Serious SETI addict
注册日期: Sep 2002
来自: USA
发帖数: 636 |
引用: 最初由 whitecat 发布
that's one of the main reason for BONIC!! you can choice which DC project you want to run or which 2/3 of them you want to run. and choice how much of the cpu cycle for each project!!
引用: 最初由 烦人 发布
maybe wo can help you.
i thank you very much!! actually, i'm at the internal team race right now with other of my team members. the ending day is 10/12 8pm USA time, means, 10/13 8am in china. my own team is currently at 2nd place about 1000wu behind the 1st team, and the 3rd team is catching up too. if you all can, i would need some more crunching power for the next 3 days to catch the 1st team!! i could setup some of my cruncher to crunch back for you afterward!! i just need to "borrow" 1000wu or so in the next 3 days!! account email is [email protected]
here's the stats link >>
here's the detail post >>
Have you Benchmarked your killer rig yet?! Do our SETI Benchie & see who's Faster??!!
How many GHz of crunching power? Dunno! Lost count......
SETIQueue Server Administrator
由 LandShark 于 10-10-2003 15:07 最后编辑
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