本帖最后由 fwjmath 于 2017-10-25 02:02 编辑
这篇论文属于开放获取,因为我现在是TU Graz的博士后,然后他们和奥地利的研究基金机构(FWF)还有图书馆签了协议,只要是TU Graz的人发文章,作者不用交钱就可以让所有人自由获取论文。如果没有这个东西的话,开放获取选项一般要花好几千美元……
论文题目是:Parallel Tree Search in Volunteer Computing: a Case Study
While volunteer computing, as a restricted model of parallel computing, has proved itself to be a successful paradigm of scientific computing with excellent benefit on cost efficiency and public outreach, many problems it solves are intrinsically highly parallel. However, many efficient algorithms, including backtracking search, take the form of a tree search on an extremely uneven tree that cannot be easily parallelized efficiently in the volunteer computing paradigm. We explore in this article how to perform such searches efficiently on volunteer computing projects. We propose a parallel tree search scheme, and we describe two examples of its real-world implementation, Harmonious Tree and Odd Weird Search, both carried out at the volunteer computing project yoyo@home. To confirm the observed efficiency of our scheme, we perform a mathematical analysis, which proves that, under reasonable assumption that agrees with experimental observation, our scheme is only a constant multiplicative factor away from perfect parallelism. Details on improving the overall performance are also discussed.
志愿计算作为一种有限制的并行计算模型,是一种成功的科学计算范式,在效费比和公众宣传上效益非凡。尽管如此,它能解决的许多问题本质上都是高度并行的。然而,如回溯搜索等诸多高效算法,它们都可以归结为在一棵非常不平衡的树上进行搜索。在志愿计算范式中,我们难以有效并行化这样的搜索。我们在本文中探索了如何在志愿计算项目中有效进行这类搜索。我们提出了一个并行树搜索的框架,然后描述了两个在现实中的实现,分别是Harmonious Tree和Odd Weird Search,它们都是在志愿计算项目yoyo@home上完成的。为了确认我们的框架在实验中观察到的效率,我们进行了一些数学分析,证明了在合理并符合观察数据的假定下,我们的框架离完美的并行处理只相差一个乘法常数。我们也讨论了改进整体性能的一些方法。