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发表于 2012-12-19 22:15:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
原文:http://www.usatoday.com/story/ne ... t-shooting/1775707/
龙腾网版权所有 http://www.ltaaa.com今日美国-枪击案后的购枪潮
龙腾网版权所有 http://www.ltaaa.com
龙腾网版权所有 http://www.ltaaa.comAlthough national firearms sales and data on FBI background checks are not immediately available for the days before and after the second-largest school shooting in U.S. history, there is evidence that firearms sales are moving at a brisk pace.
龙腾网版权所有 http://www.ltaaa.com尽管在美国历史上第二大枪击案刚结束的时间里,美国联邦调查局关于许可持有枪支的背景调查尚处于停止阶段,但有证据显示枪支交易量呈现快速上升趋势。龙腾网版权所有 http://www.ltaaa.com
Some gun dealers in Oregon, Virginia and Texas said Monday that stocks of handguns and shotguns were selling quickly.
"Our sales are astronomical,'' said Karl Durkheimer, owner of Northwest Armory in Portland, Ore. "We have customers coming in who are very worried for their personal safety. There is no question that sales are related'' to Friday's shooting, which left 28 dead including the 20-year-old shooter and his mother, and last week's deadly shooting at a Portland-area shopping mall.
“我们的交易量相当庞大,” Karl Durkheimer—位于俄勒冈州波特兰西北部的兵工厂的拥有者——这样说道,“我们的客户都非常担心人身安全。毫无疑问,这样的大卖与星期五那场造成包括杀手和其母在内的28人死亡的惨案,以及上周在波特兰地区商场发生的致命枪击案都大有关联。”
Durkheimer said President Obama's emotional response to the incident and his pledge to deal with the issue also has likely prompted increased traffic.
"It makes me sick to my stomach to think that some of this business is being caused at another's expense,'' he said.
Jim Jarrett, owner of Patriot Services in Richmond, Va., reported a surge in calls for guns of all kinds Monday. Some of the calls, he said, were related to the Christmas rush and others were more than likely a response to the Connecticut shooting and concerns about the future availability of assault rifles.
Jim Jarrett,位于弗吉尼亚州里士满的爱国者服务中心的拥有者,报告说一股对各类枪支的需求浪潮出现在星期一。一些需求,他提到,和圣诞节来临有关;而其他的需求,则更倾向于是由康涅狄格州枪击案和对未来杀伤性枪支供应情况的担忧引起的。

Jason Zielinski shows a customer a selection of AR-15 style rifles at Freddie Bear Sports on Monday in Tinley Park, Ill.(Photo: Scott Olson, Getty Images)
Jason Zielinski展示了顾客在Freddie Bear运动中心选购AR-15型来复枪的情景,Freddie Bear运动中心位于伊利诺斯州的Tinley公园,时间是星期一。
Since the shooting, some federal lawmakers, including Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., have called for the reinstatement of the assault weapons ban that expired in 2004.
枪击案后,一些联邦的立法者,包括Sen. Dianne Feinstein,D-Calif.,已呼吁重启2004年废止的禁止杀伤性武器法案。
For the past five years, Jarrett estimated that business has increased by more than 70%, a reaction in part to what he described as "a perceived gun grab'' by the Obama administration that never materialized.
Obama did not push gun-control legislation in his first term and guns were not a major part of the recently completed election.
"There's plenty of money out there (for guns),'' Jarrett said. "You would never know we were coming off of a couple down years in the economy. February is usually our best time of year. That's when the (tax) refund checks come back.''
In Lubbock, Texas, Mike Blackwell, a salesman at Sharp Shooters, said the store was packed Monday evening. "We're busy as all get-out,'' he said, attributing the rush to Christmas sales and "some of it probably due to this recent (shooting) incident.''
在德克萨斯州的卢伯克市,Mike Blackwell,一位来自Sharp Shooters的商人,说道星期一晚上枪店里爆满的情况。“我们忙得像赶集似的”,他说,这得益于圣诞节的购物潮以及“部分与刚发生的枪击案有些联系”。
Well before Friday's school massacre in Connecticut, there were signs that gun sales were rising.
On Black Friday, firearms dealers swamped the FBI with a record number of required buyer background checks for a single day. The 154,873 calls represented a 20% increase from last year's previous one-day record, according to bureau records.
Though FBI background checks do not track actual gun sales -- in part because multiple firearms can be included in one transaction by a single buyer -- the checks have been an indicator of trends in gun sales.

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