发表于 2005-8-24 16:12:06
Distributed Search for Fermat Number Divisors
费马数因子网络搜寻计划 简介
Help File for Win95/98/ME/NT/2000
Win95/98/ME/NT/2000 帮助文本
This program is intended for finding divisors Fermat numbers: F(m)=2^(2^m)+1.
此程序的目的是为了找到 Fermat 数的约数。公式是 F(m)=2^(2^m)+1。
The divisors Fermat numbers have form k*2^n+1, where n>=m+2
当 n>=m+2 时,k*2^n+1 就是 Fermat 数的约数。
Before calculations it is necessary to set an interval for degrees n and interval for
values k. The coefficient k can be very large, k up to 2^63.
在计算之前,设置 n(度)的范围、k 值的范围是很重要的。系数 k 可以是非常答的。K 的最高值可以到 2 的 63 次方。
Fermat.exe optimally fast calculates: 7 < n < 1000 and very fast for n<50. The best algorithm pre-sieve for these numbers inside the program, therefore there is no necessity to use other software.
Fermat.exe 的最佳运算速度是当 7 < n < 1000 时,而当 n<50 时,其运算速度将会十分快。要找出 Fermat 数的约数,pre-sieve 是最好的算法。这算法已经被编入程序体内。所以,您不需要使用其他软件来寻找 Fermat 数的约数了。
For the large values n it is better to use the program PFGW, today she optimum quickly calculates these numbers., which uses very fast FFT algorithm for multiplying the large numbers and programs NewPGen - Paul Joblin. For small values n<24 it is necessary to use the program George Woltman - Prime95.exe, with algorithm ECM and P-1 Or PFGW, which today dynamically develops. In the indicated range of numbers the present program most expedites calculations in comparison with other algorithms.
对于n这个值很大度数来说,最好的运算工具是PFGW,使用它来快速计算这些数是最好不过。此程序运用FFT算法,对大数进行乘的运算处理,而且帮助Paul Joblin编译出NewPGen。对于n值小于24的数来说,使用George Woltman的Prime95来算是最适合的。此程序运用ECM、P-1、PFGW等算法。此类算法都是现今被大力发展的。在数学界里,现在的程序很多都在比较中寻找最好的算法。
The outcomes of operation are brought in files Fermat.log the detailed information on calculations. To make sure, that the range was really calculated by the program, the check digit is entered. Correctness Of Dispatched Outcomes (CODO). I and later server will check this number. In Result.txt saved only found new divisors.
计算的结果记录在Fermat.log中。其中还记录了计算过程的详细信息。这是为了可以保证,计算真的开始与否,check digit 阶段进入与否。我和服务器将检验您的结果。Result.txt里只记录新发现的约数。
If colour picture on taskbar the green, then program is active and calculates. If colour picture on taskbar the yellow, then program has finished calculations, then it is necessary to set new values.If colour green/red, then program found new factor, active and calculates.If colour yellow/red, then program found new factor and finished calculation.
如果状态栏里的colour picture是绿色的话,说明程序正在计算中;如果是黄色,表示程序已经完成了计算,然后您必须设置新的值;如果颜色是半红半绿,那么恭喜您!程序找到了新的因数,而且还在运行当中;如果是半红半黄,表示程序找到了新的因数而且完成了计算工作。
PAY ATTENTION. In the program is made are convenient input of values for k as installed practice of recording of the large numbers. For example, to not write a lot of zero for 3500000000000, it is possible to write 35e11. The letter "e" designates, how many zero will stand behind of first numbers.
注意 在程序里,使用科学记数法是比较方便的。比如,如果想输入3500000000000,那么您就可以输入35e11。若实际的数后面有11个零,字母“e”后的数字就是11。
"TEST" menu is for start, stopping and continue program.
"OPTIONS" menu is intended for individual adjustments and changes of program.
"FOLLOWING TASK/TIME" - Important and convenient function for entering the following task, which will be executed after end of calculations of the basic task, for elimination of idle time of the computer. In addition you can find out approximately necessary time for calculations of any range. Take into account, after end of work of all tasks, the program passes in a mode of expectation. Everyone 15 seconds she reads ini a file section [Following tasks] there can there are up to 10 tasks. You can for example on a network change ini a file, having added other task and the program will begin to calculate. Format of recording should be for example:"Task 1=n=50 to 50, k=20e12 to 30e12"
"FOLLOWING TASK/TIME" 此对于项跟踪进度方面是很方便和很重要的。而在计算的最后,为了消磨计算机的空余时间,此项将会执行。您可以找到每个范围的大约完成时间。在所有工作完成以后,程序会进入等待状态。程序每 15 分钟检阅一部分的ini文件。在这 15 分钟内,可以完成 10 个 task 。您可以上网添加其他的 task ,程序会重新开始计算。记录的格式大概是这样的: Task 1=n=50 to 50, k=20e12 to 30e12
"CONNECTION WITH LOCAL SERVER" - New function, since the version 4.3. If you work with many programs in a local area network. That is necessary for you management of all programs taking place in your local area network. For this purpose it is necessary to establish an opportunity of work with server
program ServerFermat.exe, then you can operate all your local computer network. For this purpose it is enough to you only to enter a name of the server, where the program ServerFermat.exe is established. For example "Maks" or "". Additional information. For connection is used Port:31415. If the connection with the server has not taken place, the program will try to establish him everyone 30 minutes. At program loading and established flag, she tries at once will incorporate to the server, then in 2 minutes, and ambassador everyone 30 minutes.
"CONNECTION WITH LOCAL SERVER" 局域网通信-新功能。4.3 版本以后才有的。如果您在一个局域网里运行,那么您必须找一个控制端代替您的工作。服务应用程序 ServerFermat.exe 应运而生。您可以借此程序治理管理您的 computer network 。您只能通过输入 host 的名字或 IP 来控制被安装有 ServerFermat.exe 的电脑。比如“Maks”或192.168.0.100 。另外,此附加软件使用的端口是 31415 。如果连接不能建立,程序会每 30 秒重试 1 次。当程序出现已连接的标记时,程序将立即试图把网内的计算机与服务器连接。
"PRIORITY" - priority of operation of the program, is by default installed the idle priority. It is not recommended to change.
"PRIORITY"优先权 程序操作的优先权是很低的。此项默认是 the idle priority 。此选项不建议更改。
"FLOATING PRIORITY" -program independently raises to itself priority at if behind the computer nobody works and reduces to itself priority as soon as you will move mouse. It is not recommended to use if in OS the normal modern programs work. The menu is accessible if in the file .ini the option OldProg=1 is placed.
FLOATING PRIORITY 浮动的优先权当无人使用电脑时,程序自动提升优先权。当您再一次使用电脑时,程序的优先权也随之改变。我们不推荐在 OS 中使用。当在 file.ini 中,选项 OldProg=1 时,菜单栏可能受到影响。
"WINDOWS SERVICE" - StartUp of program at start of the computer. Writes down value in registry. Path:
WINDOW SERVICE windows服务 程序开机启动在这里设置HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
"HIDE"- This function hide picture program with taskbar. That next time picture program became seen, it is necessary to change parameter in a file Fermat.ini isHidden=0. When all calculations are completed, always to appear on taskbar yellow picture.
HIDE 隐藏 此功能可以隐藏程序的界面。再次启动时,界面自然会出来。您不需要把 Fermat.ini 的代码改成 Hidden=0 。当计算完成以后,状态栏的黄灯自然会出现的。
"CLEAR RESULT BOX" -If you experimented the program and found known divisors, you can quickly remove Result.txt and clear Result box of the unnecessary information, but Fermat.log does not delete. "
CLEAR RESULT BOX 清除 result box 如果您的实验找到了已知的约数,您可以迅速的移除 Result.txt ,清除 result box 多余的信息。但请不要删除 Fermat.log 。
With the help of this program the new divisors are retrieved:
m=569, k=6616590375, n=575 -Feb 25, 2003 -Kuzmin
m=297, k=72677552745, n=301 -Feb 13, 2003 -Danilov
m=286, k=78472588395, n=288 -Nov 02, 2002 -Danilov
m=971, k=541664191, n=976 -Apr 04, 2002 -Komin
m=480, k=5673968845, n=484 -Nov 24, 2001 -Danilov
m=343, k=4844391185, n=345 -Aug 29, 2001 -Danilov
m=133, k=88075576149, n=135 -July 24, 2001 -Samidoost
m=48, k=2139543641769, n=50 -May 28, 2001 -Bodschwinna
m=172, k=20569603303, n=174 -May 11, 2001 -Durman
m=94, k=482524552001, n=97 -Apr 18, 2001 -Grobstich
m=90, k=198922467387, n=92 -Mar 26, 2001 -Grobstich
m=88, k=119942751127, n=90 -Mar 13, 2001 -Nohara
m=284, k=1061341513, n=286 -Dec 25, 2000 -Durman
m=43, k=212675402445, n=45 -Dec 23, 2000 -Samidoost
m=370, k=573230511, n=373 -Aug 22, 2000 -Durman
m=380, k=321116871, n=385 -Jun 26, 2000 -Durman
m=230, k=372236097, n=232 -Apr 13, 2000 -Durman
All known divisors on page Wilfrid Keller's
Outcomes (Fermat.log) dispatch to the address [email protected]
The new version of the program can be found
新版本的程序将会被开发 http://www.fermatsearch.org |