发表于 2009-4-22 12:56:40
回复 #57 preston29 的帖子
Hawaii Quake Detected; QCN Is Now 'Non-Alpha'
April 21, 2009
Afew QCN participants caught the recent M5.1 quake in Hawaii. Also as oftoday I am removing the 'alpha test' status of the Quake-CatcherNetwork, although the URL will remain the same so you do not have toreconnect/reattach. The credit stats should now be tracked by boincstats.com
QCN Participant Machines Detect Today's San Jose M4.2 Quake
March 30, 2009
At least four QCN participant's machines detected today's San Jose earthquke.Also for the first time the external USB JoyWarrior sensor was used todetect a quake (it's previously just been Mac laptops). So keep runningQCN and thanks for participating!
External USB Sensors Available
January 14, 2009
QCN's USB sensors are now available for order. The sensors are $5 for K-12 teachers, and $49 for everyone else. With your help, we can growthe network larger, better, and faster! Thanks for your support!
ScienceCentral video about QCN on YouTube
November 22, 2008
The 'ScienCentral' channel has posteda short (two minute) video-clip regarding the Quake-Catcher Networkfeaturing an interview with Prof. Jesse Lawrence of Stanford.
New version 4.25, All Platforms, Tests Triggering Algorithm
November 7, 2008
Newversion 4.25 is up for all platforms - this version perturbs some ofthe sensitivity algorithm used to detect triggers. It will hopefullylead to less 'false positive' triggers/trickles as well as help us'fine tune' our algorithm.
November 4, 2008
Newversion 4.22 is up for all platforms. This has improved error handling.If you are using the JoyWarrior 24F8 external USB accelerometer, youwill want to upgrade the QCN USB driver software for Intel Mac or for PowerPC Macs.
October 30, 2008
Inhonor of my hometown team the Philadelphia Phillies winning the WorldSeries, I put up a new version (4.00) that will track how much timeyou've run QCN, and grant BOINC 'cobblestone' credits accordingly. Thisnew version also has some improved graphics in the screensaver (in mybiased opinion :-).
The 'bouncing cube' now shows a plot of youraccelerometer on each cube face, the earth view has a nice multitextureof the earth at day and night (if your graphics card supports it), andin screensaver mode it will cycle through these different scenes so youwill get some variety. Also I have made workunits shorter - that wayafter a 'day' of run-time on QCN, you will get a new workunit and newsoftware versions. This is an 'optional' upgrade now if you 'Abort'your current workunit or 'Reset Project.' Once we have a few peoplerunning 4.00+ for a few days I will send out an automatic message toupgrade.
October 24, 2008
We now have maps to show the recent triggers recorded by participants of the Quake Catcher Network - click here to see the triggers recorded for the past day, week, or month - then click again on a region to see further details on Google Maps!
October 21, 2008
The server was down a few hours tonight for some routine maintenance, sorry for the inconvenience!
October 16, 2008
Thereare new versions (3.70) for Intel & PowerPC Mac OS X, MicrosoftWindows, and (yes!) Linux. The Windows version supports the MotionNodeAccel USB accelerometer, and all versions support the JoyWarrior24F8USB accelerometer (Mac requires the driver for the JoyWarrior - seebelow). To get a new version hit the 'Reset Project' or 'Task / Abort'button on your BOINC Manager client.
October 4, 2008
Thereare new versions (3.47) for Intel & PowerPC Mac OS X and Windowsthat should fix some problems with stability and graphics. Also,support for the JoyWarrior 24F8 sensor is in place as well. If you arerunning BOINC on a Mac, you will need to download a small driverprogram and install it so that the QCN software running under BOINC canread the JoyWarrior sensor (this is not needed for 'built-in' laptopaccelerometers). The Intel Mac driver is here and the PowerPC Mac driver is here.The Intel Mac driver is a hopefully 'easy to follow' installationprogram; unfortunately the PowerPC Mac driver is a simple shell scriptyou will need to unzip and run in a 'Terminal' window. JoyWarrior 24F8support on Windows is also in place, and should not require a separatedriver program (at the current time!). As usual, please reportproblems/questions in the Message Boards.
September 25, 2008
This week's issue of 'The Economist' (Sept. 25th '08) has an article on QCN written by Francois Grey of CERN. You can read it online here
August 9, 2008
Pleasenote if your BOINC running QCN seems to hang or crash. There is a bugin BOINC for long account files > 64KB -- basically if thehistorical earthquake list gets too large then BOINC will not start andmay seem to hang. Unfortunately the only solution is to quit BOINC, andremove this file 'account_qcn.stanford.edu_qcnalpha.xml' which islocated (on Macs) at /Library/Application Support/BOINC Data (orWindows check c:\program files\BOINC). You should then be able to startBOINC and you will have to reattach/relogin to the QCN project. Sorryfor the inconvenience! |