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高階N卡新 Projects 8031, 8032, and 8033

发表于 2012-2-19 17:29:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
高階N卡新 Projects 8031, 8032, and 8033 ,  要行 -advmethods, 560TI PPD 22K, 470 PPD 20K.

有高階 N 卡的兄弟可以試試.  看來下次要轉贈 560 ti 了.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-2-19 17:51:50 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2012-2-19 17:55:25 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2012-2-19 17:56:47 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2012-2-19 18:16:52 | 显示全部楼层
高温啊...跑6802  69度,跑8031  83度

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发表于 2012-2-19 18:19:33 | 显示全部楼层
chinalianxin 发表于 2012-2-19 17:56


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发表于 2012-2-19 18:38:12 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 金鹏 于 2012-2-20 17:57 编辑

超级高温大包只适合在冬天暖脚跑跑 ,需要2.20版本的CORE15跑,不知道我的GTX480卡散热吃得消不,跑完这个包就接个试试


任务 : 8031
核心 : Unknown
帧数  : 100
分值  : 3843

任务 : 8031
核心 : GPU3 OpenMM
帧数  : 100
分值  : 3843

-- GTX480 --

每帧最少用时 : 2mn 25s  - 22898.98 ppd
平均每帧用时 : 2mn 25s  - 22898.98 ppd
当前每帧用时 : 2mn 26s  - 22742.14 ppd
最近3帧用时 : 2mn 25s  - 22898.98 ppd
每帧有效用时 : 2mn 26s  - 22742.14 ppd

任务 : 8033
核心 : GPU3 OpenMM
帧数  : 100
分值  : 3843

-- GTX480 --

每帧最少用时 : 2mn 32s  - 21844.42 ppd
平均每帧用时 : 2mn 32s  - 21844.42 ppd
当前每帧用时 : 2mn 34s  - 21560.73 ppd
最近3帧用时 : 2mn 34s  - 21560.73 ppd
每帧有效用时 : 2mn 35s  - 21421.63 ppd

-- GTS450A/980 --

每帧最少用时 : 5mn 02s  - 10994.54 ppd
平均每帧用时 : 5mn 02s  - 10994.54 ppd
当前每帧用时 : 5mn 04s  - 10922.21 ppd
最近3帧用时 : 5mn 03s  - 10958.26 ppd
每帧有效用时 : 5mn 40s  - 9765.74 ppd

-- GTS450C/970 --

每帧最少用时 : 5mn 07s  - 10815.48 ppd
平均每帧用时 : 5mn 07s  - 10815.48 ppd
当前每帧用时 : 5mn 08s  - 10780.36 ppd
最近3帧用时 : 5mn 07s  - 10815.48 ppd
每帧有效用时 : 5mn 29s  - 10092.26 ppd

-- GTS450B/950 --

每帧最少用时 : 5mn 11s  - 10676.37 ppd
平均每帧用时 : 5mn 11s  - 10676.37 ppd
当前每帧用时 : 5mn 12s  - 10642.15 ppd
最近3帧用时 : 5mn 12s  - 10642.15 ppd
每帧有效用时 : 5mn 37s  - 9852.68 ppd

-- GTX560Ti/980 --

每帧最少用时 : 2mn 37s  - 21148.74 ppd
平均每帧用时 : 2mn 37s  - 21148.74 ppd
当前每帧用时 : 2mn 38s  - 21014.89 ppd
最近3帧用时 : 2mn 38s  - 21014.89 ppd
每帧有效用时 : 2mn 38s  - 21014.89 ppd

by diwakar » Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:22 pm

Projects 8031,32 and 33 will be released for beta testing sometime later today or tomorrow. These projects run GPU3/Fermi jobs. The project description, points and timeline details are included below:

Project Description:
The Protein folding community has been traditionally focused on studying small fast-folding proteins. Small proteins require less simulation time both due to their small size and the small folding time. However, 70% of all proteins are large in size ( > 100 amino acids) and almost all of the protein drugs on the market are large in size. Therefore, it is important to understand the folding of these large systems in detail. For example, a detailed understanding of the folding mechanism of a protein drug could help us increase its shelf-life. In these projects, we look at folding of a protein called alpha-spectrin. This protein consists of several large (116 amino acids) identical looking domains. These individual domains fold at very different rates and the presence of one domain affects the folding of other domains. As a first step towards understanding the folding of this large protein, we simulate three domains of alpha-spectrin separately to understand the reason for large differences in their folding time. In subsequent projects, we will study two or three domains together to understand the effect of one domain on the folding mechanism and timescale of the other domains.

Project 803x: points: 3843.4 timeout: 9.854 days deadline: 13.78 days

Please let me know if there are any issues.

Diwakar Shukla

by diwakar » Sun Feb 19, 2012 12:23 pm

Thanks everyone for beta testing these projects. I am moving 803[1-3] to advanced now.

by tjlane » Fri Aug 19, 2011 1:52 am

PROJECTS 7620 and 7621 - CheY Folding

Moving to advanced!

For nVidia Fermi GPUs (GPU3) on Win32 machines
Points = 5187
timeout = 12.6
deadline = 17.9
atoms = 1980

Additionally, these WUs will require a new version (v2.20) of Core15, which should be automatically downloaded as needed.

These projects aim to study the folding of CheY, which, if successful, will be the largest protein folded in silico. CheY is well-studied experimentally, and exhibits many interesting scientific features. Due to it's wide study in the lab, we hope that it will provide a test case for FAH methodology, and give us good ideas about how to improve our techniques. This is an exciting project, since it represents something that is really only possible on FAH combined with the power of GPUs.

NOTE: These WUs are significantly larger than previously released GPU WUs. While I stress *we have not seen any damaged hardware*, they may stress older cards (GTX 450 and earlier) and overclocked cards. If you have an overclocked card, and receive one of these units, monitor your card's temperature actively. You may want to reset to factory clock settings.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-2-19 20:09:49 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2012-2-19 20:21:49 | 显示全部楼层
fevaoctwh 发表于 2012-2-19 20:09


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发表于 2012-2-19 20:49:57 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 金鹏 于 2012-3-23 09:56 编辑

8031 8032 8033 (基础分值3843)是和7620 7621 7622(基础分值5187)一样变态的超级高温包,对于超频显卡散热是个考验,多卡对电源和机箱散热也是个考验。

对于580 570 480 470 之类卡要注意功耗会很大接近烧卡软件的强度了,功耗限制不会起作用,注意安全默频默压才保险。

80(31-32)相比其他WU的PPD提升在20-30%之间,从MC使用率来看从原来的8%提高到15%,效率提升不少, 但带来的功耗大增也是问题。

825/1650/2000 1.075V 的GTX480大概是 22898 PPD,此包一出实现史上单芯显卡默频的PPD首次破20K+

捕获.PNG 捕获1.PNG


看来560TI是跑8031 8032 8033 新包的最具性价比的显卡,基本在21K+


使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-2-19 20:57:05 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2012-2-19 21:11:31 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 zxj-iq180 于 2012-2-19 22:52 编辑


更新:gtx470 主频710Mhz,跑8031包ppd18k,较之前有4.5k提高,不过温度直飚80度以上

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-2-19 21:17:28 | 显示全部楼层
550ti 不知道能跑不?

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发表于 2012-2-19 21:23:13 | 显示全部楼层
eai 发表于 2012-2-19 20:57

GPU3/Fermi jobs


使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-2-19 21:30:55 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 futurescz 于 2012-2-19 22:15 编辑

哈哈  那不是大大增强了我买560TI的决心

不过现在GTX6XX系列马上要出来了 显卡价格会不会大动也不知道  纠结啊

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