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发表于 2006-7-11 13:01:35
Jul 10, 2006
Grid.org Status
Cancer - After a few false starts, I think we have a good Ligand number at 100. These take much longer than the previous ones, but it seems that even a slow machine should be able to crunch a single WU in one week. Unless I hear otherwise, we will stick with 100 ligand WUs.
It also appears that the aborts have gone away. Since nothing has changed other than the protein we are working on (as was the case when they started happening), I think this proves that there was something in the last protein that the Ligandfit application had an occassional problem with and not an issue with UD hardware. Since Oxford delivered the protein, they would have to be the ones to figure out what is different in the two proteins.
Regarding the 600 ligand job, I will let that one spin for another week or two to give everyone a chance to return their results. Otherwise, we will go back to the one week cycle we were on previously with the 100 ligand WUs.
Rosetta - This project is apparently complete. Since I do not know if we will be doing any other Rosetta projects, I am going to leave this running until I hear something official. This means currently any Rosetta work is for points only. The actual work will be ignored. If I turn the job off, I am sure that many machines will get the flashing explanation point and cause an uproar. Active members who read the boards can make a decision whether they want to set their profile to the cancer job only or not. Maybe some members think the Rosetta screensaver is cool.
Connection issues - We have had random connection issues recently. Restarting the load balancer last week appeared to have fixed the issue, but I noticed a few complaints today. I do not know if this is the same issue or something different. There is a request into IT to check the load balancer again to see if it has some sort of chronic problem. In the meantime, I can only suggest to retry until you get the page you want. There is a 50/50 chance you will get directed correctly if the load balancer is acting up. Luckily these are not agent connection issue, but limited to the member web pages.
癌症 - 在经过一些尝试之后,我认为 Ligand 数量定在 100比较合适。这些任务比较早先的要难算些,但是似乎绝大部分的机器都能够在一个星期内算完。如果没有异议,我们将会把任务定位 100 ligand。
异常退出现象好像也没有了。因为除了蛋白质之外什么都没有改变,我想这证明早些的蛋白质与 Ligandfit 程序有些许兼容性问题,UD 硬件没有问题。因为是牛津大学给的蛋白质,所以只有他们才知道两种蛋白质间有什么不同。
关于 600 ligand 任务,我将会在1~2星期后回收他们的结果。另外,我们将会和以前一样把 100 ligand 任务期限设为1周。
Rosetta - 这个项目已经中止了。因为我不知道我们是否会有任何其他的 Rosetta 项目,所以在我收到官方的通知前,我不会关掉它。这意谓现在的 Rosetta 任务只有赚积分而已,没有任何现实意义。真实的任务总数不会增加。如果我把任务关掉,我确定许多机器将会,而且可能会引发抗议。读到这个帖子的用户,可以自己决定是否将他们的喜好设定为只算癌症任务。也许一些用户认为 Rosetta 屏保程序比较好看。
网络连接问题 - 最近我们遇到了几次网络连接问题。上星期我通过重启网络负载平衡路由解决了这个问题,但是我今天注意到又一些人诉苦无法访问UD了。我不知道这是相同的问题,还是新的问题。我已经请求IT部门的人来检查一下负载平衡路由是否有毛病。在此,我只能建议你多刷新几次页面试试。即使负载平衡路由有毛病,你也有 50%的机会打开页面。幸好,这些不是客户端的连接问题,仅仅是用户网页而已。
[ Last edited by vmzy on 2006-7-19 at 16:28 ] |