发表于 2009-4-18 23:52:04
看这个网站 http://jarifa.unex.es/ ,Asia@home 好像4月16日刚在台北开过研讨会了。BOINC 似乎是在全亚洲在巡回研讨。网站上有发言稿和PPT,有兴趣的可以去看看。
看这里 http://acgrid.in2p3.fr/cgi-bin/twiki.source/pub/ACGRID/WebHome/Asiahome_Taipei_announcement_final.pdf,是4月16日和17日在台北研讨会的安排。看起来安排很丰富,至少比北京的要丰富得多。
Programme and Lecturers
Day 1 Morning
08:30 Welcome (Simon Lin)
08:35 Introduction to the workshop and its
objectives (Francois Grey)
08:45 Introduction to volunteer computing and
BOINC (David Anderson)
09:30 Q&A
09:40 Coffee break
10:00 Case study 1: Africa@home
(Christian Pellegrini)
10:30 Case study 2: LHC@home (Ben Segal)
11:00 Open session (Participants invited to
briefly present their volunteer computing
plans and ideas)
11:30 Hands-on exercise: Familiarization with
the BOINC client
12:30 Lunch
Day 1 Afternoon
14:00 Introduction to the BOINC server
(David Anderson)
14:45 Q&A
15:00 Case study 3: MalariaControl.net
(Nicolas Maire)
15:30 Case study 4: Extremadura@home
(Daniel Lombraña González)
16:00 Coffee Break
16:30 Hands on exercise: Installing the BOINC
server and porting code to BOINC
17:30 End of session
18:00 Departure to Workshop Dinner
Day 2 Morning
08:30 Introduction to BOINC and Grids
(Peter Kacsuk, Jozsef Kovacs)
09:10 Introduction to BOINC and cloud
computing (Derrick Kondo)
09:50 Q&A
10:00 Coffee Break
10:30 Hands on exercise: BOINC interoperation
12:00 Lunch
Day 2 Afternoon
13:30 Introduction to Bossa and volunteer
Thinking (David Anderson)
14:15 Q&A
15:00 Case study 4: Africa Map
(Ana Gago Da Silva)
15:30 Coffee Break
16:00 Hands on Exercise: Working with Bossa
17:30 Q&A Session
17:45 Workshop Evaluation
18:00 End of Workshop
David Anderson: University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Laboratory
Peter Kacsuk: MTA SZTAKI, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Jozsef Kovacs: MTA SZTAKI, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Derrick Kondo: INRIA, Grenoble
Nicolas Maire: Swiss Tropical Institute, Basel
Ben Segal: CERN, Geneva
Daniel Lombraña González: University of Extremadura, Spain
Ana Gago Da Silva: UNOSAT, UN Institute for Training and Research, CERN
Christian Pellegrini: University Center for Informatics, University of Geneva
看 http://event.twgrid.org/isgc2009/asiaathome/ 网站,似乎今年是网格计算年?
看这里 http://www.flickr.com/photos/teleyinex/tags/asia@home/show/ ,是研讨会的部分相片。

ASIA@home 的 Wiki 百科:http://event.twgrid.org/isgc2009/asiaathome/wiki/index.php/Main_Page