to get in touch. It was used by 5.2 million people and offered, at its peak, 265 teraflops (a trillion calculations a second) of processing power.
这并不是第一次天文学研究合作通过互联网上的点击率来被选择了。在1999年5月,一个寻找外星文明生物的工程(缩写为SETI ) ,把最强大的分布式计算机运算技术应用到它的Seti@home软件中。这个软件利用空闲的家用计算机的计算能力来运算从特定波长上收集的数据,来观察是否有外星文明在尝试与我们沟通。这个程序被520万的人使用,最高能提供每秒265 Tfop的数据处理能力。

Similarly, Nasa's Clickworkers project in 2000-01, found that ordinary people were just as good as astronomers at identifying craters on Mars in photos.

The biggest influence on Galaxy Zoo, however, is Stardust@home, where users search for tiny interstellar dust particles within images returned by the 2006 Stardust mission. Thousands of users have logged on to the site.

"Stardust@home was a real inspiration for us," says Lintott. "We thought, 'If 20,000 people will look for dust grains in their spare time, surely they will look at beautiful pictures of galaxies?'"

But unlike those projects, where the task is set from the top down, the Galaxy Zoo community has its own ideas about what can be done with the SDSS data.

"Up until now," says Proctor, "the professional astronomers have come up with things that want classifying and we've classified them." But there are thousands of irregular galaxies - neither spiral nor elliptical - that the professionals don't have time to examine. So the community decided to do it themselves, drafting a list of questions and building a web interface to make classification easier.

"Once we've got some results," promises Proctor, "we'll publish them for everybody to use, and then see if we can find out anything useful. Given that the biggest study of irregular galaxies to date looked at around 150, and we've got 9,000, we must find something!"

Lintott is supportive of the irregulars project: "They are doing everything professional astronomers would do," he says. "It's up there with any work I've done."

It's not just the volume of research that can be done by collaborating with the public that's important to Lintott, but also the opening up of scientific research to anyone with a browser and a little time.

"By making the data available to everyone," he says, "whatever stage you are in your learning, you can do research."

And a surprising cross-section of people are doing just that. Hanny van Arkel is a Dutch primary school teacher who discovered a strange object, now called Hanny's Voorwerp (Dutch for "object"), near a spiral galaxy. "I thought it was fun," she says of Galaxy Zoo, "but I didn't expect that it would become such a big part of my life. I've learned a lot and it's a good way of participating in science."
一个令人惊奇的地方就是这样的事情正在发生。Hanny van Arkel(人名)是一位荷兰的小学老师,他发现了一个奇怪的物体,现在被命名为“Hanny's Voorwerp”(荷兰语中Voorwerp是物体的意思),位于一个螺旋星系的附近。“我觉得很有趣,”他谈论到星系动物园时说,“但是我没有料到它会变成我生命中如此重要的一部分。我学到了许多知识,而且这也是预料科学发展的好途径。”

Elisabeth Baeten, a Belgian secretary, is one of only four people who has seen every image in the galaxy merger project. "I also classify the irregulars," she says, "and in between I cruise the universe looking for asteroids and gravitational lenses."
Elisabeth Baeten(人名),是一位来自比利时的秘书,是星系交汇计划中,四个能看到交汇星系全部图片的人的其中一人。“我同样为不规则的星系分类,”她说,“我漫行在宇宙中,寻找小行星和扁豆状夹层。”

In future, it will be much easier for both scientists and enthusiasts to take part in such projects. Not only are Lintott and his colleagues finalising Galaxy Zoo 2, which will examine galaxies in much more detail, they are also building a platform that will allow any scientist to upload data and tap into the vast potential of the internet.

"Our users are clamouring for stuff to do," says Lintott. "The problem of having too much data to pay close attention to is not just an astronomical problem. It's astronomical in scale, but it's not just us."

The new project will allow scientists to upload their videos of elephants, pictures of galaxies, or chemical structures, then specify what they want done with them. They can either use the provided templates, or customise their project. Lintott describes it as the scientific version of the popular blogging software WordPress.

And there are many uses of such a platform. Nasa has high-quality images from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, most of which are simply filed. And study of the pictures produced by this year's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter will allow scientists to build a history of asteroid bombardment of the inner solar system.

"It's like Nasa does the map and we'll write the guide book," says Lintott.

Indeed, it would be possible for anyone to upload data, including amateur astronomers. "More than a million separate observations a year are recorded by amateurs," says Lintott. "That's a huge pile of data that, at the minute, professionals slowly sort through, but we can hand that back to the amateurs to analyse.

"We may," he jokes, "just be putting ourselves out of a job."


参与人数 5基本分 +244 维基拼图 +110 收起 理由
BiscuiT + 200 + 65
霊烏路 空 + 45
Julian_Yuen + 10 深入了解再接再厉加油GJ
Tynox + 4 精品文章
Youth + 30 精品文章



使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-1-27 13:28:57 | 显示全部楼层


使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-1-27 14:20:16 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2009-1-27 15:05:04 | 显示全部楼层

Elisabeth Baeten, a Belgian secretary, is one of only four people who has seen every image in the galaxy merger project. "I also classify the irregulars," she says, "and in between I cruise the universe looking for asteroids and gravitational lenses."
Elisabeth Baeten(人名),是一位来自比利时的秘书,是星系交汇计划中,四个能看到交汇星系全部图片的人的其中一人。“我同样为不规则的星系分类,”她说,“我漫行在宇宙中,寻找小行星和扁豆状夹层。”

最后的“gravitational lenses”翻译成引力透镜,引力透镜不属于星系,"I also classify the irregulars", irregular 复数形式前面加定冠词,表示一类具有共同特点的事物,翻译“我同样为不规则的星系分类”中不应偏重“星系”,而应该是不规则的无规律的存在形态。


参与人数 2基本分 +5 维基拼图 +5 收起 理由
霊烏路 空 + 5
Julian_Yuen + 5 我是来拜仙加学习的



使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-1-27 18:25:03 | 显示全部楼层

原载:http://www.guardian.co.uk/techno ... /internet-astronomy
标题:A galaxy of helpful people,由一群热心人组成的星系
作者:Suw Charman-Anderson
日期:Thursday 15 January 2009,2009年1月15日(周四)
概要:An Oxford scientist has harnessed the power of the web to create a massive citizen-science project that is truly collaborative. 一位牛津大学科学家利用互联网的威力来创造出一个公众共同参与的科学项目

Two spiral galaxies, satellite view. Photograph: StockTrek/Getty Images

When Dr Chris Lintott, a researcher in the department of physics at the University of Oxford, first considered launching a website to ask the public to help classify photographs of 1m galaxies, he assumed it would probably take three or four years to complete. Galaxy Zoo (galaxyzoo.org), launched in July 2007, was supposed to be a side project; instead it has turned into the biggest citizen-science experiment on the web.
当Chris Lintott博士,一位牛津大学物理系的研究人员,开始考虑创建一个利用公众的力量帮助为一百万个星系处理分类的网站时,他估计需要3到4年的时间来完成。星系动物园(网址:galaxyzoo.org),创立于2007年7月,一个一开始被认为前景黯淡的项目,现在成为了互联网上最大的公众科学实验项目。

Galaxies can be classified as spiral, elliptical or merging (when two come together). The Sloan Digital Sky Survey, or SDSS (www.sdss.org), has images of nearly a million galaxies; what those images don't have in their raw form is the information about what class of galaxy is pictured.

Lintott had hoped that each image would get 10 classifications, or "clicks", and that the public would prove able to classify galaxies accurately according to their features. Three weeks and 10m clicks later, he was proved right: the public is capable of classifying galaxies as well as, or even better than, professional astronomers. And quickly, too. "It was like being hit by a tidal wave," says Lintott.

The images have now had more than 70m clicks in total, allowing Lintott and his team to go beyond simply sorting galaxies into spiral, elliptical or merging categories, into further research. "You can have confidence, as we can say, '100% of people think that's a spiral galaxy, so it's really, really spirally'," says Lintott.

Human zoo
His team was allocated precious time on the IRAM 30m radio telescope in southern Spain, and was easily able to select just 40 galaxies from the original sample to study, safe in the knowledge that the scientists had exactly what they needed.
他的队伍最近被分配到位于西班牙南部的IRAM 的30米口径射电望远镜,并且轻易地从图像样本中选出40个星系来研究,获得科学家们真正需要的可靠的资料。

After Galaxy Zoo's initial success, Lintott wanted to take a closer look at merging galaxies. At 5pm one Tuesday he posted a spreadsheet listing a selection to the forums and asked members to take a look and email him the best. Then he went to the pub.

One "Zooite", Richard Proctor, a telecoms consultant, spotted the spreadsheet and thought: "I can build a webpage to do that!" By the time Lintott logged back in, the web interface was already in use.
Richard Proctor,追随者之一,是一位电信顾问,他看了表格后想“我可以弄一个网页来做这个啊!”当Lintott回来的时候,这个网页已经在运行了。

"What was going to be a quick little study turned into a much larger study of about 45,000 images," says Proctor. Each image has now had more than 25 clicks, with four particularly committed souls having seen every single one. The first academic paper about those merging galaxies has been submitted, and Proctor is listed as a co-author.

It's not the first time collaborative astronomy has proved a hit online. The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (Seti) project created the most powerful distributed computer ever with its Seti@home project launched in May 1999, which used spare processing power on home computers to process data collected from a specific wavelength to see if aliens were trying to get in touch. It was used by 5.2 million people and offered, at its peak, 265 teraflops (a trillion calculations a second) of processing power.
这并不是第一次天文学研究合作通过互联网上的点击率来被选择了。在1999年5月,一个寻找外星文明生物的工程(缩写为SETI ) ,把最强大的分布式计算机运算技术应用到它的SETI@home软件中。这个软件利用空闲的家用计算机的计算能力来运算从特定波长上收集的数据,来观察是否有外星文明在尝试与我们沟通。这个程序被520万人使用,最高能提供每秒265 Tfop的数据处理能力。

Similarly, Nasa's Clickworkers project in 2000-01, found that ordinary people were just as good as astronomers at identifying craters on Mars in photos.

The biggest influence on Galaxy Zoo, however, is Stardust@home, where users search for tiny interstellar dust particles within images returned by the 2006 Stardust mission. Thousands of users have logged on to the site.

"Stardust@home was a real inspiration for us," says Lintott. "We thought, 'If 20,000 people will look for dust grains in their spare time, surely they will look at beautiful pictures of galaxies?'"

But unlike those projects, where the task is set from the top down, the Galaxy Zoo community has its own ideas about what can be done with the SDSS data.

"Up until now," says Proctor, "the professional astronomers have come up with things that want classifying and we've classified them." But there are thousands of irregular galaxies - neither spiral nor elliptical - that the professionals don't have time to examine. So the community decided to do it themselves, drafting a list of questions and building a web interface to make classification easier.

"Once we've got some results," promises Proctor, "we'll publish them for everybody to use, and then see if we can find out anything useful. Given that the biggest study of irregular galaxies to date looked at around 150, and we've got 9,000, we must find something!"

Lintott is supportive of the irregulars project: "They are doing everything professional astronomers would do," he says. "It's up there with any work I've done."

It's not just the volume of research that can be done by collaborating with the public that's important to Lintott, but also the opening up of scientific research to anyone with a browser and a little time.

"By making the data available to everyone," he says, "whatever stage you are in your learning, you can do research."

And a surprising cross-section of people are doing just that. Hanny van Arkel is a Dutch primary school teacher who discovered a strange object, now called Hanny's Voorwerp (Dutch for "object"), near a spiral galaxy. "I thought it was fun," she says of Galaxy Zoo, "but I didn't expect that it would become such a big part of my life. I've learned a lot and it's a good way of participating in science."
一个令人惊奇的地方就是这样的事情正在发生。Hanny van Arkel是一位荷兰的小学老师,他发现了一个奇怪的物体,现在被命名为“Hanny's Voorwerp”(荷兰语中Voorwerp是物体的意思),位于一个螺旋星系的附近。“我觉得很有趣,”他谈论到星系动物园时说,“但是我没有料到它会变成我生命中如此重要的一部分。我学到了许多知识,而且这也是参与科学研究的好途径。”

Elisabeth Baeten, a Belgian secretary, is one of only four people who has seen every image in the galaxy merger project. "I also classify the irregulars," she says, "and in between I cruise the universe looking for asteroids and gravitational lenses."
Elisabeth Baeten是一位来自比利时的秘书,是星系交汇计划中,四个能看到交汇星系全部图片的人的其中一人。“我同样为各种星系分类,”她说,“我漫行在宇宙中,寻找小行星和引力透镜。”
                                //还是不知道应该怎么翻译那个 the irregulars ………………

In future, it will be much easier for both scientists and enthusiasts to take part in such projects. Not only are Lintott and his colleagues finalising Galaxy Zoo 2, which will examine galaxies in much more detail, they are also building a platform that will allow any scientist to upload data and tap into the vast potential of the internet.

"Our users are clamouring for stuff to do," says Lintott. "The problem of having too much data to pay close attention to is not just an astronomical problem. It's astronomical in scale, but it's not just us."

The new project will allow scientists to upload their videos of elephants, pictures of galaxies, or chemical structures, then specify what they want done with them. They can either use the provided templates, or customise their project. Lintott describes it as the scientific version of the popular blogging software WordPress.

And there are many uses of such a platform. Nasa has high-quality images from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, most of which are simply filed. And study of the pictures produced by this year's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter will allow scientists to build a history of asteroid bombardment of the inner solar system.

"It's like Nasa does the map and we'll write the guide book," says Lintott.

Indeed, it would be possible for anyone to upload data, including amateur astronomers. "More than a million separate observations a year are recorded by amateurs," says Lintott. "That's a huge pile of data that, at the minute, professionals slowly sort through, but we can hand that back to the amateurs to analyse.

"We may," he jokes, "just be putting ourselves out of a job."


参与人数 2基本分 +8 维基拼图 +8 收起 理由
霊烏路 空 + 8
Julian_Yuen + 8 热心大好+新年快乐



使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-1-27 19:12:14 | 显示全部楼层
百科:http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index. ... E&variant=zh-cn
星系的分类:http://public.bdfzgz.net/class/c ... gye/new_page_31.htm


这样看下来,“引力透镜”应该翻译成“透镜型星系”,the irregulars 仍应翻译成“不规则星系”。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-1-27 19:49:26 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #6 碧城仙 的帖子


使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-1-27 20:02:19 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #6 碧城仙 & #7 fwjmath 的帖子

个人认为,那个 “merging (when two come together)” 应该译为 “透镜型星系(介于前两者之间)”,是否如此?

使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-1-27 20:33:03 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #8 老冬腌菜 的帖子


使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-1-27 20:48:33 | 显示全部楼层

“碰撞中的星系” 是很对~

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-27 21:03:00 | 显示全部楼层

[ 本帖最后由 hxglyx 于 2009-1-27 21:07 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-27 21:06:36 | 显示全部楼层

[ 本帖最后由 hxglyx 于 2009-1-27 21:13 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-1-27 21:24:24 | 显示全部楼层

Reply #12 hxglyx's post


使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-1-28 18:41:32 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #12 hxglyx 的帖子

http://www.distributedcomputing.info 有自己的论坛和 Wiki 系统,主页上有链接指向我们的中文子站:http://www.equn.com/distributed/ ,只是这个子站我们很久没有更新过了,限于人力和精力。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-1-28 18:44:40 | 显示全部楼层

Reply #14 碧城仙's post


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