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[已完成翻译] 开始翻译 eOn(固体的长时标模拟)官方站点

发表于 2005-12-28 13:04:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
eOn 项目介绍请看:http://www.equn.com/distributed/ap-science.html#eon

eOn 是帮助研究“固体的长时标模拟”技术的分布式计算项目。 从其官方站点能够了解到:“一个在理论化学方面的很普通的问题, 涉及到凝聚体物理学、材料科学,例如:化学反应和扩散发生的时间”。 有趣的是这个普通的问题不能直接在模拟过程中观察到,以致于项目发起人只能通过使用一个分布式计算环境间接的研究。



1、 http://eon.cm.utexas.edu/index.php   ——> 感谢 碧城仙 帮助翻译。
2、 http://eon.cm.utexas.edu/about.php   ——> 感谢 碧城仙 帮助翻译。
3、 http://eon.cm.utexas.edu/stats.php   ——> 感谢 碧城仙 帮助翻译。
4、 http://eon.cm.utexas.edu/login.php   ——> 感谢 碧城仙 帮助翻译。
5、 http://eon.cm.utexas.edu/download.php   ——>  感谢 碧城仙 帮助翻译。
6、 http://eon.cm.utexas.edu/faqs.php       ——>  感谢 碧城仙 帮助翻译。
7、 http://eon.cm.utexas.edu/contact.php      ——>  感谢 碧城仙 帮助翻译。



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霊烏路 空 + 100



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2005-12-28 13:10:36 | 显示全部楼层

User Login Page
Enter your login information:

Forgot Password?
Members, if you wish to receive a new password, please enter your email address above, and leave the password blank.
Then hit the "NEW PASSWORD" button. Your password would be generated and send to the email address provided.


Note: This email address should be the one you provided when you installed the software. To protect your privicy, we don't display email addresses on the eon website.
On the statistics page, "name" is displayed for the email "name@mail.com". Furthermore, we will not send any unsolicited emails.


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2005-12-28 13:20:47 | 显示全部楼层

Software Information

What is Fida?
FIDA is a simple framework of developing and deploying independently distributed applications that can harness otherwise idle computing processors across the Internet. It follows the standard client-server model based on TCP/IP protocols. Its component-based architecture making it efficient and flexible to extend FIDA to a wide range of distributed scientific and engineering applications.

什么是 Fida?
FIDA 是一个尚处于开发和部署阶段的能够整合互联网上闲置电脑的处理资源的分布式应用程序。它在设计上遵循基于 TCP/IP 协议的客户端-服务端标准。FIDA 能在大部分分布式科学和设计应用领域内高效灵活的发挥作用。

What is Mithral?
Mithral is a client-server software development kit which allows developers to quickly and easily write large scale client-server applications including "distributed computing" and peer-to-peer types. One primary use for the CS-SDK is for a company or research lab who has large amounts of computation to do. This allows users to network the systems users have behind users' firewall to get real work done quickly and securely.

什么是 Mithral?
Mithral 是一个符合客户端-服务端标准的开发工具,它使得开发者们可以迅速方便的为需要进行大规模客户服务器应用的组织编制出包括“分布式计算”和 P2P 类型的软件。它广泛应用于公司或研究实验室的 CS-SDK 体系中。这使得处于防火墙后的系统用户能够安全迅速的进行实际的工作。


Windows Users
使用 Windows 操作系统的用户

Follow the instructions in the installer provided.
You may want to schedule a task whenever the windows boots up.
您也可以设置让 window 系统启动后在某一时间自动开始一个任务。
1、Goto Start>Programs>Accessories>System Tools>Scheduled Tasks
2、Click on "Add Scheduled Task" to start the wizard.
3、Browse to the program "client.exe".
4、Select "When my computer starts".
5、Fill in the user name and password for logging onto that computer.
6、Check the box for "Open Special Properties", then click "Finish".
7、Click the tab for "Settings".
8、Uncheck the box for "Stop the task if it runs ...".
9、Click "Apply" and "OK".
The next time you boot the computer, the eOn program will begin automatically and invisibly. If you need to stop the program, use the Task Manager to end client.exe. (Thanks to Carlos for these details).
下次您启动电脑,eOn 客户端程序将自动开始默默的运行。如果您需要停止该程序,请使用任务管理器停止“client.exe”进程。(感谢 Carlos 提供这些细节。)

Linux/Mac Users
使用 Linux/Mac 操作系统的用户

1、Download, unzip and untar the client: tar -zxf eon_client.tar.gz.
下载,并解包:tar -zxf eon_client.tar.gz
2、Enter the directory eon_client. Here you can set your username by "./setuser.pl emailaddress" so that your statistics can be recorded.
进入 eon_client 所在的文件夹,然后请通过“./setuser.pl emailaddress”来注册您的电子邮件地址,该地址可以用来在本站统计页面查看您对本项目所做的贡献。
3、Run the client program by typing ./client >& outfile & or if you don't want to ever look at the output, you can replace outfile with /dev/null.
通过输入“./client >& outfile & ”运行客户端程序,或者如果您不想经常查看输出文件,您可以通过“/dev/null”来将“outfile”更换到其他路径下。
4、Check to see if the client is running with top or ps. Note the process id number, PID, and if you want the client to run at a minimum priority, type renice 19 pid where pid is the process id number of the client.
如果客户端程序显示在桌面上,您可以发现它时刻不停的在运行。您可以记下它的进程号和 PID,如果您希望客户端以一个较低的优先级运行,请输入“renice 19 pid”。

The script eon.sh is a shell script which will submit a given number of eon client jobs. It will only submit these job if the jobs are not running so the script can be used as a cron job. Make sure to set the parameters at the start of the script to set the path in which you have installed the client, and the number of clients to run on the machines (in the case of multiprocessor machines).

脚本文件 eon.sh 是用来提交一个给定的 eon 客户端作业号的。如果某些作业没有运行,那么脚本文件将会把该作业认定为需要在以后执行的计划。请确保您的脚本文件正确设置了启动客户端程序的路径,以及同时运行的客户端数目(如果您使用多重处理器)。

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2005-12-28 16:47:31 | 显示全部楼层

EON 官方论坛位于 Free-DC 社区。Free-DC 社区同时也提供一个关于本项目进度的统计页面。
问:eon 在不同的系统下速度如何?
CuGB (C++) 基准:
AlPyr (Fortran) 基准:

Q. My current screen saver has switched from EON to the default screen saver (a blank screen).
问:我屏幕保护由 EON 跳转到默认的屏幕保护程序了。

A. When the screen saver cannot locate certain files that it requires to run, it automatically sets the active screen saver to the default screen saver so that errors do not occur every time the screen saver is launched. To correct this problem, you need to uninstall Eon and then reinstall from the web.
答:如果屏幕保护程序无法找到屏保文件,那么为了避免错误的发生,它将自动启用默认的屏保。如果要修正这个问题,您需要卸载 EON ,然后重新下载客户端安装。

Q. Is there a text based EON client for windows?
问:有能在 windows 下运行的命令行版本的客户端程序吗?

A. We don't have a specific text based installation for windows, but running the client.exe program (by default c:\Program Files\Eon\client.exe) will start a text client.
答:我们没有能够在 windows 下安装的真正意义上的命令行版本,但是如果您运行客户断程序 client.exe,就会发现,其运行界面如命令行一样简朴。

Q. How often do clients communicate with the server?

A. Typically a work assignment can be completed in 1-30 min. The time for a given client can be found on the statistics page. The clients must communicate with the server after each work assignment is completed. The EON project is used to simulate the time evolution of solid systems over long periods of time. When enough work assignments are collected the server advances the simulated system in time at which point clients have to get a new work assignment based upon the new state of the system. Because of this, EON can not give clients many work packets to work on, and clients can not work while they are offline.
答:通常,每个工作任务在 1~30 分钟内即可处理完毕。您可以通过本站统计页面查看到您完成每个工作任务所花费的时间。客户端必须在完成当前工作任务后与服务器连接。EON 项目用来对固化过程进行长时间的模拟。当服务器收集到了足够多的工作任务后,将通过新的统计情况向客户端分发新的任务。因此,EON 不可能让一个客户端储备多个任务包,而且不允许客户端离线运行。

Q. The cosm license requires this software to be open source. Where is it?
问:Cosm 协议要求这个软件体系开源,那么哪里可以下载源代码呢?

A. There are two main parts to the EON source. We have developed a framework for constructing simple client/server applications. This is called fida. The source for fida can be downloaded from the fida web site. The science code is available through cvs. Instructions on downloading eon and fida though cvs can be found on our code forum.
答:EON 的源代码主要分为二大部分。我们为建立一个简单的客户端/服务端应用程序开发了一个框架。它叫做 fida。fida 的源代码可以通过 fida 的网站下载。科学代码可以通过 cvs 获得。在我们的代码论坛里您可以通过 cvs 很方便的找到 EON 和 fida 的下载。

If you are experiencing a problem or have a question that is not listed here, please email Graeme Henkelman. Include a description of your problem and we will reply as promptly as possible.
如果您在使用过程中,遇到了这里没有列出来的问题,请将详细的问题描叙通过电子邮件发给 Graeme Henkelman,我们会及时的给予答复。

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-1-16 16:29:48 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-1-17 17:09:09 | 显示全部楼层

The EON team
EON 团队

The EON project team at the University of Texas at Austin consists of the following people:
隶属于奥斯汀克萨斯大学(the University of Texas at Austin)的 EON 项目团队包括以下人员:
·Graeme Henkelman
·Omer Shakil, client programming, windows client gui, screensaver, and web page design
Omer Shakil,负责设计客户端程序、windows 客户端图形界面、屏幕保护程序和网页。

Former members
·Alok Vaid, user database, statistics, and web page
Alok Vaid,用户数据库、统计和网页
·Ravi Rajan, web page and database
Ravi Rajan,网页和数据库。

Please feel free to email any of the above for questions, suggestions or comments.

We are grateful for support from the ~FAST Tex program at UT Austin for sponsoring Ravi's work on the project. We also appreciate help from contributers to the project, and especially from Bruce E. (Sam) Slade, Phil Chapman, Robert Benamou, Bok, Fritz, Carlos, and the Free-DC / US-Distributed groups.
我们非常感谢奥斯汀克萨斯大学 Ravi 主持的 ~FAST Tex 程序为我们提供支持。我们同样感谢所有的志愿参与者们对项目的支持,尤其要感谢 ruce E.(Sam) Slade、Phil Chapman、Robert Benamou、Bok、Fritz、Carlos,和 Free-DC 社区、US-Distributed 小组。

The former team from the University of Washington includes Hannes Jónsson, Kurt Ding, Russell Power, Todd Detwiler, and Frances Lam.
前期团队成员是来自华盛顿大学(the University of Washington)的,包括
Hannes Jónsson、Kurt Ding、Russell Power、Todd Detwiler 和 Frances Lam。

Robert A. Welch Foundation, Grant F-1601
UT Austin Startup funds
UT Summer Research Assignment (SRA) program
UT ~FAST Tex program

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-1-18 16:54:52 | 显示全部楼层

Welcome to the EON Project, updated and now located at The University of Texas at Austin
欢迎参加 EON 项目,服务器升级并寄存在奥斯汀克萨斯大学(the University of Texas at Austin)。


·Aug 20,2005: Added a benchmark program, available on the download page.

·Aug 5,2005: Building wide power and cooling outage planed for Aug 7. Eon could be down for the entire day.
计划在8月7日建立更广泛的电力供应和制冷效果。EON 服务器可能会在当天停止服务一整天。

·July 7,2005: Server memory replaced. The server has been down for 6 days, over the July 4th weekend, waiting for new memory. The server is up now, and seems to be working fine.

·May 8,2005: New Detailed Statistics page
Features: You can make searches of individual Emails/Team names and get the results sorted according to overall standing/current month/current week/current day.
特点:您能对单个的 Emails/Team 名称进行搜索,并将得到一个按照“总共/本月/本周/本日”分门别类给出详情的统计结果。

·Apr 13,2005: Running Multiple Copies
Information: If you want to run multiple copies of EON, Please make sure, you do the following steps:
信息:如果您希望在本地计算机上同时运行多个 EON 程序,请您确保您是按照下面的步骤操作的:
1. Make a new directory
2. Copy following three files to that directory
a) client.exe (它是主要的可执行程序)
b) client.cfg (它包含了您的 email 信息,当然,您也可以忽略该文件。)
c) key.pub (它非常重要,一旦库文件需要升级,可执行文件将需要该文件来验证用户标识。)
NOTE: Copying the library file instead of key.pub will make it work temporarily, but not in the long run.
注意:复制库文件代替 key.pub 的过程是临时的,它不会长久的运行。
Please check your clients if they are failing to update, this maybe the reason!

·Apr 13,2005: Windows Client Speedup.
Windows 客户端加速。
Features: Windows clients should now download a new library AUTOMATICALLY and work three times as fast compared with previous library.
特点:Windows 客户端现在可以自动升级库文件,并将提速到当前速度的三倍。

·Mar 25,2005: Windows GUI Client updated. View | Download
Windows 图形界面客户端升级。查看 | 下载
Features: tskill removed (all done internally now). Client priority set to least. Hidden GUI bug fixed.
特点:客户端缺点得到改正(所有的缺点都包括在内)。客户端将以最低优先级运行。GUI 版本漏洞也得到修正。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-1-21 15:52:24 | 显示全部楼层
按碧城的意思,防止GOOGLE过于亲睐测试地址,本项目测试地址改为: http://www.equn.com/eon/


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-1-23 12:23:11 | 显示全部楼层

What is EON?
什么是 EON?
A common problem in theoretical chemistry, condensed matter physics and materials science is the calculation of the time evolution of an atomic scale system where, for example, chemical reactions and/or diffusion occur. Generally the events of interest are quite rare (many orders of magnitude slower than the vibrational movements of the atoms), and therefore direct simulations, tracking every movement of the atoms, would take thousands of years of computer calculations on the fastest present day computer before a single event of interest can be expected to occur, hence the name EON, which is an immeasurable period of time.
一个在理论化学方面的很普通的问题, 涉及到凝聚体物理学、材料科学,例如:化学反应和扩散发生的时间。某些我们感兴趣的现象是非常罕见的(例如一些以极小的数量级速度运动的原子),所以用当前最为快速的计算机直接模拟、跟踪一个可能每天仅仅只能唯一观察到一次的我们期望它能运动的原子,需要花费成千上万年的计算机处理时间,所以我们将我们的项目命名为 EON,它是一段不可计量的时间。

The Henkelman Research Group is interested in calculating the long time dynamics of systems. We have developed a method for doing this through distributed computing where a server sends out small data packets for calculation to clients, e.g. over the internet. So, instead of the entire calculation being done on a single processor, it is done on many client computers worldwide. After finishing it's calculation, each client computer sends it's results back to the server, which summarizes the results and sends out more jobs.
Henkelman 研究小组对长时间动力学系统的模拟演算很感兴趣。我们设计了一种能通过分布式计算将小数据包从服务器分发到互联网上的客户端上来完成模拟演算过程的方法。因此,我们无须将整个过程都交给一台单独的大型机模拟,取而代之的是来自全世界志愿者们的计算机。当各个小数据包的计算结束后,客户端会自动将结果返回给服务器,服务器将分发新的数据包给客户端。

You can help by downloading and running our client, and thereby donating your free processor time to the eon project for as long as you like. See our download page for further instructions on downloading and running eon.
如果您喜欢 EON 项目,您可以通过下载并运行我们开发的客户端程序来捐献您的闲置处理时间。请浏览我们的下载页面,您可以了解到更多关于下载、安装、使用方面的详情。

Scientific Overview
The Henkelman Research Group is interested in calculating the long time dynamics of systems. We have developed a method for doing this, using the dimer method for saddle point finding combined with the kinetic Monte Carlo to advance the system over barriers. This method has been used to study island formation and growth. An aluminum system was used to develop a serial implementation of our methods. This project will be devoted to ice growth.
Henkelman 研究小组对长时间动力学系统的模拟演算很感兴趣。我们设计了一种寻找马鞍点二聚物法与蒙特卡罗法相结合的方法。这种方法曾用于研究海岛的形态与形成。我们在一个铝制的系统上进行了多次试验。该项目可以用于研究冰的形成。

In broad strokes, a system is advanced along a series of minimum energy configurations which are all separated from one another by one first order saddle point. From each new minimum structure, a set of independent dimer searches is launched. The dimers crawl up the potential basin away from the minimum and converge upon saddle points. After a sufficient number of saddles are found, the searches are stopped, and one is chosen. This is done by weighted each possible process (defined by a saddle point) by the rate for that process. The rate of a process is based upon the energy barrier required to cross the corresponding saddle point, and a harmonic prefactor. The system is advanced over the chosen process and the process is repeated.

Our method is particularly suited to distributed computing. The swarm of dimer searches launched from each minimum (from the server) are independent and can be run on separate machines (clients). Furthermore, only a tiny amount of data is needed to initiate each search on the clients and report the results back to the server. The small communication requirements means that the system can be implemented over the internet. Finally, it is not critical to get results back from searches. If a search goes bad, or a client does not report a results, the server can simply go on without it, or farm more searches out to different machine.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-2 12:21:34 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

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