[BOINC] [物理类] Albert@Home
本帖最后由 qysnn 于 2014-12-9 12:35 编辑一楼喂鹅群……
需要志愿者帮忙测试官方的 Android 客户端/管理器
原文: Beta-testers wanted for new official BOINC Android client/manager (2013年6月25日)如果您有意愿帮助 BOINC 和 Einstein@Home 收集在 Android 智能手机和平板电脑上的运行信息,请加入 beta 测试人员的小组,协助测试即将发布的 BOINC 官方的 Android 客户端/管理器
详情参见:http://albert.phys.uwm.edu/forum_thread.php?id=8985&nowrap=true#112629 Albert@home Project Downtime 2020-01-07
January 03, 2020
The Albert@Home project will be shutdown for a maintenance window for a server software upgrade. This is planned for Thursday 2020-01-07 at 1430 UTC. This corresponds to 1530 CET Central Europe and 0930 EST East-coast North America. The Web site and project server will be down.
The upgrade should only take 10 minutes. Volunteers will not have to do anything with their clients, and will automatically reconnect once the work is finished. Thanks for your patience.