发表于 2009-5-9 15:47:57
原帖由 v724 于 2009-5-9 11:54 发表
神秘电波被疑来自外星 同样信息曾多次出现
England (Reuters) -- An unexplained radio signal from deep space could -- just might be -- contact from an alien civilization, New Scientist magazine reported on Thursday. The signal, coming from a point between the Pisces and Aries constellations, has been picked up three times by a telescope in Puerto Rico.
There are other explanations besides extraterrestrial contact that may explain the signal. New Scientist said the signal could be generated by a previously unknown astronomical phenomenon or even be a by-product from the telescope itself. But the mystery beam has excited astronomers across the world.
"If they can see it four, five or six times it really begins to get exciting," Jocelyn Bell Burnell of the University of Bath in western England told the magazine.
据英国路透社的消息,一个来自外层空间的不明无线波信号可能使我们接触到外空文明。New Scientist 杂志在星期四报道了这则新闻。这个信号是从双鱼座和白羊座之间的某个地方发送出来的。 波多黎各(拉丁美洲)科学家用望远镜曾经3次捕捉到该信号。
对于这个信号的解释是有两种说法:来自宇宙空间的联系和仅仅是单纯的信号。New Scientist 还说该信号可能是由于以前未曾知晓的天文现象产生的,或者还有一种肯能就是来自望远镜本身的一些东西产生的。但是这些神秘的电波已经让全世界的天文学家们兴奋不已。
“如果他们看见这个信号4次、5次或者6次,它也学会让这些科学家们更加的激动”,一个来自英国西部的巴思大学的Jocelyn Bell Burnell,在与该杂志的谈话中说道。 |