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[已完成翻译] [Milkyway@Home]您可以帮助绘制银河系

发表于 2010-3-30 09:36:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
原载:iTWire - http://www.itwire.com/science-news/space/36847-you-can-help-map-the-milky-way-galaxy
标题:You can help map the Milky Way galaxy - 您可以帮助绘制银河系
作者:William Atkins
概要:Milkyway@Home 项目概况。


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发表于 2010-3-31 04:44:52 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 hawkwolf 于 2010-3-31 04:54 编辑

Thousands of volunteers with home computers from around the world are using Milkyway@Home to help create a three-dimensional model of the Milky Way galaxy. Would you like to join?


The Milkyway@Home website states, “The goal of Milkyway@Home is to use the BOINC platform to harness volunteered computing resources in creating a highly accurate three dimensional model of the Milky Way galaxy using data gathered by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.”

As a joint effort of the Department of Computer Science and the Department of Physics, Applied Physics and Astronomy, both at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, the project uses the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) platform.

如Milkyway@Home官方网站上所述的, “Milkyway@Home的目的是使用BOINC分布式计算平台,利用志愿者提供的计算资源处理由斯隆数字巡天望远镜收集的海量数据,来建立一个高精度的银河系3D模型。”

BOINC is an open-source software project that uses volunteer computing and grid computing.

It is widely recognized for its search program for signs of extraterrestrial life using the SETI@home project.

BOICN是一个开放源代码的、利用志愿者计算和网格计算的 软件工程。人们普遍了解的是它的SETI@home计划,一个搜寻地外智慧生命信号的程序。

According to the ScienceDaily.com article “Home Computers Around the World Unite to Map the Milky Way,” the Milkyway@Home project is the  “… fastest computing project on the BOINC platform and perhaps the second fastest public distributed computing program ever in operation (just behind Folding@home).”

If you decide to join the project to map the Milky Way in 3D, each new volunteer will agree to provide a certain small percentage of their computer’s operating power for making calculations to the Milkyway@Home project.

Thus, your computer will be used to collect data on a very tiny section of the Milky Way galaxy.

根据ScienceDaily.com上的文章所认为的, 集合了世界各地众多家用电脑闲置计算能力的Milkyway@Home项目,是在BOINC平台上最快的计算项目,可能在现有运行中的分布式计算计划里,它的运算速度排名第二(只小于使用自己运算平台的Folding@home)。如果您决定加入到这个测绘银河系生成3D模型的计划中来,每个新加入的志愿者要同意提供他们计算机处理能力的一小部分来用于Milkyway@Home项目的计算。这样,您的计算机会被用于收集银河系里一个微小区域的数据。

The Milkyway@Home project came about with the help of Dr. Heidi Newberg, an associate professor within the Department of Physics, Applied Physics, and Astronomy at Rensselaer.

Dr. Newberg states, "I was a researcher sitting in my office with a very big computational problem to solve and very little personal computational power or time at my fingertips." [ScienceDaily]

She adds, Working with the MilkyWay@Home platform, I now have the opportunity to use a massive computational resource that I simply could not have as a single faculty researcher, working on a single research problem." [ScienceDaily]

Dr. Newberg developed the Milkyway@Home in collaboration with Malik Magdon-Ismail and Boleslaw Szymanski, professors in the Department of Computer Science at Rensselaer, along with several Rensselaer students.

Dr. Newberg states, "Scientists always need additional computing power. The massive amounts of data out there make it so that no amount of computational power is ever enough.” [ScienceDaily]

Milkyway@Home的出现,得力于Dr. Heidi Newberg教授的努力, 她是伦斯勒理工学院 物理学、应用物理学、天文学系的副教授。
Dr.Newberg与Malik Magdon-Ismai和 Boleslaw Szymansk (两位伦斯勒理工学院计算机科学系的教授),以及众多伦斯勒理工学院的学生们一起,开发了Milkyway@Home这个项目。

Dr.Newberg指出, “我是一个坐在办公室里的科研人员,有海量的计算数据需要处理,但我手头上能得到的个人计算能力或计算时间却少得可怜。而利用MilkyWay@Home平台,现在我有机会使用那巨大的计算能力,一个我作为孤立的科研人员研究单一课题时无法想像的资源”,“科学家们总是需要额外的计算能力的。 海量的数据需要处理,这导致任何等级的计算能力都变得不够了。”

So, help out astronomers by donating a little bit of your computer to the Milkyway@Home project. You will be a part of a large astronomical project, one that will help us better understand the structure of our Milky Way galaxy, along with the overall shape and density of dark matter within the galaxy.

那么, 帮帮这些天文学家们吧,您只要贡献出自己电脑上一点点闲置计算能力给Milkyway@Home项目。您会成为一个庞大的天文学计划的一部分,一位能帮助我们更好的了解银河系的构成、整体形状、暗物质密度的志愿计算者。


参与人数 2基本分 +80 维基拼图 +65 收起 理由
BiscuiT + 80 + 40
霊烏路 空 + 25



使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-6-6 08:23:41 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-6-6 08:28:33 | 显示全部楼层
You can help map the Milky Way galaxy

Thousands of volunteers with home computers from around the world are using Milkyway@Home to help create a three-dimensional model of the Milky Way galaxy. Would you like to join?

The Milkyway@Home website states, “The goal of Milkyway@Home is to use the BOINC platform to harness volunteered computing resources in creating a highly accurate three dimensional model of the Milky Way galaxy using data gathered by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.”
如Milkyway@Home官方网站上所述的, “Milkyway@Home的目的是使用BOINC分布式计算平台,利用志愿者提供的计算资源处理由斯隆数字巡天望远镜收集的海量数据,来建立一个高精度的银河系3D模型。”

As a joint effort of the Department of Computer Science and the Department of Physics, Applied Physics and Astronomy, both at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, the project uses the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) platform.

BOINC is an open-source software project that uses volunteer computing and grid computing.
BOICN是一个开放源代码的、利用志愿者计算和网格计算的 软件工程。

It is widely recognized for its search program for signs of extraterrestrial life using the SETI@home project.

According to the ScienceDaily.com article “Home Computers Around the World Unite to Map the Milky Way,” the Milkyway@Home project is the  “… fastest computing project on the BOINC platform and perhaps the second fastest public distributed computing program ever in operation (just behind Folding@home).”
根据ScienceDaily.com上的文章所认为的, 集合了世界各地众多家用电脑闲置计算能力的Milkyway@Home项目,是在BOINC平台上最快的计算项目,可能在现有运行中的分布式计算计划里,它的运算速度排名第二(只小于使用自己运算平台的Folding@home)。

If you decide to join the project to map the Milky Way in 3D, each new volunteer will agree to provide a certain small percentage of their computer’s operating power for making calculations to the Milkyway@Home project.

Thus, your computer will be used to collect data on a very tiny section of the Milky Way galaxy.

The Milkyway@Home project came about with the help of Dr. Heidi Newberg, an associate professor within the Department of Physics, Applied Physics, and Astronomy at Rensselaer.
Milkyway@Home的出现,得力于Dr. Heidi Newberg教授的努力, 她是伦斯勒理工学院 物理学、应用物理学、天文学系的副教授。
【注】海蒂•乔•纽伯格(Heidi Jo Newberg)博士,项目主要人员参见

http://www.equn.com/forum/forum. ... 2977&pid=435362

Dr. Newberg states, "I was a researcher sitting in my office with a very big computational problem to solve and very little personal computational power or time at my fingertips." [ScienceDaily]
Dr.Newberg指出, “我是一个坐在办公室里的科研人员,有海量的计算数据需要处理,但我手头上能得到的个人计算能力或计算时间却少得可怜。”

She adds, Working with the MilkyWay@Home platform, I now have the opportunity to use a massive computational resource that I simply could not have as a single faculty researcher, working on a single research problem." [ScienceDaily]

Dr. Newberg developed the Milkyway@Home in collaboration with Malik Magdon-Ismail and Boleslaw Szymanski, professors in the Department of Computer Science at Rensselaer, along with several Rensselaer students.
Dr.Newberg与Malik Magdon-Ismai和 Boleslaw Szymansk (两位伦斯勒理工学院计算机科学系的教授),以及众多伦斯勒理工学院的学生们一起,开发了Milkyway@Home这个项目。

Dr. Newberg states, "Scientists always need additional computing power. The massive amounts of data out there make it so that no amount of computational power is ever enough.” [ScienceDaily]
纽伯格博士说:“科学家们总是需要额外的计算能力的。 海量的数据需要处理,这导致任何等级的计算能力都变得不够了。”

So, help out astronomers by donating a little bit of your computer to the Milkyway@Home project. You will be a part of a large astronomical project, one that will help us better understand the structure of our Milky Way galaxy, along with the overall shape and density of dark matter within the galaxy.


参与人数 1维基拼图 +5 收起 理由
昂宿星团人 + 5



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发表于 2013-6-6 09:12:48 | 显示全部楼层

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