楼主: Rojer

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-26 12:38:37 | 显示全部楼层

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 2:29 pm    Post subject: Update: 19 Oct 06 - Progress Update       
2006/10/19 2:29  进度更新
As of today, October 19th, 2006, we have two new tiles uploaded to the Amazon site with several more in the queue.

About 70,000 of the most-searched focus movies have been retired, so volunteers will be seeing more "fresh" focus movies when they search using the Virtual Microscope.

Tomorrow at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, we will begin rescanning focus movies that had marginal or bad focus so that we can upload them again for better evaluation.

The Berkeley Stardust@home Team has now uploaded their reports on 571 candidates reviewed so far. See your "My Events" page to find out what the determinations are for the focus movies you have reviewed.
伯克利 Stardust@home 小组上传了目前复查过的571个候选者的报告。看看你的“My Events” 页面找出你曾报告的片子的判定。

Thanks again to all of our wonderful volunteers. The project is coming along very well so far due to your efforts.


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 楼主| 发表于 2006-12-3 11:26:03 | 显示全部楼层
Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 3:39 pm    Post subject: Update: 1 Dec 06 - Getting a Better Look at the Collector

Recently, Ron Bastien and Jack Warren at the Johnson Space Center (JSC) acquired about 600 high-resolution focus movies of candidate extraterrestrial tracks in the Stardust Interstellar Dust Collector, identified by our Stardust@home collaborators. Each movie is larger than 100 Megabytes! We are now going through these movies at Berkeley. We are finding that this is helpful, and we have made a new discovery: an apparent "swarm" of tracks that enter the collector nearly parallel to the surface. This is probably due to an impact somewhere on the collector. We will be tracking this down in the coming weeks.
最近,在约翰逊宇航中心的 Ron Bastien 和 Jack Warren 获得了约6百部高解析度的由我们的志愿者确认的候选轨迹影片。每一部片子都超过100Mb!我们正在伯克利仔细检查这些片子。我们发现这很有帮助,并且有一个新的发现:明显有“一群”轨迹是差不多平行的进入收集器表面的。这个能是由发生在收集器某处的撞击造成的。在未来几周里我们会继续追踪这一发现。

The next big step will be rescanning these movies using transmitted illumination. We expect a critical test on the flight-spare collector to be done at JSC in the next few days. If successful, this will enable us to change from reflected light (the worst possible illumination method) to transmitted light. The transmitted light has already been reinstalled in the microscope, but we have to confirm that we can reliably and safely fold back the foils holding the aerogel tiles in place.


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 楼主| 发表于 2006-12-13 13:46:41 | 显示全部楼层
Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 10:27 am    Post subject: Update: 7 Dec 06 - Foil tests at JSC and Comet Dust Results
2006年12月7日 发布
The foil unfolding test at JSC is complete, and the analysis is underway. The point of this test was to find out if unfolding the aluminum foils wrapping the backs of the aerogel tiles would tilt or distort the aerogel significantly. If it does this could be a problem, since we rely on the stability of the aerogel tiles to be able to reconstruct trajectories, and thus distinguish betwen interstellar dust and interplanetary dust. We want to unfold the foils so that we can examine and image the tiles using transmitted illumination (light from below the tile) rather than reflected illumination (light through the microscope objective lens). We know from previous experience that transmitted illumination is vastly better than reflected, but we've been prevented from using it on the Stardust Interstellar collectors because of these aluminum foils.
衬板的打开试验已在 JSC 完成,正在进行分析。此项试验的目的是查明打开包裹在凝胶块背面的铝衬板是否会对凝胶块造成显著的扭曲或倾斜。如果出现这种情况那将是个问题,因为我们依靠凝胶块的稳固性来重建弹道,并由此区分星际尘埃和太阳系内尘埃。我们打算打开衬板这样就能用透射光(光线从凝胶块下面照过来)而不是反射光(光线从显微镜物镜处照过去)照明来对凝胶块进行检查、拍照。根据以前的经验我们知道透射照明比反射照明要好太多了,但是因为这些铝衬板使我们没办法在星尘号的星际尘埃收集器上这么用。

This test was done on the flight spare tray by first making a focus map (a measurement of the altitude of the aerogel tile at about 200 points on a grid) before unfolding the foil, then doing it again after. We are cautiously optimistic that the tilting and distortion of the aerogel were minimal. We'll let you know.

Also, after nearly a year of intense effort on the part of nearly 200 scientists around the world, the first reports on the analysis of the cometary dust collected by Stardust (the other Stardust mission!) are coming out next week in Science magazine. There will be seven papers: a summary of the mission and the exciting discoveries that were made, and six articles by the Preliminary Examination subteams. Each subteam focussed on different kinds of analysis of the samples: mineralogy/petrology, cratering, organics, bulk chemistry, isotopes, and optical and infrared spectroscopy.

The scientists, including us at Berkeley, are now busily preparing longer, specialized papers for a special issue (or two!) of Meteoritics and Planetary Science. We will be posting overviews of the science results here, which can be read by non-specialists after the issue is released.

We thank you sincerely for your patience with Stardust@home during the last few weeks. Although we have been making steady progress, we have just been overwhelmed by the work required for the preparation of the cometary papers. These papers were a contractual obligation to NASA, and so they had to be finished quickly. Now that the papers are going out, we are really looking forward to concentrating on finding the interstellar dust!
我们诚挚的感谢您在过去的几周里参与 Stardust@home 虽然我们曾稳步的前进,我们还是被准备彗星尘埃论文的工作压垮了。这些论文是同 NASA 间的契约义务,所以要尽快完成。现在这些论文都完了,我们非常期待将注意力集中到星际尘埃上!


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 楼主| 发表于 2006-12-24 18:46:53 | 显示全部楼层
Dec 23, 2006

First results from the analysis of cometary dust from Stardust reported in Science

The results from the first analyses of cometary dust collected by Stardust and returned to earth have been reported in the journal Science , in seven landmark papers. There are nearly 200 co-authors on these papers -- this was a truly massive effort. We at Berkeley have been intensely engaged in this effort, both in preparing samples of cometary dust for distribution to our colleagues around the world, and in analyzing cometary dust at the Advanced Light Source at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Zack Gainsforth will be summarizing each of the science papers in turn over the next weeks -- the first installment on the so-called "bulk chemistry" paper, has been posted on the forum.

Zack Gainsforth 会在接下来的几周里依次对每一篇论文进行总结——第一部分分已经在论坛发布。



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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-1 11:41:58 | 显示全部楼层
Jan 29, 2007
Thank you for your patience since our last news update. Although it might have
seemed that way, we haven't been asleep. In fact, we've been incredibly busy with Stardust@home: reviewing events, reviewing candidate movies, rescanning previous tiles, attending conferences presenting papers and talks, and many other fun distractions.

Good news: today we posted updates on more than 1200 candidates that we've reviewed by hand from among those that you have identified. We're still working hard on reviewing more, and we will post updates in smaller, more frequent increments than we've been doing so far.

Check your MyEvents page!

More updates to come soon...

检查你的 “MyEvents” 页面!

[ Last edited by Rojer on 2007-2-1 at 12:17 ]


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-18 15:45:29 | 显示全部楼层
Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 2:49 pm
Results from the Foil Unfolding Tests

As was discussed in earlier updates, we have been conducting tests to determine if it will be feasible to fold back the aluminum foils on the backside of the Interstellar Dust Collector. The reason we want to be able to do this is so that we can better scan the collector with light being transmitted directly through the backside rather than shining light through the top and reflecting it back up with a mirror. This will also allow us to make scans of candidate fields of view at higher magnification (25x or even 50x rather than the 10x optics currently used).

The major concern with folding back the foils is that the tiles might shift as a result, causing us to lose information about the direction from which any discovered particles came. The aerogel collector was oriented during flight to point directly into the uncoming stream of interstellar dust particles. So the interstellar dust particles should impact the top of the aerogel at an angle of 90 degrees to the surface (straight in).

After tests were done with the flight spare collector, showing minimal shifting or tilting, a test was done on the real thing (tile I027). The amount of tilt measured for this tile was as much as 10 times larger than on the flight spare. The overall shift of tilt measured was about 2 degrees.
对飞行备用收集器作的试验表现了最小限度的移动和倾斜,之后对 I027 凝胶块作了一次试验。测量到的凝胶块总倾斜度是备件的10倍。测量到的倾斜的总移动约有2度。

This isn't terrible news, however. The collector pointing was not exact for the two collection periods during space flight and there is some natural spread expected in the directions of the oncoming dust particles. Overall, the expected minimum spread in possible impact angles is 10 degrees. So a 2 degree shift in the tile is not too bad.

Right now, the curator of the collector is deciding if this acceptable to carry on and begin unfolding more tiles, or if it should be discussed further by CAPTEM.
现在,收集器的主管正在决定这是否可以接受并开始翻转更多的凝胶块,或是需要 CAPTEM 进一步的讨论。

The images taken on tile I027 using transmitted light at 25x magnification are of superb quality. There are no strange optical effects at the edges as had been seen using reflected light. The team feels that this is definitely the way to go forward with rescanning fields of view that had bad focus and to look at individual candidates in more detail.
对 I027 凝胶块采用透射光在25X放大率下拍摄的图像质量相当好。在边缘处没有那种用反射光时曾看到的奇怪光学效应。小组觉得干脆就这么重扫描聚焦不好的视场以及用更多细节观察单独的候选视场。

This is an image of the upper left corner of the collector before the foils were folded back on I027.


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-18 15:53:27 | 显示全部楼层
Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 12:39 pm

Following the update from yesterday, Mike Zolensky, the Stardust curator, has approved further foil unfolding. We'll next unfold the foils behind tile #31.

Stay tuned!

接着昨天的更新,“星尘”的主管 Mike Zolensky 批准了进行更多的箔片反卷。我们接下来要反卷#31凝胶块的箔片。


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-29 14:27:50 | 显示全部楼层
Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 10:45 am
http://stardustathome.ssl.berkel ... ewtopic.php?p=12974

During the week of March 12th, most of the Stardust@home team were in Houston for the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. Dr. Westphal also stayed for the CAPTEM meeting.
从3月12日开始的这一周里,Stardust@home 小组的多数成员都在参加休斯敦召开的月球与行星科学会议。Westphal 博士还在 CAPTEM(Curation and Analysis Planning Team for Extraterrestrial Materials) 的会议中。

Dr. Westphal presented the latest from the Stardust@home project. This generated intense interest and excitement: people were very impressed with the dedication and hard work of the roughly 23,000 "dusters" -- you have collectively searched nearly 40,000,000 images. Even more important than this is the amazing sensitivity of dusters to small tracks -- roughly 75% of the smallest calibration tracks are found by dusters. Since we need only about 10% to identify a track, dusters are more than seven times more efficient than they need to be! Naturally, there was also intense interest in the several dozen candidate interstellar dust tracks that we have found so far. We emphasize that we don't know what these are -- at this point they are simply "features of interest."
Westphal 博士介绍了 Stardust@home 的最新情况。这使人们产生了极大的兴趣和兴奋:人们对这大约23000“搜尘者”——也就是你们搜索了近4千万的图像——的贡献和辛勤的劳动印象非常深刻。比这更重要的是搜尘者对小轨迹令人吃惊的敏感度——粗略的说75%的最小校准轨迹都被搜索者发现了。而我们只需要10%来识别一个轨迹,搜尘者的效率比我们希望的高出了7倍还多。自然的,人们对我们现今所找到的几十个星际尘埃的候选者同样有着强烈的兴趣。要强调的是我们不知道这些是什么——此刻它们只不过是“有趣的特征”。

There was considerable discussion about the next steps in determining whether or not any of these candidates are indeed interstellar tracks. It has become clear that before any further progress can be made, these tracks must be extracted from the collector for analysis. We learned from the Stardust cometary collector tray that it is very difficult to get much information about tracks while they are still in the tray. The Berkeley group proposed an approach that we hoped would address some of the concerns of previously considered approaches. The idea is to use a micromanipulator mounted on the side of the Stardust interstellar collector tray to extract keystones (tiny wedge-shaped sections of aerogel surrounding a track) directly from aerogel tiles while still in the tray. This eliminates the need to remove entire tiles from the tray, which is probably risky. It also removes concern from having to mount a micromanipulator over the tray, since it could shed particles during extraction.

The Cosmic Dust Laboratory will be shut down to interstellar tray scanning for about two months starting next week to catch up on allocations of interplanetary dust particles (IDPs). During this time, we will modify the scanning system to accommodate a micromanipulator -- the main job is machining a new mounting plate for the interstellar tray -- then we will practice doing extractions of ''picokeystones'' on the Stardust interstellar flight spare tray. These will enable us to image the tracks, and determine trajectories. The next steps will depend on what we find!

While scanning in Houston is shut down we will be uploading high magnification movies from several tiles for searching in the VM. We will also be uploading new calibration movies to go along with these new movies.

Extraction at Berkeley of a keystone from a tile on the Stardust cometary dust collector.

A tiny particle track (from a particle with a mass of only about a picogram, one trillionth of a gram) extracted in a "picokeystone" (a little keystone on a bigger keystone).

View of a picogram particle track in a picokeystone in a Scanning Electron Microscope (photo credit: Giles Graham, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
扫描电镜下微楔石中的一个皮克颗粒轨迹(图片编辑: Giles Graham, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

[ 本帖最后由 Rojer 于 2007-6-12 10:16 编辑 ]


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-12 10:03:00 | 显示全部楼层
Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 5:47 pm    Post subject: Update: 08 Jun 2007 - Extraction Tests at JSC

As we mentioned in the March 27th Update we are planning to extract candidate tracks identified by Stardust@home volunteers from the aerogel collector directly for analysis.

We've just completed a round of testing our extraction equipment on the Stardust interstellar flight spare tray (a back-up tray manufactured for the Stardust mission just in case something went wrong with the first tray before launch).

Last week, Stardust@home team member Zach Gainsforth traveled to the cosmic dust lab facilities at Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas to practice extractions from the collector. The process involved mounting and controlling a micromanipulator to the side of the collector tray.
上周 Stardust@home 小组成员 Zach Gainsforth 到了设在休斯敦约翰逊空间中心的宇宙尘埃实验室进行提取实践。过程包括在收集盘的边上安装及控制一台显微操纵器。

The micromanipulator holds and controls an armature that stretches out over the tray. The armature holds a superfine glass needle that is used to perforate the aerogel into the shape of a keystone. The micromanipulator has to control the armature to a precision smaller than a micron. The images below shows the set-up.

注:micromanipulator 微操纵器
armature 支架
flight spare collector 备用收集器

注:Yuor eyes for the last year...  过去一年里这就是你的眼睛
Zack Zack 这小子

Note in the image above that the microscope we used in the tests is the same one that has been used to scan the actual interstellar dust tray.

One concern was that because the armature needed to be so long there might be significant vibrations in it that would make controlling it to the needed precision impossible. Luckily, this was not the case. The tests showed vibrations to not be a problem.

The needle used is glass, and it is made so that its width at the tip is smaller than a micron. That is very sharp!

注:Needle 探针

The needle cuts a wedge-shaped piece of aerogel, that we call a keystone, with the particle track contained at one corner. Holes are cut from the keystone that are used to insert microforks that pull the keystone out of the aerogel tile and then are used to hold it in all further analysis. For tracks as small as those produced by interstellar dust particles we further excavate a smaller wedge at the corner of the keystone that we call a picokeystone. Having less aerogel surrounding the track makes analysis easier.

注:picokeystone 微楔石
interstellar dust particle track 星际尘埃颗粒轨迹
holes for microfork 叉子洞
Keystone 楔石

During the tests we did not successfully extract any picokeystones. However, as a result of the tests, we are now confident that we will be able to do so successfully with only a little further development.

Stay tuned!

[ 本帖最后由 Rojer 于 2007-6-12 10:06 编辑 ]


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-20 09:03:31 | 显示全部楼层
July 19, 2007

Site Offline

The entire Space Sciences Lab will have an electrical shutdown, this weekend. Therefor Stardust@home will be offline from Friday July 21st 3pm to Monday July 23rd 9am Pacific Time.

Sorry for the inconvenience



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 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-26 15:31:41 | 显示全部楼层
Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 9:36 am
2007年7月24日 9:36am

We are announcing the beginning of an exciting second phase of the Stardust@home search. The Stardust@home volunteers have been incredibly successful at finding small, subtle features. We are now doubling the resolution of the focus movies. A whole new cosmic dust hunt will be on!
我们宣布第二阶段 Stardust@home 搜索开始了。Stardust@home 的志愿者在发现微小、微妙的特征方面惊人的成功。我们将焦点影片的解析度提升了一倍。一个全新的宇宙尘埃搜索即将展开!

After 11 months of diligent searching by thousands of volunteers we have identified several dozen candidate interstellar dust particles. We emphasize that at this time these are still only candidates; some, all, or none of these may be interstellar dust particles. We are carrying out a careful process of extracting these candidate particles at the NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston. The pace of this process is slow and careful because this is an absolutely unique, practically irreplaceable set of samples. We must do it right the first time.
经过数千志愿者11个月细致的搜索后我们确定了数十个星际尘埃的候选者。需要强调的是当前这些仍然只是候选者;其中的一些、全部或没有一个可能会是星际尘埃颗粒。我们正在休斯敦的 NASA 约翰逊宇航中心小心的执行取出这些候选者处理工作。此项过程的步伐是缓慢而小心的,因为这绝对是独一无二、事实上是无可替代的一批样本。第一次一定要成功。

We halted the scanning of the Stardust interstellar dust tray in Houston a couple of months ago, with about one-third of the tray scanned. We did this so that the lab where the interstellar dust tray is being scanned, the so-called “Cosmic Dust Lab” at Johnson Space Center, could be used for its other purpose of processing requests for Cosmic Dust Particles. We are using this temporary hold up in scanning as an opportunity to install and test new hardware on the microscope that will enable us to extract candidates from the aerogel for analysis.

Many of the candidate tracks discovered by the dusters are incredibly subtle; much more subtle than we had originally expected ("expect the unexpected"). Yet, the Stardust@home volunteers have proved to be incredibly sensitive to detecting them. We suspect that there might be many more subtle features in the full resolution data waiting to be discovered.
许多由“搜尘者”发现的候选轨迹都异常的细微:比我们最初期望的(意想不到啊)要细微的多。证明 Stardust@home 的志愿者对它们的搜索是令人难以置信的敏感。我们猜测在全解析度的数据中应该会有更多细微的特征等着被发现。

The focus movies that dusters have been scanning using the Virtual Microscope (VM) during this past first phase of Stardust@home are highly compressed because of bandwidth limitations. But the original scan data were taken at much higher resolution. We cannot send the original data out on the VM because of their large size (each full resolution focus movie is about 30Mb). So, we are bringing the full-resolution movie data out of the archives, dividing each into four separate fields of view, compressing these for searching on the VM, and uploading these movies to Amazon S3, which is hosting the Stardust@home images. This processing essentially doubles the magnification and the spatial resolution. The images will look different than they did before because we are now approaching the resolution limit (the “diffraction limit”) of the microscope.
由于带宽的限制,搜尘者们在过去的第一阶段中使用VM搜索的是高度压缩过的图。原始的扫描数据有着非常高的清晰度。我们不能在VM上发送原始数据是因为其体积庞大(一个全解析度焦点影片大约30Mb)。所以,我们将全解析度影片数据制成档案,把每一个视场分成4部分,将其压缩以适合在VM上搜索,并将这些影片上传到 AmazonS3 上。这一处理过程本质上使放大率和空间分辨率加倍。图片看上去会与处理前有不同,因为我们面临显微镜分辨率的极限(衍射极限)。

In Stardust@home Phase 2, the VM will display high resolution scans from the first third of the collector tray and new low resolution scans (rescans or fixes of corrupted data). The scale bar in the VM will indicate whether it is displaying high or lower resolution movies. The original lower resolution movies will be retired and archived. There will be new calibration movies, new tutorial movies, and pages displaying the candidates found in both Phases 1 and 2 for reference. The scores, rankings and candidate lists from Phase 1 will be frozen, preserved, and displayed on the Website. We will give all the volunteers a fresh start and invite new volunteers to continue to join the search. For Phase 2, everyone will begin with a clean slate for score and ranking and an equal chance at discovering yet more candidate stardust tracks.
在 Stardust@home 第二阶段,VM 将展示这三分之一收集盘的高清晰扫描和新的低清晰度扫描(重扫或修正破坏的数据)。VM 中的比例尺将标示出显示的是高或低清晰度的影片。原先的低清晰度影片将退役并存档。将会有新的校正影片、新的指南影片和显示阶段1、阶段2中候选者的页面。阶段1的分数、排名和候选者名单将被冻结、保存,显示在网站上。我们将给志愿者们一个新的起点并邀请新的志愿者继续加入到搜索中来。阶段2,每个人都将从干净的分数、排名记录开始,在发现更多候选轨迹时有一个公平的机会。

The Phase 2 calibration movies will be much more challenging than those of Phase 1, because they are made using one of the more subtle actual candidate tracks. So, don't expect Phase 2 to be the same old data and the same old search. You will probably have lower sensitivity and specificity scores than you had in Phase 1. We are doing this on purpose. We were amazed at how good the dusters have been during Phase 1 at finding even the smallest calibration tracks, but it meant that we could not really determine our detection threshold. Now some calibration tracks really will be almost invisible!

Before we can launch Phase 2 we will need to disable the VM for up to 2 weeks while we transfer new databases and put the new VM code in place. Our plan is to close down the VM within a window between July 26-Aug 9. The forums and the rest of the website will remain open during the transition.
在启动阶段2之前需要停止 VM 2周,其间我们要转换新的数据库并替换新的 VM 代码。计划在7月26-8月9号关闭 VM。论坛和网站的其它部分在转换其间保持开放。

One other thing that we will be doing during the shutdown is correcting some people’s Phase 1 scores. Some dusters told us on the forum about scoring problems that resulted people’s scores being slightly lower than they should have been. We will be correcting this problem. Please do not expect a big increase in your Phase 1 score, however.

We thank you all for your amazing contributions to Stardust@home, and we look forward to the next phase of this historic project. Your talent and dedication to this project have been truly impressive. We couldn’t do it without you!
感谢你们全体为 Stardust@home 所作的令人惊异贡献,并对这一历史性项目的下一阶段有同样期盼。你们的才干和对项目的贡献实在是令人难忘。没有你们我们做不到!

-The Stardust@home Team


参与人数 1基本分 +90 维基拼图 +45 收起 理由
霊烏路 空 + 90 + 45



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发表于 2007-8-8 04:40:42 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-8-8 04:41:08 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-8 17:45:01 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-8-9 22:34:52 | 显示全部楼层
hmmmmm.  I am ready! I have a vacation just the right time!^_^

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