This proposal aims to create the first database of the simulated stellar content of the Universe,from the earliest stars to the most exotic black hole binaries. This comprehensive stellar library willbe a world-wide scientific resource for astronomers, and an educational asset for the public. Witha state-of-the-art suite of computational tools, we can calculate the physical properties of individualstars, evolve them in time, and track how they interact with each other as they age. With this libraryof stellar populations that spans the known range of star formation histories and initial elementalabundances, it is possible to tackle fundamental science questions that have been out of reach ingeneral relativity, astronomy, and cosmology. As a group we will use this database to characterize thepopulation of supernova progenitor stars that have been used to discover the mysterious dark energythat accelerates the expansion of the Universe; we can calculate how (if at all) binary evolutionfacilitates the formation of ultra-luminous X-ray sources, and we can model the number and physicalproperties of neutron stars and black holes that strongly emit gravitational waves that are at theheart of research into gamma-ray bursts – the most energetic explosions known-to-date. The datathat we create can be mined not only to match current observations, but to predict how the skywill appear to future astronomical observatories as new windows to the Universe open. Altogether,this proposal will allow us to consolidate a strong and highly visible research group; an independentcomputational center that trains a new cohort of highly educated students, and communicates withthe public via innovative science venues, and offer a fresh look at the Universe.