发表于 2007-3-9 18:55:08
原帖由 碧城仙 于 2004-6-5 00:00 发表
在Test-->Primenet中的第三个复选框(Request whatever type of work makes the most sence)前的勾去掉,然后下面有四个选项将由灰变黑,然后第一个就是“只接受超过1000万位的任务包验证是否为梅森素数”勾上,点“OK”即可申请1000万位数进行测试;下面三项依次是:测试验证梅森素数(无特殊要求);只进行复查双LL测试;只进行分解因子。
以前一直不太明白这个复选和下面四个选项是做什么用的,也不知道该选哪个?后来又看了Team Prime Rib的安装说明
Then we have the work type. The default is to let PrimeNet decide. PrimeNet will use your CPU details and the number of days of work you want, to give you the appropriate work. This is where the number of hours per day your machine runs comes in.
If you uncheck the Let PrimeNet decide box, then you can pick the exact type of work.
First box = 10,000,000 Digit- A 10,000,000 digit number will take a fast P4 about 4 to 6 months crunching 24/7 to complete. You must have massive patience and a fast machine to do these. These are the big money Mersenne Prime numbers.
Second Box = Primality Test- A Primality test or LL(Lucas-Lehmer) test is used to find a Mersenne Prime. These are the first time tests that most people do. A machine should be fairly fast to do one of these, say P3 750 or faster. Doing these tests you may be the lucky person to find a new Mersenne Prime. A little bit of cash may also come your way.
Third Box = Double Check- The next is Double Checks or DCs. These double check the results of the LL test. Both the LL test and the double check MUST be exact for the test to be valid. If they differ, the exponent will be triple checked and the machine that made the error will not be credited with the work time.
Fourth = Factor- Trial factoring or TF is a preliminary test to try to find a factor. This is the fastest of all the tests. Slower machines, 500 MHz and lower, should do trial factoring. The work involved is minimal but essential.
另外,我觉得我们的第2张插图有些乱,很多人第一次填“Your user ID”都会填错(应该填组名GIMPSChina),不像Team Prime Rib的插图那么简单直观。 |