发表于 2009-4-21 19:08:45
09:00 Introduction to volunteer computing and volunteer thinking (1h00') (Slides ) David Anderson (University of California at Berkeley)
10:00 Case study #1: LHC@Home, volunteer computing for the Large Hadron Collider (35') (Slides ppt ) Ben Segal (CERN)
10:35 Case study #2: MalariaControl.net: volunteer computing for malaria epidemiology in Africa (35') (Slides ppt ) Nicolas Maire (Swiss Tropical Institute)
11:10 Volunteer computing, grid computing and cloud computing: opportunities for synergy (50') (Slides pdf ) Derrick Kondo (INRIA)
12:00 End of session (informal discussion with speakers until 12:30) (30')
[ 本帖最后由 Julian_Yuen 于 2009-4-21 19:48 编辑 ] |