Dec 17, 2008.
The workunits of the 13th dimension with a constant element of two have all been sent out, so we are about to begin the processing of the 14th dimension with a constant element of three first.
所有 13 维的含有两个固定元素的工作包都被发放出去了,所以我们将要开始发放 14 维的含有三个固定元素的工作包。
Sep 10. 2008
Work units of the 13th dimension has been harder to get in the past few days, due to the increased interest.
2007. may. 21.
New workunits will be available soon.
很快就有新的 WU 了。
2007. apr. 28.
Discrepancies of the credit registries have been equalized.
2007. mar. 29.
New application version for the windows and i686-apple paltforms brings an increase in processing speed. Linux and powerpc-apple versions are coming this weekend.
面向 Windows 和 i686-apple 的新程序已经出来了,带来了一些速度上的提升。Linux 和 powerpc-apple 平台的程序大概这个周末就会出来。
Longer term aims: it seems that the application is not doing well with WUs containing only 1 matrix, which is more likely to be the case with higher dimensions. This generates all the problem, rendering the application not to be user friendly. However, the research is very promising as our mathematician colleagues say, so we are thinking about continuing this application in a private manner, with less computers and longer run times...
Meanwhile, we are seeking new applications in Hungary - that would be more user friendly - to be run on SZTAKI Desktop Grid. So, if you stay with us and continue work, the reward will be a new user-friendlier application run on SZDG.
大意是:由于现在有一些 WU 运行时间太长而又没有检查点,不适合用户计算,所以在将来 SZDG 上的 BinSYS 项目可能会修改为一个半公开的项目,只让那些愿意运行长时间的 WU 的用户来计算。我们正在寻找一些适合用户计算的项目。请大家继续坚持。
2006. dec. 5.
The maximum number of false, total and success results has been increased to 10, 20, 10.
错误结果、总结果、成功结果的最大数目分别被调为 10, 20, 10. |