发表于 2012-3-20 22:30:56
Throughout 2011 you diligently drew bubbles, star clusters and more as part of the Milky Way Project. Thanks to that effort, we have created astronomy's largest catalogue of bubbles (5,106 of them). You can read more about this on the blog at http://blogs.zooniverse.org/mwp/2012/02/02/data-release-1/. These results are really exciting and make up the bulk of our first science paper, which has now been accepted for publication in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. You can find the MWP paper here: http://arxiv.org/abs/1201.6357. This paper credits the MWP community and you can see the names of more than 35,000 people who contributed to this study at http://www.milkywayproject.org/authors/.
Following on from this success the MWP science team have decided to inject thousands of new images onto the site. Instead of looking through the whole Galaxy, searching for bubbles, we're now showing you the bubbles from the catalogue you created. This is a really exciting change for the MWP. This update to the site will allow us to get better, more precise measurements of all the bubbles in the catalogue. In short: it means more beautiful bubbles for you, and more science for the project.
We'd like to say thank you for your continued efforts on the Milky Way Project. The project will keep evolving over the course of 2012. You can keep up to date, or ask questions, on Twitter @milkywayproj or on our blog at http://blogs.zooniverse.org/mwp/.
We hope you enjoy all the new images on the site,
Rob and the Milky Way Project Team
感谢大家的努力 |