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[已翻译,待校对] [WCG]使用您的闲置计算时间来保卫我们的世界

发表于 2010-3-30 08:53:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
原载:Singularity Hub - http://singularityhub.com/2010/02/22/use-your-idle-computer-time-to-save-the-world/
标题:Use Your Idle Computer Time to Save the World - 使用您的闲置计算时间来保卫我们的世界
作者:Aaron Saenz
概要:介绍了 WCG 开展的分布式计算项目及其运作情况。


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发表于 2010-3-30 18:21:26 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 hawkwolf 于 2010-3-30 18:25 编辑

The World Community Grid uses your idle computer time for curing diseases, planing better breeds of rice, and other humanitarian efforts.

世界社区网格(World Community Grid,WCG)利用您的空闲计算时间,来治疗疾病、优化稻米品种,以及用于其他人道主义工作。

The World Community Grid wants to turn you spare computer power into life saving change around the globe. Sponsored by IBM, the WCG is a nonprofit that partners with research teams to help them analyze data and run simulations. Each person who joins WCG donates their idle computer time to solve a fraction of a larger problem. Put together, the fleet of WCG computers give scientists an amazing amount of processing power. WCG targets that research which it feels will best serve the global community. It has worked to help fight Dengue Fever, AIDS, Muscular Dystrophy, and many other illnesses as well as help design better breeds of rice. Joining the WCG is as easy as registering, downloading a software program, and letting your computer work while you’re not using it. About 500,000 people belong to WCG, providing 1.4 million computing devices and 320,000 years worth of data processing! Visit the WCG website now and learn how you can use your untapped resources to save lives.


Public distributed computing is a powerful concept, and one that’s well tested. The technique has been used to search for extraterrestrial life (SETI), study protein folding (Folding@Home) and many other large scale computational projects. The WCG uses BOINC as its distributing computer platform, which is one of the most widely respected and successful systems for this type of processing in the world. Many think of distributed computing (in one of its forms) as the next step in increasing processing power. Eventually, all the computational intensive projects in major research institutions may rely on this technique to help them analyze data and run simulations. The super computers of the future may not be housed in a single structure, they’ll be divided among millions of PCs around the world.

公共的分布式计算是一个强大的理念,一个通过实践证明是很有效的计算方式。 这项技术原来是用于搜寻外星智慧生命(SETI)项目上,用在蛋白质折叠(Folding@Home)项目上,以及其他类似的大型计算项目上。
WCG项目利用BOINC作为分布式计算平台,BOINC是一个被大众接受的、成功的分布式计算平台。事实上,当今主流的、所有需要密集型运算的研究,都可以依靠这个平台来帮助它们检测数据或运行模拟实验。未来的超级计算机恐怕不会是象现在这种要建个大房间才能容得下的, 它会是分布在全球的数百万台普通电脑。

With so many different distributed computing projects that could ask to use your idle time, WCG does its best to entice you to join. First, it’s one of the only such projects that specifically targets research with a global service mindset. Second, it lets you socialize with other members and form teams. Third, it awards points to each participant in relation to the amount of processing they give to the collective. Finally, teams can compete for points in different projects, and the winners are listed on leader boards to gain them bragging rights. I find this last tactic really brilliant. There’s something about earning points, forming teams, and competing that drive us to invest ourselves in a task. By taking advantage of that tendency WCG gets people hooked on saving the world. Not a bad addiction.

第一, WCG是众多有服务于全球的理念、有针对性研究的项目之一。
第二, 对每位参与到这个项目、加入到这个整体运算行列的志愿者,WCG会授予相应的积分。
第三, 计算团队可以在不同项目上进行积分挑战比赛, 胜出的团队名称会位列在主页上而彰显其功绩。
我觉得最后一条很明智,要想取得积分,组建多个团队去竞争,这将驱使我们投身到一个项目里。利用这个方法,WCG让人们投身到了拯救世界的队伍中。 希望这不会成瘾吧。

P.S.:WCG's Fans不要准备臭鸡蛋。以上可以说是宣传很重要,只是翻译者不怎么咬弦而已。


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